So, let me get this straight. A handful of years ago, France was the devil because they opposed war in Iraq resulting in True Americans (TM) renaming French fries to Freedom Fries. Now, France is all gung ho to buddy up with us and go to war. Does that mean that the backwoods fashion runways will have all the good ‘ol boys sporting French flag wife beaters and attaching croaking plastic frogs to their baseball caps?

Iran scorns French warning of war

A warning by France’s foreign minister that the world should prepare for war over Iran’s nuclear programme has drawn a furious response in Iranian media.

France was aping the US and its new president had “taken on American skin”, the official Iranian news agency said.

On Sunday Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said: “We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war.”

Iranian official media responded with contempt.

“The occupants of the Elysee (the French presidential palace) have become the executors of the will of the White House and have adopted a tone that is even harder, even more inflammatory and more illogical than that of Washington,” it said.

The accepted wisdom in Iran is that the US is too wrapped up in Iraq and Afghanistan to launch another war in the region, says the BBC’s Jon Leyne in the capital, Tehran.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mr. Mustard, you just described the Clinton administration to a tee!

    Aw, come on, Robbie. So the guy poked a chubby intern with his Havana cigar (which of course put the sexually repressed yet deviant Neocon Right Wing into a spittle-fleced frenzy). Other than that, he was the best President we’ve had in a long time. And now his legacy will continue with the little missus. Thank goodness the little missus is his legacy; not the failure, deceit, subterfuge, war profiteering, and complete moral breakdown of the reign of Little King George.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Scott, what’s your objection to Enes’ comments?

    I think he objects to mean things being said about members of a religious group 🙂 😉 🙂

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 – And you liberals talk about the right being bigoted.

    I actually talk about bigots being bigoted, which I realize is tautological, but I find bigotry definitely leans right. Along the way, I often discover that bigotry and stupidity walks hand in hand, and since stupid is its own reward, I don’t loose sleep over offending some slack-jawed redneck’s delicate emotional psyche. Especially if the comment that produced the accusation of bigotry contains references to “backwoods fashion runways” and “French flag wife beaters”.

    That’s pretty tame stuff. Hardly the sort of hate speech that rises to the level of “burn the Jews”, “God hates fags”, or “let’s hang us some negros.”

    I grew up in redneck America with a predominately redneck family, so I don’t think I’ll loose too much sleep over being accused of bigotry toward rednecks.

    Some people hate others over race, religion, politics, etc…

    Liberals tend to hate people for being hateful… which is a problematic position, I readily admit. I’m intolerant of intolerance. Yeah… I know… That teeters me dangerously close to the Abyss of Hypocrisy… Yet, I sleep easy at night.

    #26 – . I originally came here to read Dvorak, but I seldom get any around here. What has happened?

    Dvorak has a day job.

    #29 – “Cowardly, dishonest, immoral chickenhawks?”
    Mr. Mustard, you just described the Clinton administration

    A guy gets one blow job and the Prude Patrol never shuts up. The Clinton Administration was many things… but those words were not some of those things.

    #30 – I know, its difficult for the people at the Fox Editorial desk to understand….

    The litany of things that are difficult for the people at the Fox Editorial desk to understand would fill quite a few libraries.

  4. Glenn E says:

    This (or these) war is becoming more and more like the war in Vietnam and Cambodia. Weren’t we envolved in that invasion, partly to protect France’s colonial interests? And perhaps the same with the Korean war.

    And now it’s “Bush Goes To Iran”. That’s a reference to the novel “MASH Goes To Paris”. Hey, that a double entendre of some kind, ain’t it?!

  5. #35 – MM,

    Actually, Grey Poupon, I would not have been at all upset by anyone criticizing the stupidity of any mythology. But, since the fucktard was talking about “Jewish blood”, he was clearly talking about Jewish as a race rather than Jewish as a religion. It’s kind of like the wave particle duality of light … unless it isn’t.

    Either way though, Enes was clearly thinking race, as if Jewish blood is in some way different than the blood coursing through his/her own veins. That is racist. It is bigotry. And, it does make him as much a neo-something else as much as neo-con. I can’t say what though for fear of invoking Godwin’s Law. Or, does the hint count?

  6. Joe says:


    Ahhhh. So, pretty much anyone who isn’t a liberal is a bigot but if you’re a liberal you can *sorta* be a bigot but it’s ok because it’s kinda justified?

    And by labeling anyone who’s not a liberal a bigot you may be stereotyping millions of people but it’s all cool since you grew up in redneck country??

    That’s good stuff.

    I laughed out loud when I read the part about liberals only hating people for being hateful. Where I grew up (northeast), the most racist people around were union democrats. On most issues, these people were very liberal but they hated Blacks, Jews, gays or pretty much anyone NOT like them.

