
Here’s a dream-come-true for Web addicts: college credit for watching YouTube. Pitzer College this fall began offering what may be the first course about the video-sharing site. About 35 students meet in a classroom but work mostly online, where they view YouTube content and post their comments.

Class lessons also are posted and students are encouraged to post videos. One class member, for instance, posted a 1:36-minute video of himself juggling.

I’ve got my YouTube diploma framed on the wall.

  1. Cinaedh says:

    What a great idea for all the athletes. They can schedule it right after basket weaving. 🙂

  2. BubbaRay says:

    After graduating from “The Church Of The Presumptuous Assumption Of The Blinding Light” correspondence school with a degree in BS (or was that a BS degree), I just can’t bring myself to enroll 😆

  3. Dauragon88 says:

    Thats not nearly as awesome as the Rubix Cube classes back in the 80’s

  4. framitz says:

    A 21st century version of underwater basket weaving for morons and dopers looking for some easy credits.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I’d be very interested in a hybrid sociological/technological class on You Tube and Social networking sites, their technology, and their growing cultural importance… But this class appears to be, as others have said, modern day underwater basket weaving.

    That’s a shame.

  6. Charbax says:

    Why not, you could have an assignment of posting a video on youtube and have at least 10 thousand viewers. One day, there will be good money in posting good videos on Youtube, and probably also in finding good Youtube videos.


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