Before Kathy Griffin won a creative arts Emmy last weekend for her reality show, “My Life on the D-List,” she joked that an award would move her to the C-list.

She was right: “C” as in censored. The TV academy said her raucous acceptance speech will be edited when the event, which was taped, is shown Saturday on the E! channel. The main prime-time Emmy Awards air the next night on Fox.

“Kathy Griffin’s offensive remarks will not be part of the E! telecast on Saturday night,” the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences said in a statement Monday.

In her speech, Griffin said that “a lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.”

She went on to hold up her Emmy and proclaimed, “Suck it, Jesus. This award is my god now!”

In America, you can be censored for so-called blasphemy.

CNN was too candyass to include the Jesus remark. I got it from Reuters.

  1. nightstar says:

    #55 John
    >>Hey Mike, this is BS celebrity news. EXACTLY
    >>what informed decision will it affect? CRIPES!

    Uh.. which news channel to watch.

    Whether or not to believe the stories on the “news” shows that edit the news.

    I can come up with more.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>yet, they demand that Christians not pray in schools,
    >>not mention God, not have the 1st amendment freedom to
    >>practice their faith.

    Uhhh, I must have missed the part where the “liberals” were doing that. Sure they can’t enforce prayer in PUBLIC schools. It may have escaped your notice, but not everyone belongs to the same (or even any) religion. That’s why they have private religious schools (not to mention home, church, synagogue, mosque, and just about everywhere else in a person’s life); so they can pray. Heck, they can even pray in school (you can pray without speaking, so nobody will ever know). Just keep it the fuck out of schools paid for by public money.

    As to not being “able to mention God” or enjoy their First Amendment rights to practice their faith, I completely missed that one. Hey, listen: GOD! GOD! GOD! I mentioned it not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES! And personally, I feel perfectly free to practice my faith. This may not be the friendliest forum to reveal my beliefs (and I may not be as tough and fearless as OFTLO in my desire to draw blood), but I can handle it.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Uh.. which news channel to watch. Whether or not to
    >>believe the stories on the “news” shows that edit the news.
    >>I can come up with more.

    Uh. If you watch E! as a “news channel”, I’m going to have to question your judgement.

  4. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #46 – no one is saying fuck you because you have an imaginary friend! I happen to follow the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Are you implying that your imaginary friend is better than mine? If that is the case then I say fuck you!

  5. bobbo says:

    I wish I weren’t a day sleeper, missing all the good stuff lately.

    Mustard==are you trying to rewrite religion or just providing the details of your own cafeteria plan? I agree that “born of a virgin” is very different than “immaculate conception.” Can you talk further about really happened?

    Dvorak==good comment. There is a 1% squeezer on the subject of religious affairs/multi-culturalism as it operates in GOUSA?==So Muslim cartoons NOT being published in the papers, Doonesbury NOT being published, Nakid women dancing all over the stage but anti-Jesus comments NOT being broadcast==yes, there are several issues worthy of imformation, even in a self-promoting channel like E.

    Dave–mostly correct and well done and you should remind us of that point every other month or so? BUT–no one has the right or moral authority to restrict anyone elses speech NO MATTER WHAT they might do as a tradeoff. You are right, such demands show their hypocrisy.

    OFTLO–good posting as usual, and I always enjoy the mixture of high and low brow you use.

    Kathy Griffin–I like her and her act. I don’t mind her comment at all except the over emphasis on making anything her new God–even including the symbollic approval of her peers.

  6. Perry Noiya says:

    #55 I’m laughing at all this. First, — I would have cut it out myself.

    So, how did it get into a blog,, with your name on it?


  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    What ever happened to free speech and freedom of the press?

    So…if the constitutional right to free speech and press can be trampled on lets trample on the right to bear arms. If one right is immutable they all must be!

    Unless of course the US is the hypocritical mockery of democracy that world thinks it is.


  8. hhopper says:


    That should have ended the thread.

  9. bobbo says:

    Tihz—one of the few bad posts you have made.

    A free press should not be required to broadcast “anything” some third party says??

    And all guest including the celebs are checked for weapons–these are afterall the end times!

    ALL rights are not immutable–all are balanced against the other rights.

    100% wrong in every detail. Must be on purpose?

  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    #71 Bobbo: Yeah it was a a bit of stretch…

    It was before the coffee kicked in. Can I take a Mulligan on that one?


  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I agree that “born of a virgin” is very different than “immaculate
    >>conception.” Can you talk further about really happened?

    Read the Bible, bobbo. Or look it up on Wiki-Whatever. It’s quite simple, if you believe. And even if you don’t, the definitions are pretty straightforward.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I don’t mind her comment at all except the over emphasis on making
    >>anything her new God–even including the symbollic approval of her

    She was kind of annoying. And with her crack about “Jesus suck this”, she just wanted to try and improve here street cred as “cunt of the week”. Kinda the 21st-century Hollywood version of “your mama wears army boots”. No real reason to say it, just to prove you’re an asshole.

