So, let me get this straight. A handful of years ago, France was the devil because they opposed war in Iraq resulting in True Americans (TM) renaming French fries to Freedom Fries. Now, France is all gung ho to buddy up with us and go to war. Does that mean that the backwoods fashion runways will have all the good ‘ol boys sporting French flag wife beaters and attaching croaking plastic frogs to their baseball caps?

Iran scorns French warning of war

A warning by France’s foreign minister that the world should prepare for war over Iran’s nuclear programme has drawn a furious response in Iranian media.

France was aping the US and its new president had “taken on American skin”, the official Iranian news agency said.

On Sunday Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said: “We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war.”

Iranian official media responded with contempt.

“The occupants of the Elysee (the French presidential palace) have become the executors of the will of the White House and have adopted a tone that is even harder, even more inflammatory and more illogical than that of Washington,” it said.

The accepted wisdom in Iran is that the US is too wrapped up in Iraq and Afghanistan to launch another war in the region, says the BBC’s Jon Leyne in the capital, Tehran.

  1. Bob says:

    “Does that mean that the backwoods fashion runways will have all the good ‘ol boys sporting French flag wife beaters and attaching croaking plastic frogs to their baseball caps?”

    And you liberals talk about the right being bigoted.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And you liberals talk about the right being bigoted.

    Aww. A spot-on comment or two about redneck couture is “bigotry”? Sheesh. Grow a thicker skin. At least he didn’t say they were going to be squealing like pigs.

  3. Mark Derail says:

    You guys should know that it’s ONLY Americans that call them French fries. Why is that? Ignorance?

    UK / Australia – Chips
    Europe – “frites” = “fries”
    English Canada – Fries (McCain Super Fries)
    Quebec – Patates frites, main ingredient to Poutine
    – that now come in many different flavors
    – Traditional (brown gravy sauce), BBQ, Spicy Italian
    – Ashton in Quebec City
    – Lafleur’s in Montreal

  4. bobbo says:

    There is a certain irony in the religious nut ball leader of a country relying on the sanity of another religious nut ball leader of a country. (You do the sorting!)

  5. grog says:

    #1 good point, bigotry against rednecks is bad

    all better?

    now then, we’re talking about a military invasion of foreign country in which tens of thousands of people will die — FOCUS PEOPLE, FOCUS!

    iran is not going to back down, and war is going break out, so can we stop the name-calling and focus on the fact that we’re going to war AGAIN?

  6. MikeN says:

    The last French president suggested nuking Iran.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You guys should know that it’s ONLY Americans that call
    >>them French fries. Why is that? Ignorance?

    Maybe Americans are smarter than you thought, Derailleur. “To fry” in English can mean deep frying, stir frying, pan frying, etc., while the french word “frire” (past particple “frite”, as in “pommes de terre frites”) ONLY means deep frying (as French fries are cooked). Inasmuch as French fries were “invented” in the French-speaking part of Belgium, it all seems pretty orderly to me.

    As to the Australian/ UK “chips”, they are cut differently than French fries, hence, they are a different preparation warranting a different name.

  8. Proud Alien says:

    In Russia, these potatoes are called “potatoes fris”, which originated from “pommes fris”. Sounds pretty French to me 🙂

  9. Whit says:

    we’re talking about a military invasion of foreign country in which tens of thousands of people will die — FOCUS PEOPLE, FOCUS!

    So they want to blow Israel off the face of the map.

  10. GigG says:

    This just means Germany got more contracts from Iran than the French.

  11. Li says:

    The consequences of an attack on Iran would be devastating for all sides, and pretty inconvenient for everyone else as well.

  12. RTaylor says:

    This is simple. The French are looking after French interests. It wasn’t in their interest to invade Iraq. It is in their interest to keep the power base from shifting to a militant Islamic state with nuclear teeth. No one wants Israel to do pull a nuclear first strike on Iran. They will not be held hostage by a nuclear Iran, and tactical nucs is the only way they can achieve this. They do not have the air assets the US and a combined European strike would have. I’m not sure we could destroy the Iranian nuclear program with conventional bunker busters, but at least massive air strikes has a chance. This will happen, I just hope they get it right and not throw clouds of Plutonium dust in the air.

  13. grog says:

    #10 precisely my point, this is no time to worry about what we call it when we fry potatoes, or whether or not we like the french, or whether or not rednecks are offended by derisive comments about their culture.

    we’re talking about another war.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>we’re talking about another war.

    Dick Cheney is drooling like a starved dog being shown a plateful of red meat.

  15. Perhaps no one noticed this about the French, but they were right about not going to war in Iraq. They also have a long history of friendly relations with the U.S., literally starting at the beginning by helping us with our revolution.

    Anyone ever see Le Liberte’ in New York Harbor? She was a gift from the French. The innards were even designed by a guy that later designed a little tower in Paris, Monsieur Eiffel.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    It’s only “Bizarro World” if you listen to the idiot conservative media talking points about France.

