Hundreds of Iraqis have staged a protest against the building of a dividing wall between a Shia district of Baghdad and a Sunni area.

Residents of the Shula and Ghazaliya districts waved Iraqi flags and chanted slogans rejecting both the proposed separation and the US occupation.

They demanded the government intervene to ensure the barrier is demolished.

The US military said the wall would reduce sectarian violence and stop the movement of weapons and militants.

Same lies. Same sophistry. Different community.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    Well, Israel’s wall has reduced the movement of weapons and militants, so why wouldn’t a similar wall in Iraq do the same?

  2. nightstar says:

    #1 Imposing a curfew on American men aged 16-45 would reduce violent crime. Guess why we haven’t adopted that measure at home?

  3. James Hill says:

    #1 – Not to be flip, but you can’t just “walk around” the wall in Israel. Baghdad’s a big city, with more than one way to get between point A and point B.

  4. mxpwr03 says:

    Give me a break if you understood the process that is undertaken to build one of these walls the “apartheid” heading would not be used. The construction of the barriers first goes through a planning phase where representatives from MNF-I meet with local community leaders to discuss what types of protection are needed. After the meeting the use of separating barriers is usually agreed upon because of the enormous success in stopping militia movement as well as insurgent movement. The last protest in April was actually found to be staged by insurgents who used the excellent PR opportunity to get a sensationalist headline. God bless the AP. The story lasted about a day than went away, which will happen in this case. The next few weeks will be interesting to see how the left deals with the Petraeus report and so far the use of a biased poll, and another “hundreds protest” is a poor start.

    I like this story ( ): Islamic Army of Iraq wants to open a peaceful dialog with the U.S. SNNNNAAAAAPPPPPPP!

  5. Mark Derail says:

    Like in the Caribbeans?
    Gated communities, just a bit larger.

    So what exactly do gated communities accomplish? False sense of security?

    The people with Baghdad must learn to co-exist peacefully. We have to let them mingle, inter-marry, and want to live peaceful lives.
    Be able to have jobs, decent housing.

  6. GigG says:

    This is just doing what we should have done to start with. Divide the country in to 3 parts and head on home.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The next few weeks will be interesting to see how the left deals
    >>with the Petraeus report

    The “left” doesn’t have to “deal” with the report, Warrior Chief. Res ipsa loquitur.

    Say, did you see the Daily Show last night, where they showed clips of Petraeus saying “I have not shown my report to anyone; no one has vetted this report; no one has seen this report, blah blah blah”, followed by clips of Dumbya and Petraeus (from his testimony) saying exactly the same things, word for word?? It was hilarious.

    And that’s just what this past 7 years of “administration” has been. A laughingstock.

  8. nightstar says:

    #4 What then is your definition of apartheid?

    I always considered apartheid to be the segregation of a population based on race, caste, creed or nationality.

    I’m pretty sure my definition fits regardless of what sort of planning phase is implemented beforehand.

  9. doug says:

    #4. “The next few weeks will be interesting to see how the left deals with the Petraeus report ”

    I would put ‘Petraus’ in quotes, since it was composed in the White House.

    If by ‘the left’ you mean 53% of Americans, they will think it downplays the seriousness of the situation.

  10. Raff says:

    I think its a great idea.. I propose we do the same thing here and wall off texas and have all the christians move there. We could call it the republic of Texas.. and I think they would probably be O.K. with that.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 – If we wall off Texas, I propose we fund a massive engineering project to relocate Austin to another state. I can’t bear the thought of losing the Austin City Limits Music Festival or South by Southwest.

    We also need to make sure that Kinky Freidman is smuggled safely out of Texas.

  12. Joe says:

    Just an observation – putting a wall up between groups that are trying to kill each other doesn’t quite work when the groups involved have mortars.

    Here’s a different solution:
    Put a wall around Baghdad and drop off a crapload of weapons & ammo inside the newly walled city. Close off all access into and out of Baghdad and wait until the shooting stops. After it has been quiet for a few days open up the city and talk to who is left.

