Before Kathy Griffin won a creative arts Emmy last weekend for her reality show, “My Life on the D-List,” she joked that an award would move her to the C-list.

She was right: “C” as in censored. The TV academy said her raucous acceptance speech will be edited when the event, which was taped, is shown Saturday on the E! channel. The main prime-time Emmy Awards air the next night on Fox.

“Kathy Griffin’s offensive remarks will not be part of the E! telecast on Saturday night,” the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences said in a statement Monday.

In her speech, Griffin said that “a lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.”

She went on to hold up her Emmy and proclaimed, “Suck it, Jesus. This award is my god now!”

In America, you can be censored for so-called blasphemy.

CNN was too candyass to include the Jesus remark. I got it from Reuters.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mustard==are you trying to rewrite religion

    My “religion” is a personal affair, bobbo; I don’t have to “rewrite” it; I was the one who wrote it in the first place (with some assistance from a Higher Power).

    Don’t assume that because some folks are adherents to the notion that dinosaurs frolicked with Adam and Eve, or that religious fervor will protect one from the venom of poisonous snakes, that I believe the same thing.

    Just as not all Atheists are like Joseph Stalin or Pol Pot or Mao Tse Tung (or however you spell his name these days), by the same token not all of those who believe in God are Jimmy Swaggart, nor do they fuel their beliefs with man ass and meth.

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #90 – It simply seemed a little low-class to say something that she knew was going to be deeply offensive to many that had never done anything to her, that wasn’t humorous at all, and that was said for no reason other than the shock value.

    Well, she didn’t actually say “suck it Jesus” What she did say seems largely like a statement of fact and a reasonable observation. Jesus certainly did not have anything to do with her getting that award.

    But to the greater point, I believe that the easily offended deserve to be offended as often as possible.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #92 – Mao Tse Tung (or however you spell his name these days)

    Just call him “The Chairman” as I do 🙂

    He’s like a Chinese Frank Sinatra to me…

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Well, she didn’t actually say “suck it Jesus”

    Hmmm. Did I misunderstand the statement in the lead-in story that said “She went on to hold up her Emmy and proclaimed, “Suck it, Jesus. This award is my god now!””

    It seems as though if she had just mentioned that Jesus didn’t have anything to do with her winning the award, nobody would have paid it any mind.

    >>I believe that the easily offended deserve to be offended as
    >>often as possible.

    That’s one point of view. Do you go around making fun of Downs Syndrome kids, or berating quadriplegic war veterans, or telling guys who work in hair salons that they’re disgusting poofs, or telling your friends that their mothers are dog-fucking sluts?

    If offending people just because they can be offended is a goal of yours, perhaps you should get a hobby.

  5. #90 – MM,

    Actually, I thought that too, since the immaculate conception does indeed refer to the conception of Mary, not of Jesus. I am a bit confused by the term, personally. Did Mary’s dad have immaculate jism?

    #91 – MM,

    Here’s the Gallup Poll with the data on the level of stupidity in the U.S. It shows 66% believing in young earth creationism. Yikes!!

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Did Mary’s dad have immaculate jism?

    Beats me, Scottie. Maybe. That’s mainly a Catholic thing, and I’m not Catholic. So you’ll have to take it up with the Pope.

    >>It shows 66% believing in young earth creationism.

    You will also note that Republicans are MUCH more likely to embrace creationism and reject evolution than indies or Dems. So there’s hope yet.

    Anyone who rejects things for which there is strong scientific evidence (not to say there’s strong scientific evidence one way or the other for some of the other questions in that poll) is a fool. For matters where science has not provided any answers (yet?), I guess it’s up to the individual to make up his or her own mind. And as long as they don’t try to make ME believe, against my will, what they believe, or use my tax dollars to promote their beliefs, that’s fine with me.

  7. your-name-here says:

    OhForTheLoveOf – I’m sorry, but based on your posts and a couple of what others have posted, it’s very easy to come to the conclusion that you are also an enemy of freedom. Spill blood indeed…

    I don’t have any books to burn. I have made my point. I served in the armed forces of the United States and I know what that freedom means, having had much of it stripped away while serving. I signed up to protect people like you who aren’t satisfied with anything and who do nothing but insult anyone who expresses an opinion with which you don’t agree. You decided to attack me without even finding out where my beliefs lie and then even making no attempt to find out. You talk about thick skins… how thick is the skin that tells me to go fuck myself without even engaging in discussion?

