“What’s it gonna be, you dirty one-hand surfing punk!”

Torrent Freak, 9/11/07:

With all the negative reporting about BitTorrent in the mainstream media, you could be forgiven for thinking that an anti-piracy crackdown against torrent sites would be a depressing issue. On the contrary, the porn industry’s approach to dealing with BitTorrent raises more than a few smiles.

Yesterday we reported on a porn-industry meeting where they decided to take on BitTorrent and tackle the piracy menace. Today we take a look at some of the pre-meeting arrangements and discussions leading up to the ’round table’ meeting. A message on the GoFuckYourself forums (which sent this writer’s Firefox ‘suspicious site‘ plugin crazy) made by ServerGenius (an 8000+ post veteran and member since 2002) sounded quite urgent:

  1. GigG says:

    So is it safe to say that the porn industry is tired of getting screwed out of their hard earned profits?

  2. steelcobra says:

    This is just annoying, because all bittorrent is is a means of data transfer. There are plenty of legal (or at least legally gray) uses for BT, such as unlicensed fansubs, legally purchased videos/music, software updates (like World of Warcraft uses), and so on. Besides, everyone knows that you don’t pay for porn on the internet unless you really want what the site has.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Why does WoW use BitTorrents?

    BitTorrents are ineffective and inefficient, and in fact useless if you aren’t looking for whatever fad file everyone else wants. Just link me to a freaking file. The Internet was better in the 90s.

  4. nightstar says:

    I downloaded the MTOG client on bittorrent last week. It’s completely legal and the torrent is hosted at the owners site.

    Outlawing bittorent for facilitating piracy would be like outlawing print for facilitating fraud.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    #3 Why does WoW use BitTorrents?

    Because they have millions of users online at any given time. 24/7. Worldwide.

    They regularly “seed” updates and patches, at a nominal upload-rate, and all the user’s computers spread the data amongst themselves – in the background – and the user’s aren’t even aware its happening.

    Saves Blizzard from footing the bill for the massive amount of bandwidth which is needed to disseminate data to that large of a community.

    Their 10-day free trial is a 2Gb torrent….

  6. Mike Voice says:

    #3 Why does WoW use BitTorrents?

    Oh yeah, almost forgot.

    No such thing as “leechers”, who log-off as soon as they get the entire file.

    WoW has millions of “seeders”, because there is only one file everyone is sharing.

  7. Milo says:

    Every time they’ve gone after a file sharing format it is replaced with a more sophisticated one. I look forward to the innovation that any new crackdowns bring…

    That is I look forward to it in the abstract only, not in the sense of sharing files myself.

  8. FRAGaLOT says:

    This is the first time in years I’ve heard the porn industry complain about porn being pirated. MPAA and the RIAA always talk about how they lose billions in music and movie piracy, but that’s nothing compared to the amount of piracy that goes on with porn.

    Thing was they never complained, till now. Though this sounds like like a big joke though. Considering 90% of piracy on the net is porn, you don’t see the porn industry losing profit. Why doesn’t the MPAA go out and sue people for pirating porn? Hell the RIAA goes out and sues people over music titles that don’t even fall under their jurisdiction.

  9. #8

    Because the American Porn industry has more revenue than the NBA, the NFL and the MLB combined and greed is good.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Angel,

    I heard that several times before but have not seen any credible source. Didn’t that number (or claim) come from some Christian Crackpot group out to save the family from faggots, sluts, hookers, degenerates, and drag queens?


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