Looks like it might be pretty funny.

  1. MacBandit says:

    Well I guess blogs change over time. This one is becoming more an more like Gizmodo and every other blog. No longer is about obscure but interesting news items it’s just any sort of crap that blows this way.

  2. Joe Dirt says:

    Agreed, would be nice if Dvorak booted half the editors and returned to his roots.

  3. craig says:

    not to mention that the movie doesn’t look funny at all.

  4. Rich says:

    That was fun! When I see it on DVD it’ll be my first Billy Bob Thornton movie. I can’t wait.

  5. DavidtheDuke says:

    Dvorak, take ten laps

  6. GregA says:

    Wow Macintosh users complaining? Shocking…

    So in my efforts to be positive I offer this politically correct story instead.

    Beaners is changing their name because it seems their name is a racial pejorative. While racial pejoratives against white people remain OK… See Cracker Barrel.


  7. #1: It can’t all be gold, plus its Sunday, which means John is half way thru a case of budweiser watching football.

    #3: Sean Williams Scott is a kiss of death, but Billy Bob Thorton plays a great a-hole. See (with your kids): Bad Santa.

    #4: The first without your mommy? Aw thats precious.

  8. jbenson2 says:

    Pretty funny? NOT!

    The trailer sucks.

    Dvorak must be getting a kickback from the movies. It bombed at the theaters this week.

  9. bac says:

    I am waiting for Leo’s Don’t Pick on Dvorak video.

  10. MacBandit says:

    I miss when this was John’s blog. That’s saying a lot since I don’t necessarily like John but He does frequently have a point.

  11. Slappy says:

    I’m giddy, I can’t wait for the next youtube video.

  12. fistful says:

    still slow like summertime guys maybe it will pick up soon.

  13. Axtell says:

    This movie looks incredibly predictable…guy has major problems, they reconcile after earning each other’s respect, happy ending. Lots of lame unfunny physical comedy in the middle.

    And exactly why is there a 5 minute preview of a movie on a tech site?

  14. bobbo says:

    This is EXACTLY why I hate hollywood films. NO WAY some old guy like Billy Bob could get a babe like Susan Surrandan. She’d have to be NUTS AND WHACKO to be interested in him!!!!

  15. Ed says:

    I saw the movie yesterday, not so good… )=

  16. mark says:

    Man you guys are brutal.

  17. Mark T. says:

    I would rather have my testicles removed by a Rotweiller then pay to see this movie. It looks excruciatingly unfunny.

    Who, exactly, is the intended demographic for this flick? Who wants to see kids being tortured by an a-hole gym instructor? Is the total U.S. population of “Nelsons” large enough to make a profit for this movie?


  18. Micromike says:

    I had a sadistic coach like that in high school. He liked to have sex with high school girls and got booted from 2 schools for it. Then he picked the same girl as his principal in Arizona and ended up murdering the guy over the girl. Now he is in prison for life and that is the happy ending.

    I won’t watch this movie.

  19. Joshua says:

    I gave it a watch because it was posted on here and thought it must be different than the hollywood formula movie I think it is. Wrong, it’s what i thought it would be, generic.


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