    – “If offending people just because they can be offended is a goal of yours, perhaps you should get a hobby.”

    I second that Mister Mustard

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #95 – Did I misunderstand the statement in the lead-in story

    No. You didn’t. I’m contending that it was wrong. Or so says post number 76, which I’m choosing to believe until I see actual footage of her saying it.

    And what if I’m wrong and she did say it?

    She did say:
    “I guess hell froze over… …A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.”

    It is alleged that she said:
    “Suck it, Jesus. This award is my god now.”

    Then professional crybaby and busybody, Catholic League President Bill Donohue, called her comments “vulgar in-your-face brand of hate speech.”


    If she said “Suck it Jesus” then she was talking to Jesus. Why should any Christian be offended by something Kathy said to Jesus. Isn’t it up to Jesus to be offended? And unless he puts out a statement about it, then the rest of the brow beating bunch should maybe… step off?

    Do you go around making fun of Downs Syndrome kids, or berating quadriplegic war veterans, or telling guys who work in hair salons that they’re disgusting poofs, or telling your friends that their mothers are dog-fucking sluts?

    Way to take a statement to its illogical extreme… Oddly, one of my friends really does have a mother who fucks dogs.

    My point is about professional victims who cry and whine and bitch and moan anytime anyone anywhere says something that doesn’t support their rigid and pious view.

    10,000 pro-Xian statements made in the media every day, but whenever one minority opinion gets uttered, these church bitches get all uppity and out of sorts as if someone just raped the baby Jesus live on stage.

    I got no time for the feelings of these useless people. Fuck them all.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #98 – I signed up to protect people like you who aren’t satisfied with anything and who do nothing but insult anyone who expresses an opinion with which you don’t agree.

    You said you support censorship. That closes the case.

    And I don’t care that you served in the military, if you actually did. Serving in the armed forces isn’t an automatic path to respect. Timothy McViegh served in the military. Don Rumsfeld served in the military. Lee Harvey Oswald served in the military. George Bush’s dad served in the military.

    And I don’t insult “anyone”. I insulted “you.” And I am not losing any sleep over it.

    But you are still free to go fuck yourself. I’m actively involved in politics. So unlike the couch sitting majority, I do something about it. I am working to create a better America, starting with, but surely not limited to, openly rejecting the notion that I need to goose step with the status quo.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>No. You didn’t. I’m contending that it was wrong. Or so says
    >>post number 76

    Well, if she DIDN’T say it, then what’s the BFD? What are they going to censor? I’m sure the “suck this” comment is what professional crybaby and busybody, Catholic League President Bill Donohue was crying about and busying himself with. Hey, I got an oil change and picked up my mail this morning. I don’t think Jesus had anything to do with that. Do you suppose my comments will be censored by someone?

    >>Oddly, one of my friends really does have a mother who
    >>fucks dogs.

    Why am I not surprised? The only thing creepier than her fucking dogs is the fact that she shares this information with her son.

    >>George Bush’s dad served in the military.

    George Bush’s dad was, more or less, an honest man (to the extent that any politician can be an honest person). I didn’t agree with most of his policies, but I never thought he was the same kind of gibbberish-spouting ventriloquist’s dummy that Little King Georgie is. In this case, unfortunately, the apple appears to have fallen quite far from the tree.

    >>If she said “Suck it Jesus” then she was talking to Jesus.

    If she was talking to Jesus, that means she believes in Jesus. Or are you saying she is psychotic? (anyone who sucks Steve Wozniak’s dick has to have SOMETHING wrong with them, no matter that he has more money than God). If she believes in Jesus and was talking to Jesus, was it really necessary to have a private conversation on stage in front of millions of people? Most people “talk” to God in church, in their prayers, or something like that. Only people like Ted “man ass and meth” Haggard or Jerry Falwell feel the need to take their conversations up on stage. If you’re saying she’s an asshole like them, you won’t get any argument from me.

    All that being said, I think they should have broadcast her “suck this” remark. If she really only said that Jesus didn’t have anything to do with winning the award, they probably cut it because it was too boring, and nobody would care.

  11. your-name-here says:

    OhForTheLoveOf – Just as my service doesn’t give me an automatic path to respect, so your political activity (if indeed you are active in politics) gives you no automatic path to respect.

