
Well, Obama has finally caught up with John in the Social Networking scene by joining LinkedIn. As always, you can see that John is a trendsetter ;)

Obama on LinkedIn – mashable.com: Sen. Barack Obama now has a LinkedIn account. We all knew that Obama is making the most of Internet culture, launching his own social network, gaining a larger-than-life presence on MySpace, YouTube, and even Twitter. He’s at the top of his game, according to a recent Nielsen study. The only surprise about Obama’s LinkedIn account is how seemingly late it is.

The LinkedIn demographic is slightly older than what you’ll find on MySpace or YouTube, and that’s just fine. Branching out is always good, and it seems to be working very well for Obama. That’s the great thing about social networks. And if you’re excited about playing around with some video clips of Obama, check out the upcoming Yahoo mashup for presidential debates.

By the way, the post about the woman that was forced to cover herself has been updated. Another woman has come forward to tell her story of being forced to cover herself.

  1. More importantly than this issue. Has everyone heard about this bill?


    If someone owes me money and is in bankruptcy proceedings, I would personally be very upset to hear that they are still giving money to charitable causes. At this point, I’d think they should be giving me the money. If I want to give it to the charity of my choosing, that is my business.

    After all, I’m about to end up with 10 cents on the dollar and the bankrupt individual who owes me money is giving his money away. This is not a good thing.

  2. BTW, I also don’t really look at linkedin as social networking, but more as professional networking. Myspace and friendster are more for social networking.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    Will he maintain this “larger-than-life presence” on social-networking sites if he doesn’t get the nomination – so he can stay in touch with the constituents who elected him to the Senate?

    Will he maintain his “LTLP” if he is elected President?

    Is he really interested in networking, or is this just his making effective use of the tools available to any modern election campaign?

  4. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #1 – This is one of those times I agree with you 100%. That pisses me off.

  5. #4 – iGW,

    And, that’s the kind of shit that gets bipartisan support??!!?

  6. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #6 – I saw that and was shocked as well. If you want to make an argument that we’re doomed no matter what, this is a good starting point.


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