American and French media are taking a second look at the work of a so-called terrorism expert who faked his academic credentials – and entire interviews with some of the world’s most prominent figures.

For six years Alexis Debat, who falsely claimed to have earned a PhD at the Sorbonne and worked as an adviser to the French defence ministry, operated as an expert on national security in the world of Washington thinktanks, US network television and French intellectual journals.

He was a consultant to ABC television, which sent him on trips to Pakistan, Iraq and Iran to guide their coverage on al-Qaida; a senior fellow on terrorism at the conservative thinktank the Nixon Centre; and a regular contributor to the magazine National Interest, whose honorary chairman is Henry Kissinger.

Mr Debat not only lacked the credentials he claimed, he fabricated interviews with such figures as the UN secretary general Kofi Annan, Microsoft’s chairman Bill Gates, New York’s mayor Michael Bloomberg, the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan, and Democrat presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

The UN pointed out this nutjob was a liar in 2005 – after his non-interview with Kofi Annan. It took everyone else 2 more years to catch on?

  1. MikeN says:

    Isn’t this the same guy who said war with Iran is on a few weeks ago?

  2. John says:

    A consultant for CBS – Another classic example of the liberal left Mass Media lax investigative practices.

    If it is “too good to be true”, or just too politically correct to be true, take it with a grain of salt – several grains if from The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The New Republic, NPR, CNN or Reuters.

    Here are just a few examples: Scott Beauchamp, Jayson Blair, Dan Rather, Mary Mapes, Eason Jordan, Stephen Glass, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Mark Halperin, Jesse MacBeth, Eric Slater, Nina Totenberg.

    All these “reporters” were caught with their hands in the “biased cookie jar”.

  3. ChrisMac says:

    So basically.. He’s like Stephen Colbert?

  4. Jägermeister says:


    And Fox News will soon broadcast another special report on that Iraq did have WMD, so GWB’s war was justified.

  5. moss says:

    #2 – John – did you actually read the article before mouthing off?

    1. He was on the payroll for ABC. Their conservative voice.

    2. He was on the staff of the Nixon Centre!

    3. He was a paid flack for the right-wing National Interest magazine.

    This dipshit was an “otherwise reliable” source of conservative analysis. Just as reliable as the rest of your favorite war-lovers.

  6. moss says:

    #1 – day-to-day, Debat’s task appears to have been organizing support for invading Iran.

    There are tinfoil hats who think he was fronting for the CIA. I disagree for 2 reasons: 1st, while the NSA and neocon nutcases might be in a hurry to invade Iran, the CIA knows better. 2nd, the CIA can afford to buy someone with reputable credentials to front for them.

    All the way back to Arthur Schlesinger the Little.

  7. ECA says:

    Ok, ya, Uh-huh…Ok….

    And who was supposed to look up his credentials and work history?

  8. JimR says:

    The whole fricken world is run by morans and incompetence.

  9. John says:

    #5 Moss – He was on the payroll for ABC. Their conservative voice.

    ABC does not have a conservative voice.

  10. tallwookie says:

    the only “terrorism experts” out there are the ones who practice terrorism for a living…

  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    This guy lacked the credentials to perform his duty, sounds to me like the average Republican appointee.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>ABC does not have a conservative voice.

    I knew you were hiding here somewhere, Rush!


  13. Milo says:

    Yeah John he was employed by that bastion of left wing propaganda the NIXON CENTER!

    But keep going, you may convince yourself you’re not an idiot.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    As a person who has lived immersed in Muslim culture, I can tell you that much of what many American “experts” say is just plain nonsense. The worst, of course, are the “Foxperts.”

  15. Shaggy says:

    College… meh…

    I’ve found many college graduates to be utter morons. Formal education makes a difference for some people, but if this guy passed himself off as knowledgeable for so long, perhaps it’s because he has the knowledge without the college?

    Of course, natural genius, and the ability to find books outside of a school is unheard-of…

  16. Matt says:

    I half admire the guy. I know too many people who complain about how hard they work at their job and they think that that somehow qualifies them for a raise or a promotion.

    This is a guy who understands how everything really works. He wanted to be a terrorism expert, and he wasn’t afraid to lie or screw over a few people to get what he wanted. He’s a genius! I think it’s time for me to go ‘update’ my resume.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, John,

    I went through your list name by name. For the life of me I have no idea why you included most of these names. Most have been accused of bias by the right wing nut, but lack any veracity. It appears your list is composed of true journalists that haven’t been swayed by the NEWS CORP bullcrap.


    Scott Beauchamp, Assertions confirmed by fellow soldiers who had been present. Assertions questioned by Pentagon and right wing publications who so happened to have never been there. Also censored by Army.

    Jayson Blair, Fired with an apology from the NYT. Invented human interest stories. There has not been any bias shown in his stories.

    Stephen Glass, Fired by his employers who apologized to readers. He also invented human interest stories. There has not been any bias shown in his stories.

    Mark Halperin, Don’t why he made the list. A highly respected and honest man.

    Eason Jordon, Proved to be correct in his assertions. Pilloried by the right wing nut media for reporting facts embarrassing to them.

    Doris Kearns Goodwin, Plagiarized some writing early in career. Highly praised for writing ability.

    Mary Mapes, Railroaded by a biased “report” by CBS. Sacrificed to appease conservative elements. Winner of several awards including the Peabody for Journalistic Excellence. Settled out of court for sizable sum.

    Jesse MacBeth, A crackpot, delusional failure. Similar to Alexis Debat.

    Dan Rather, Highly acclaimed reporter and newsman. Many journalism awards. One of the best who’s reporting of a TRUE event was smeared by Bush defenders in denial.

    Eric Slater, Who is he?

    Nina Tottenberg, One of the best journalists in Washington. Many journalism awards including the Peabody and Polk. Highly respected for professionalism and integrity.

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I went through your list name by name. For the life of me I have
    >>no idea why you included most of these names.

    Smear campaign. Not unlike the SwiftBoat Liars For Bush. If they just SAY something, no matter how untrue, some nimrods will believe them. How do you think Little King Georgie got “elected” (using the term loosely) in the first place?

  19. MikeN says:

    I think with Eason Jordan, he is referring to his admission that he biased the news in Iraq. For example, he had been told of Saddam’s son’s pulling out a man’s teeth, and one person told him in person that he would kill Saddam’s son in law when he came back to Iraq. Jordan kept quiet about it, and the guy died.

  20. Slappy says:

    I guess the irony is the guys with credentials are still morons.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong… But the Sorbonne is the sort of place staffed by people who are likely to watch and read the news. So if you hold a visible position in the media and claim to have PhD from The Sorbonne, how do you think you won’t get caught? 🙂

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – Moron

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, MikeN

    Not reporting something is different than being biased. I know you think FOX Spews is “Fair and Balanced”. So if they don’t report that some kid in New Jersey died from leukemia because his parents didn’t have health insurance, would that count as being biased?


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