    You’re working for a better America? Hitler worked for a better Germany, Stalin worked for a better Soviet Union, Mao Tse-Tung worked for a better China, Kim Jong-Il is working for a better DPRK…

    Nobody said you had to goose-step with the status quo. You are free to bitch about Christianity just as I am free to support E!’s decision. I never said you should be silenced for your views, I simply supported E!’s decision and stated why I supported it in this case. I know the fact that this was a private decision has been pointed out. If this was government-mandated censorship outside of FCC guidelines and had nothing to do with keeping classified information safe, then I would be against it as much as you are.

    Your statement about my support of censorship is probably the closest thing to a discussion point you’ve made in our discourse… perhaps the IQ you’re demonstrating is deceptively low (at least by a little bit).

  12. your-name-here says:

    [Duplicate post. – ed.]

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, Uncle Dave,

    So very well written. Thank you.

  14. bobbo says:

    102—Do you really believe “Hitler worked for a better Germany, Stalin worked for a better Soviet Union, Mao Tse-Tung worked for a better China, Kim Jong-Il is working for a better DPRK”==I thought they hijacked their governments/societies to impose their own will for their own benefit? I must have that wrong?

    As far as censorship goes, I think E is for “Entertainment” and no matter what else I think, I don’t think religion, politics, etc is entertaining for a wide audience. No one should expect more from “E.” Dvorak had it right on this issue.

    I do get irritated when “late night” tv censors itself over such sensitivities, and even cable does it. There is power in those words/ideas in the right context.

  15. OmegaMan says:

    gibbberish-spouting ventriloquist’s dummy that Little King Georgie is. In this case, unfortunately, the apple appears to have fallen quite far from the tree.

    Well not quite, you missed the other tree … his mom. Nice lady, not a real go-getter.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Well not quite, you missed the other tree … his mom.
    >>Nice lady, not a real go-getter.

    Personally, I think Little King Georgie is the fruit of an unholy union between Bonzo and Tricky Dick. He’s as dumb as Reagan, and as evil as Nixon. I knew the Republicans were pervs, but who’da thunk that they would let the product of a gay liason become POTUS?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #98, No name

    I served in the armed forces of the United States and I know what that freedom means,

    Damn, I am tired of this crap. One’s service does NOT give you any more right to an opinion nor any greater veracity to a point of view. Anyone that tries riding “I’m a veteran” usually isn’t. True heroes don’t need to proclaim special status. Nor does having been in the military give you a special disposition on the definition of FREEDOM.

    I signed up to protect people like you who aren’t satisfied with anything and who do nothing but insult anyone who expresses an opinion with which you don’t agree.

    Ooopps, may I say BULLSHIT !!! You signed up because you wanted three squares a day. NO ONE signs up with some lofty ideal about they and they alone are there to protect Oh For The Love Of or anyone else. Americans sign up to protect AMERICA and only AMERICA.

    If you have to boast about being a veteran, you probably weren’t. But you still qualify for asshole.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #101, MM

    (anyone who sucks Steve Wozniak’s dick has to have SOMETHING wrong with them, no matter that he has more money than God )

    By implication, would it be OK with you if she sucked your dick? Or anyone else’s dick? Or is it that you wish it was you sucking Woz’s dick? A bit of jealousy perhaps?

    But, who cares who’s dick she sucks? In my opinion, it is her and her business alone that matters who’s dick she sucks. The same as it is only your business who’s dick you suck. Unless it is my dick in which case I do care.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>By implication, would it be OK with you if she sucked your dick?

    No, she’s too skanky for me.

    >>Or is it that you wish it was you sucking Woz’s dick?

    Oooh, some homophobia from the Fissile Man! This is an interesting new development! Secrets are coming out!!

    >But, who cares who’s dick she sucks?

    Nobody, I assume. Certainly not me. If Steve-O dumped her, she can go back to collecting cabbage patch dolls, or whatever it was she did before she became famous in the pocket-protector community for sucking Steve’s dick.

    My only beef with her is that she’s a D-lister who belongs on the D-list, and who tried a little social climbing by sucking Steve’s dick and saying offensive things in public just for their shock value. Howard Stern has some talent. He can “do” shock. Kathy Griffin is another kettle of fish. I just hope she’s good at fellatio. Her other talents are questionable.