    I always believed their bigotry had a lot more to do with their level of education than politics since most of the better educated people in town were Republicans and none of them talked like that, even behind closed doors. I was, of course, aware of the big media propaganda on this issue but I discounted it since it didn’t seem to coincide with what I was actually seeing.

    Have you considered that maybe your view of the world is bit over-simplified? I mean, I could just as easily have said “Gee, these people are all bigots, they all vote Democrat, therefore all Democrats must be bigots”. Fortunately, I had the common sense to know that while it might make me *feel* good to believe that, it still wouldn’t make it the truth.

    Maybe you should try looking just a little beyond the circumstances in the “redneck community” you grew up in.

  7. Glenn E says:

    Then again, the French might now be on the US side of this war for a whole nuther reason. I just came across this timely Wikipedia item that didn’t make the news.

    Seems the French government wants to extradite Noriega for crimes perpetrated there (or so they claim). And just last month (Aug 28), a federal judge in Miami, Florida refused to block the French request. Probably a Fed Judge that outgoing Attorney General Alberto Gonzales hadn’t fired or had replaced (now we know why). So the
    US federal court may have made a trade with the French government, in turn for their support of an Iranian war. If true, isn’t THAT pathetic?

    Call Drew Carey, I think “The Price Is Right” should sue for copyright enfringement.

  8. Rakiah says:

    I can tall you why…Sarkozy is a American patsy. And a lush:

  9. Enes says:

    Sorry I mean the Zionist Jew not a Jew from a religion perspective.I believe the Zionist Jew are the one that want war against Iran.There was a former UN Iraqi nuclear inspector that said something like this “War in Iran, is a war made in Israel.”


  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>since the fucktard was talking about “Jewish blood”, he was
    >>clearly talking about Jewish as a race rather than Jewish as
    >>a religion

    There’s no difference, Scottie. Sorry. They’re part and parcel of the same thing.

  11. #44 – MM,

    Sorry Mustard, you would be correct in a perfect world, but are not in this one. The difference comes from people harassing, beating, killing, and otherwise hurting people because their parents are Jewish. That cannot be changed by the simple fact of being an atheist, nor even by conversion to another flavor of Zoroastrianism or to some truly different religion.

    (semi-related joke)
    A Jew moves into a neighborhood of Catholics and likes to barbecue on Fridays. The Catholics are upset by this. The smell of the meat tempts them. After some amount of time, they succeed in converting the Jew to Catholicism. They explain very carefully about the restriction against meat on Friday. At the conversion, the priest sprinkles holy water on the new Catholic saying “Born a Jew; raised a Jew; now a Catholic.”

    On Friday, the Catholics are upset again by the new Catholic barbecuing meat. They come to his yard to explain again about the restriction against meat on Fridays. When they come into the yard, the new Catholic is there with water standing over the barbecue and sprinkling water on the beef saying, “Born a cow; raised a cow; now a fish.”

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #39 – Ahhhh. So, pretty much anyone who isn’t a liberal is a bigot but if you’re a liberal you can *sorta* be a bigot but it’s ok because it’s kinda justified?

    Read what I said and not what you wish I had said, because I never said that.

    I did say bigotry tends to lean right… and it does.

    That’s all I said. Extrapolate what you will, but that’s your agenda and your axe to grind. Not mine.

    And by the way… Union Democrat and Liberal are two different things.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The difference comes from people harassing, beating, killing,
    >>and otherwise hurting people because their parents are Jewish.

    Sorry Scottie, but it’s YOU who is mistaken. Far be it from me to ever encourage the harassment of or harm to people because of their religious beliefs (Lord knows I’ve been subjected to enough of it myself), but people who identify themselves as “Jews” are swallowing the whole enchilada. Unless they’re Jews For Jesus or atheists. I know plenty of Jews who don’t seem to give a flying fuck about G-d, but who nevertheless maintain the whole Sabbath/ Bar-Bat Mitzvah/ Kosher kitchen/ Yom Kippur/ Rosh Hashanah/ Hannukah thing.

    And in my book, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah are religious, not racial.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #47 – Lord knows I’ve been subjected to enough of it myself

    When, how, and where?

    Just curious…

  15. #47 – MM,

    Absolutely right. All of those things are religious. However, there are people who are harassed as Jews despite not following any of these things. People hate Jews even when they’re not Jews by religion. I promise. It exists even in the most liberal parts of the country. It exists even in the area of the country that has the highest percentage of Jews.

  16. Greg Allen says:


    I vaguely remember that, too. All I’m saying is that this is only surprising if you listened to the nonsense about France by goofballs like Bill O’Reilly.

    This France-bashing was part of a absurd demagoguery campaign against ANYONE who didn’t toe-the-line on the Iraq invasion.

    Remember that embarrassing collective emotional outburst against the Dixie Chicks?

    The conservatives bullied and browbeat us to get their war even though we warned them off this debacle. Now those same bullies are trying to blame us for this disastrous mess they made!


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