Yahoo starts Mash. Why did they choose this name? What will happen to Yahoo360. Will Yahoo ever get it together? Yahoo also buys a citizens journalist site. Microsoft sues typo squatter. Prince irked about YouTube videos. Going to sue. New flash memory standard coming.

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  1. Cinaedh says:

    Over the past several years I’ve never been able to figure out what Yahoo360 is or what it does, so I don’t know if it would even be possible to merge Yahoo360 into their new frotteur network. If it’s possible, perhaps that’s what they plan to do?

  2. The Don says:

    Give over…

    That sound in the background is not a bubbling cauldron, it is the lame screensaver from Windows 95/98 called “underwater”. It was rubbish then, and is rubbish now.

    ‘Masher’ = someone who rubs himself up against women? – I had never heard of that before, but I am in the UK where people ‘mash’ (make) the tea, or ‘mash’ the potatoes.

    Keep up the good work (and lose the bad)

    still listening (to the crappy sounds) :-))

  3. Glenn E says:

    Yes, I’ve discussed Prince with everyone, and they all find him disgusting.
    Like that one? I stole it from the MASH tv series. Which has nothing to do with Yahoo’s Mash. But what a weird coincidence, eh? This sort of thing has been happening to me lately. And I’m lovin it!!

    BTW, Mash also refers to a kind of love letter. Here’s other meanings.

    Is Yahoo’s “Mash” supposed to be anything like M$ Zune’s “Welcome to the Social” idea? Who thinks these things up? Some old gents on the board of directors? Sounds almost late 19th century. Social.


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