  13. paperweight says:

    John, if you get out with your skin intact after tagging Israel and apartheid, I will be amazed.

    Got your Iron Shorts on?!

  14. Sounds to me that the only answer to every problem this American goverment has is to build walls.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    No, Gawd forbid that violent, stubborn peasants who break their eggs at the little end should be physically separated from the violent, stubborn peasants who break their eggs at the big end. Might actually delay their acting-out of their reactively violent mindless bigotry, slowing them down long enough for them to cool off a little or reconsider their actions.

    Sure like fuck wouldn’t wanna do something racist and oppressive like that – after all, it’s their sovereign right to go shoot their neighbors for believing in the wrong flavor of barbaric superstition that we’re interfering with, a culture every bit as valid and valuable as ours.

    Pfffffft. Morans.

  16. TIHZ_HO says:

    #8 You are correct but “apartheid” is now a ‘bad’ word so the US government needs to run it through its marketing machine to come up with a new term…and look they have.

    Walls Genuine Advantage 😉


  17. hhopper says:

    “Sounds to me that the only answer to every problem this American goverment has is to build walls.”

    I think we need to build a wall around Bush.

  18. bobbo says:

    Eideard–“Same lies. Same sophistry. Different community.”

    I understand the different community–but what are the lies and sophistry. I haven’t picked up what you might mean from your other posts.

  19. TIHZ_HO says:

    #2 In Va Beach In the 1970’s there was a standing curfew for all people under the age of 16 from 11pm to 6am if memory serves.

    Seemed that no one back then thought is was a bad thing, quite the opposite in fact, it was just accepted.

    How about today, are there any curfews like this in the US?


  20. nightstar says:


    I’m not aware of any such curfew although one wouldn’t come as any great surprise. Adult American citizens have few enough rights these days let alone minors.

  21. Jopa says:

    I have a feeling that this guy (Eideard, the poster of this news) doesn’t like Israel very much. I have proposition for you Eideard:
    Come live in Israel for 2 months, go around our country talk to people, go hang out a little bit, you know feel the vibe.
    Then go and live with the palestinians or any other arab muslim country for 2 months. Again walk around talk to the people, go out a little bit… you know feel the vibe.
    What’s important for this test is that in both places (Israel and Arab country of your choosing) present yourself as a FOREIGNER (especially if you are not a Muslim). I wonder how quickly you will get the Daniel Perlman treatment (may his soul rest in eternal peace) in the Arab side of the world. By the way, I recommend the following Arab countries: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran.

    Then we can talk about “apartheid”, Intolerance to the other and such.
    It will be interesting to view your beheading video on an Islamic website.

    And oh yeah, you can live in Israel for a 100 years and no one will ever touch you. If you have any balls DO IT!

  22. bobbo says:

    Thanks Jopa. That position of Eideard does make sense then from what is posted. And you are right–its not even a close question. Apartheid is dividing up your OWN population, not keeping yourself safer from those who want to kill you for your mere existence.

    Like when the GOUSA ever gets our fence built. Will that be apartheid as well, or just common sense exercised too late???

    Eideard—is this what you meant and if so, are you suggesting that the wall should be taken down so that the death rate could increase back up to the days before the wall? My, thats quite a commitment you have to moral relativism.

  23. MikeN says:

    How is this Israeli style apartheid? Israel doesn’t build walls internally, but rather at its border. I guess this means Eidard is opposed to a fence on the Mexican border.

  24. nightstar says:


    “According to the Israeli authorities, the fence/wall is “a defensive measure, designed to block the passage of terrorists, weapons and explosives into the State of Israel.” Had this been the purpose, the fence/wall should have been built on the Green Line, the internationally recognized demarcation line between the State of Israel and the occupied West Bank.

    Instead, some 80 per cent of the fence/wall is being built on Palestinian land inside the West Bank, in some places up to 20km east of the Green Line. Its route has been determined by the presence and location of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Most Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including those in East Jerusalem, and large areas of land around them are being hived off from the rest of the West Bank by the fence/wall, apparently with a view to annexing them to Israel. ”

    Does this answer your question?

