Kind of a Catch-22 for the store. Let her walk out with the kid only to find she was the one stealing the baby, or have this happen. On the other hand, if someone actually was stealing a child, would they really go through the checkout line? I guess $9/hr doesn’t buy a lot of common sense.

Note, this is from a MySpace page which is blocked by some nanny programs.

I get to the check out and start feeling quite uneasy because the cashier is staring at Ava the whole time as she is scanning my items. In fact several times she had to scan them more than once because she was so preoccupied with Ava. She then excuses herself before giving me my total and uses the phone at her register to ask for assistance and gives some “code”.

Here’s where I might start flipping out!

The next thing I know a security guard is asking me to hand him Ava. Evidentally someone in the store had their baby in a cart and someone rolled the cart away. Moron parent if you ask me if someone can just roll your child away from you and now you’ve misplaced your baby… but…
They are trying to tell me that Ava is not my child. She started fussing so I began taking her out of the seat. The whole time this security guard is asking me to “give him the baby”. FUCK YOU! There was no way I was handing her over! I tried to walk away, leaving her car seat, the diaper bag, even my wallet…they blocked me!

  1. jz says:

    Fusion and OFTLO, I enjoyed reading your posts. OFTLO, I agree with you that Wal-mart could be held liable and should be responsible for the actions of its employees. To me though, if the manager came up and was as big as a bonehead as the guard, then holding all of Wal-Mart responsible would have made more sense.

    Fusion, I understand and appreciate what you wrote. Obviously, the problem here was the guard’s false accusation, but my point is that if this security officer worked for the police, few would say the cop screwed up and hold the city liable. My beef with this, “the police are protected from civil action if what they did was in the furtherance of their job.” is that is the excuse used for what cops did to Rodney King.

    Because the military is exempt from lawsuits, you get Pat Tillman. Because prosecutors are exempt from lawsuits, you get Mike Nifong.

    People should hold the government to at least an equal standard than they do Wal-Mart. I don’t have a problem with OFTLO saying Wal-Mart is reponsible as I do with the absolute lack of anger calling for the heads of judges, prosecutors and police who falsely imprisoned innocent people for decades.

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #31 – People should hold the government to at least an equal standard than they do Wal-Mart. I don’t have a problem with OFTLO saying Wal-Mart is reponsible as I do with the absolute lack of anger calling for the heads of judges, prosecutors and police who falsely imprisoned innocent people for decades.

    Right… But I’ll withhold contempt for the government until the topic is government malfeasance…

    It bears mentioning, however, that Nifong was in fact disbarred… So in that case, at least, some sort of justice was done.


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