    We in the real world (who listen to reality-based media), know that there are hawkish conservatives in France, too, and Nicolas Sarkozy is a right winger.

    Only the dummies who take Hannity/O’Reilly/Limbaugh seriously are surprised by this.

  17. #15 – MM,

    Dick Cheney is drooling like a starved dog being shown a plateful of red meat.


    Dick Cheney is drooling like a well fattened dog being shown a plateful of red meat and preparing to eat ’til he explodes, even if the meat is still alive and kicking.

  18. Redneck Jeff says:

    Figures, I switch to Aussie wine and now this.

  19. DaveW says:

    I said it before and I will say it again. Where’s the neutron bomb when you need it? I recommend a liberal (pardon the expression) application upon the entire Middle East, including Israel. I mean honestly, besides the oil, what good is any of it?

    Plus, it will serve my prime directive which is to “Reduce the Surplus Population”.

    We could even play Wagner while the bombs drop 🙂

    Oh, and when I was a kid, some folks insisted on calling them “French Fried Potatoes”. These days everyone just calls them “fries”.

  20. RBG says:

    I would have guessed “French fried potatoes” originated from the French word that describes how the vegetable is cut: julienne.

    Any country should be allowed, out of fairness, to develop any weapons they like, including nuclear and then position themselves all around the outside of US soverign borders in international waters – as long as they don’t touch the US. Or not.

    Used to play a similar game with my younger brother and we drove each other nuts – as you can tell.


  21. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #3 – I call ’em “damn tasty side dish”.

    #12 – …but the mushroom clouds would make entertaining television. I hope the film our launch in HD.

  22. Mike Voice says:

    #1 And you liberals talk about the right being bigoted.

    I hope you are complaining to Jeff Foxworthy & the Blue Collar comedy tour, as well.

    Yep, only rednecks can make redneck jokes, just like only blacks can use the n-word.

    I can’t say the titles of a few Richard Prior albums in public, because they include the n-word.

    I can’t repeat anything Chris Rock says in his comedy routine about black people & n—–s.

    And I have to laugh every-time I hear the “clean” version of Kanye West’s Gold Digger song on the radio…

    Now, I ain’t saying she’s a gold-digger, but I don’t see her messin’ wit no broke [empty space for word that rhymes with ‘digger’] .”

    So, how many times does everyone listening to the “clean” version of that song “fill-in the blank” in their mind??

    How insidious is that? All the kids listening to that song are mentally using the n-word about 15-times – multiplied by the number of times they have, and will, hear that song?

  23. Rob Walley says:

    It’s not that I disagree with the political position of this writer (Uncle Dave) but I do object to his mean spirited and often cruel depiction of conservatives in general. It has become a tired and pointless soapbox for his viewpoint and name calling. I originally came here to read Dvorak, but I seldom get any around here. What has happened?

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Dick Cheney is drooling like a well fattened dog being shown a
    >>plateful of red meat and preparing to eat ’til he explodes, even
    >>if the meat is still alive and kicking.

    Thank you for the correction, Scottie. Point noted. After all those heart attacks, you’d think he might consider going on a diet. Although I guess war profiteering is a low-cholesterol snack.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I do object to his mean spirited and often cruel depiction
    >>of conservatives in general.

    Not of conservatives, Mr. Walley. NEOCONS. You know, the cowardly, dishonest, immoral, chickenhawks who have taken over the US for the past 6 years?

    To the ordinary citizen, a simple objective description of what they’ve been up to would have to seem “mean spirited and cruel”. Because that’s just what they are. Not to mention cowardly, dishonest, and immmoral. Oh, did I mention chickenhawks?

  26. Rob Walley says:

    “Cowardly, dishonest, immoral chickenhawks?”
    Mr. Mustard, you just described the Clinton administration to a tee! Do all presidential administrations hack you or is there a statute of limitations?

  27. Ben Waymark says:

    On a technical point, which has already been hinted at, French Fries (little strips of potatoes deep fried) are called French Fries in the UK. Chips are proper big pieces of deep fried potatoes (as usually served with fish).

    As for France being for, or against, the United States, its a funny thing with international opinion. Outside of Canada and the UK, countries agree sometimes with US (and each other’s) foreign policy and at other times disagree with it. Just because a country disagrees with your foreign policy, doesn’t mean they hate you or they will always disagree with you. It just means they have a different opinion.

    I know, its difficult for the people at the Fox Editorial desk to understand….

  28. Enes says:

    From the beginning I told myself if Sarkozy win the election, then France will support the war against Iran. So no surprise. Any leader with a Jewish blood is going to support the war against Iran.


  29. #31 – Enes,

    Would you mind if I asked you to take your bigoted views elsewhere? There are intelligent people here trying to have a conversation.


    (Damn fucktards everywhere.)

  30. MikeN says:

    Scott, what’s your objection to Enes’ comments? That’s exactly the same logic that brings out the word neo-con.


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