  25. MikeN says:

    No it doesn’t. Then it would be building a wall for annexation, again not what is happening in Iraq.

    Second point, you say the wall is being built further to the East. If the West Bank were being annexed, wouldn’t the wall have to be built further west?

  26. Jopa says:

    #24 You are talking as if there was ever a palestinian state!
    That’s unbelievable! At worst these territories are disputed between us and them.
    “Israeli Settlements” you say??!?!??!?!?!
    As I said before, the holy land has been Jewish for thousands of years – not muslim, not christian – JEWISH.
    In the Holy land the soil speaks Hebrew and it always will.
    EVERY place you will dig for about 10 inches deep in this land you will find something Jewish and that includes digging under Muslim or Christian cities and villages that are built upon it.

    It is just amazing to see people that understand nothing about nothing chew and spit out what the media is feeding them…. it just proves again that good marketing is what counts not the facts themselves.

    And by the way, we wish we had Mexicans on our borders!!!!!!!!!! There would be peace in 5 seconds!!!!!!!!
    ANDALE ANDALE!!!! ARIBA !!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  27. Angel H. Wong says:


    You’re the best example that Michael Richards is not a rare case.

  28. nightstar says:

    To spell it out for you the Wall Israel is building is not on their border but in Palestinian territory.

    Familiarize yourself with history and international law before making such ridiculous claims.

  29. joshua says:

    I think it’s funny to listen to the left’s talking points on Petraus’s report. The only people who won’t admit that progress is being made and areas that 5 months ago were totally off limits for US troops are now safe enough for reconstruction to be taking place, hospitals reopening, and the President to go to as well as a huge conference of Iraqi Sunni leaders and goverment officals to plan new moves for the future, are Harry Reid and the Democratic contenders for the Presidential nomination.

    The new Rassmusion poll just saw an 8 point jump in the publics view that the surge is working…it’s still low…but 8 points in one month….also Bush’s popularity up 6 points in 10 days to just shy of 40%….first time in 14 months above 37%. And 62% still don’t want us to abruptly leave Iraq. 25% say stay until the Iraqi’s can defend themselves and 37% want us to stay at least another year.
    If there is another terrorist attack, Gulianani beats Hillary as to who the public would want to be President to handle it.

    The point of all this is……as I have said before….the Democrats are in the process of blowing 2008….Reid is percieved as shrill and only interested in promoting his party…..sooner or later the voters will start to feel that the Dems are anti-american …again……and the Republicans can pull 2008 out of their butts. Never underestimate the Democrats ability to overplay their hand and lose a sure thing election.

    All I can do is hope that the Republicans don’t nominate one of the religious right nut jobs or Rudy, or Mitt the flipper.

  30. Jopa says:

    #28 – “Familiarize yourself with history and international law before making such ridiculous claims.” You say…

    I live this history every day, because I live in israel. I suggest you start by reading some histoy books, then I will make a trip to Israel to see all these places you will read about – a picture is worth 1,000 words. With regards to history, every time the Jewish nation lived in the holy land, someone came and tried to take it away: the ancient Egyptians, the Plishtims, the ancient Assyrians, the ancient Persians, the ancient Greek, the Romans, the Byzantians, all sorts of Christians, the Arab Muslims, the Ottoman Msulims, the British and now the Palestinians want to do the same (which by the way came from Syria – they are not natives to the holy land – don’t confuse them with Beduins please).

    My people has seen and experienced everything. We are among the oldest people on this planet. The conflict with the Palestinians is just another small and short chapter in the history of our struggle to live as a free people in this place called Israel.

    How can the Muslims claim ownership to this land if my people lived here and owned it at least 2,000 years before Islam was even born?! How does your historical math work nightstar?!?!
    What international law permits you to disregard and delete our heritage, our history, the facts?!?!

    Come on people, STOP WATCHING BBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    #27 Mr. Wong! – Michael Richards?! He hates people who doesn’t think his show is funny – I hate people who constantly try to kill me.
    I see no logic here. You are a good example why German Natzi’s found south/central America to be such a nice safe haven. Your ignorance is their bliss.


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