  20. James Hill says:

    This would be from my wife: Well, have you ever won an emmy?

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Well, have you ever won an emmy?

    No, but on the other hand, neither has Kathy. It was a “Creative Arts” Emmy, not a regular one. Given out for “behind-the-scenes” work. Obviously, she wouldn’t win one for her on-stage work.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #111 – Wow… That’s petty dude… Really…

    So Steven Speilberg directs. That’s behind the camera work. Is his Oscar less real than Tom Cruise’s?

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #110, MM

    My only beef with her is that she’s a D-lister who belongs on the D-list, and who tried a little social climbing by sucking Steve’s dick

    What the eff is wrong with you ??? Her sex life is none of your effen business !!! Mustard, you are such a moranic asshole with so few redeeming qualities you make NUMBER ONE on the ASSHOLE list. Is this what Jesus taught you?

    Griffin made the comment. Her relationship with ANYONE is totally irrelevant. Similar to we don’t blame your mother for you being such a asshole. So discuss the statement, not her sex life.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>What the eff is wrong with you ??? Her sex life is none of your
    >>effen business !!! Mustard, you are such a moranic asshole with
    >>so few redeeming qualities you make NUMBER ONE on the
    >>ASSHOLE list. Is this what Jesus taught you?

    You have a lot of anger there, Hydrogen Boy. You should see a therapist.

    >>So discuss the statement, not her sex life.

    OK, she’s a talent-free bimbo, looking to leapfrog from the D-list to something greater by trying to shock to people who watch E! with her wacky, irreverent, statement. Too bad she flubbed worse than Britney. At least Britney wasn’t insulting people’s beliefs, just to show what a cunt she is. Miss Griffin was. So for me, that puts her pretty close to “NUMBER ONE on the ASSHOLE list”

    I still don’t think they should have censored her statement; it shows more about her than she thought she was revealing.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So Steven Speilberg directs. That’s behind the camera work.
    >>Is his Oscar less real than Tom Cruise’s?

    No, because Steven Spielberg gets a real life, full-strength Academy Award for Best Picture or Best Director, not an “Oscar-lite”, where you’re competing with the D-listers.

  26. Mr Christian says:

    In this somewhat muddled and frequently off topic discussion about whether Miss Griffin’s remarks should have been censored, I offer my own opinion.
    If the network decided to censor her then obviously someone at the network was offended or worried that her remarks would be offensive not necessarily just to Christians but to others as well.
    As a Christian I do not think I or the group of people I associate with were the target of her remarks. So, I have no reason to be offended. I am embarrassed though. I am embarrassed that she, as a part of the human race, would present herself to Christ in that way. I am glad to hear that she believes in him, but I am surprised and embarrassed that she would proclaim her beliefs on such a hugely visible stage and in that manner. Seeing this lets me know how I can best to pray for her. So, while I continually pray about my many faults and thank God for the many blessings he has given me, Miss Griffin will be in my prayers as well.

  27. Mike Voice says:

    #55 Hey Mike, this is BS celebrity news. EXACTLY what informed decision will it affect? CRIPES!

    What else will CNN decline to inform me of, that Reuters will be happy to provide?

    Who she is, What she said, and where she said it is “BS celebrity news”.

    That the show decided to delete it as offensive is noteworthy.

    That one news outlet only provides a summary, and another news outlet provides additional details is what I’m interested in – for future reference.

  28. someone says:

    Wow, like this matters. So Kathy Griffin is “Bitter – Party of One” when it comes to christianity. There is an army of militant muslims in the middle east trying to kill us Americans in the name of Allah. This is exactly how the spin works…YOU are now focused on Kathy Griffin’s pathetic, useless rantings fist-shaking at Jesus, not on who could actually do each of us, our loved ones and our soldiers real harm. What are they planning, plotting and doing? You talk about the insignificant, trivial and forgettable because what is really at stake is harder to wrap your mind around and focus on. What is at stake is our way of life, our freedoms, our liberties. Kathy is already on the D-list. Let’s keep our country from doing the same by focusing on what really matters…. – As for Kathy Griffin….Bitter, Party of One…your table is now ready, right next to Mohammed, Jesus, L.Ron Hubbard, and Buddah. Next time come with a reservation.


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