Associated Press – September 12, 2007 – COLUMBUS, Ohio – A defendant brought to court in a wheelchair began kicking his court-appointed lawyer and had to be subdued with a stun gun.

One deputy was accidentally shocked by the Taser and recoiled during Tuesday’s scuffle with Wendell Hollingsworth, 43. The defense attorney was treated for a cut on the hand.

During Hollingsworth’s sentencing in a 1992 robbery case, public defender David Bodiker said he turned to talk to Hollingsworth’s mother when his client punched him, opening a wound that needed eight stitches.

  1. GigG says:

    So for the second time this ass-wipe has attacked his lawyer in court. This time a deputy had to help subdue him.

  2. morbo says:

    tazered/tasered or tazed/tased?

    Great brand name for that product. It sticks.

  3. BertDawg says:

    The film of the incident was on CNN, and leaves ME wondering why the defendant was in a wheelchair in the first place, as he was kicking pretty hard with both feet, the second he got within range. It seemed like it might have been a short-lived ploy for sympathy. At any rate, the judge was not amused by his behavior. Any inclination toward sympathy was quickly displaced. Idjit.

  4. zn2336 says:

    The American judicial system of professional legal representation in open court, physical violence against lawyers and discharging weapons against defendants, are models of efficiency which we must all follow.

  5. doug says:

    court-appointed attorneys have enough to deal with – they don’t need to put up with this crap.

  6. Raff says:

    Just out of curiosity.. Is this guy missing a leg? It seems like if you can kick with any sort of force, you could also walk. Unless your missing a leg..

  7. Robert Lindsay says:

    My understanding is the man had bad back,that’s why the “wheelchair”.
    Never a dull moment in Columbus, Ohio I live in Whitehall ,next too Columbus.

  8. PcMonster says:

    #6 “It seems like if you can kick with any sort of force, you could also walk. Unless your missing a leg”

    That’s not necessarily true. The main muscles you need to stand upright are located in your butt (the Gluteous maximus, and the Glutious medious). There are also a few others needed and that’s just to stand! That’s not to mention the many other muscles you need in order to ambulate.
    The only muscles you really need to be able to kick are your quadriceps and maybe your hip flexors.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Cripple fights are more entertaining than bum fights.

  10. hhopper says:

    This guy was a supreme asshole. He was in a wheelchair for show only. It’s a shame this is even a news story. This crap happens all the time in court.

  11. NappyHeadedHo says:

    There are lot of lawyers that need to be kicked.

  12. GigG says:

    #11 While I would never disagree with that there are also lots of assholes that need to be Tazed.

  13. hhopper says:

    So many assholes, so few Tasers.


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