    Kathy should go back to sucking the Wang of Woz. I hope she gives better blow jobs than she performs comedy.

    Still, shouldn’t have been censored. As she reaps, so should she sow.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    Blaspheming Christianity is for wimps.

    You ain’t nothin’ unless you get a fatwa against you.

  14. Tom Tcimpidis says:

    “Suck it Jesus this is my God now.” If only she had actually said that.
    I was there Saturday night both as a nominee and a member of the television crew recording the show, and that quote is dead wrong. She DID say the other, however – that quote is correct.

  15. bobbo says:

    72–Tihz==mulligan it is. Congrats, too many very intelligent posters refuse to admit any misstep. Can only make us better?

    Mustard–Happy to read “the bible.” Which bible??? Which verse? On general cultural ground, Jesus was from a vigin birth but you post in your idiosyncratic way that “God did not impregnate Mary, she was impregnated the regular way, by fucking her husband.” That doesn’t sound like any virgin birth to me? What specific bible passage are you using for this view???

    Mustard, with the language you use, her profanity can’t be putting you off. Must be limited to the anti-Jesus crack? I recall the funniest christian joke I have hear yet: “And Noah turned to his son and loudly proclaimed “Where did all the flies come from?” Crowd fell into the aisles with that one.

  16. OmegaMan says:

    To Mustard: Yes USSR was atheist, but I consider the cult of Stalin to be just as religious as any organized religion. (Note I am I not inferring that religions like Stalin are evil)

    But for all intents purposes Stalin was god during his reign….and not a benevolent one at that. Just because he was an atheist doesn’t make all atheist want to be communists, nor does being in a religion necessarily make people Mother Teresa.

    (Who it has just been revealed questioned her faith….but even with those doubts, never stopped doing her work.)

  17. nightstar says:

    I think John summed it up nicely in post #66

    Hitler indeed.

  18. bobbo says:

    John, Hopper, Nightstar==what does “Hitler” mean? Is this blogspeak for “enough has been said on this subject” or something relevant?

  19. BurnTheBackward says:

    What a waste of time religion has been.

  20. Dauragon88 says:

    Goddamn!, I totally missed this shit storm!

    I’m trying to figure out where all this “Christian Persecution” is coming from, What fucking persecution? Christians have been beating, shooting, stabbing, raping, stealing, and invading other countries in the name of GOD for the past several hundred years. My ancestors were not Christian, they were sold to Christians and taken over to America, and then were beaten, raped, and generally worked to the point of expiration until they were desperate to latch on to whatever religious escape they could find. Which was Christianity.
    THAT is Persecution. THAT is oppression.

    My friend is Pagan, and on Ash Wednesday he was working his normal job in Blockbuster when some lady came in to the store randomly asking people if they believe in God. When he told the lady he was not a Christian, but a Pagan, she became enraged and called him a “Filthy blasphemer” who was destined to “rot in the deepest pits of Hell”

    THAT is persecution.

    Maybe on the internet Christians are tossed around, but out in the real world, where a stunning amount of the US Population believes the world is only a few thousand years old, and that dinosaur fossils in the soil were placed there by God just to fuck with us, you guys are the ones in charge.

    Man for a religion that has pretty much raped and killed the entire western portion of the world, you guys sure are a bunch of sissies.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #59 – If you want to call me an enemy to freedom, you should take a look in the mirror. It’s not to hard to come to the conclusion that you would rather take the freedom of E! to censor to comment.

    It’s very hard to draw that conclusion logically. E! is making a huge mistake. But I never denied their right to be jackbooted fuck ups.

    Now… don’t you have some books to burn?

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #60 – but your diabribes against Chrstians and your name calling only shows you to be as narrow minded as those you criticize.

    Grow a thicker skin.

    I am not attacking run of the mill believers, but rather churches and dogmatic followers who have declared war on our American culture. Why do you hate America?

    And by the way, just because I recognize reality does not make me narrow minded. Want me to believe? Dig up some proof. In the mean time I’ll call fairy tales what they are… fairy tales.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #63 – Uhhh, I must have missed the part where the “liberals” were doing that.

    I missed it too.

    If anyone were being denied the right to pray… in school… out of school… wherever… I would happily step up and defend their right.

    Conversely, if you take a plug nickel of my tax dollars and promote any religion in a public school or dare to teach Creationism to my kid, I’ll be on the war path.

    What some people imagine about liberals is pretty freaking amazing.

    And I’m not typical of liberals anyway. I have a spine.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #67 – 🙂 Mustard==are you trying to rewrite religion or just providing the details of your own cafeteria plan?

    Of all the Christians I know, Mustard is the one I’d buy a beer for first. He’s looked at the world and developed an organic belief system based on what he perceives as the truth. It’s obviously not what I believe, but its honest… and not just a mindless lockstep adherence to man made dogma.

    His “cafeteria plan” makes him a free thinker among Christians, and not just another drone under a steeple.

    OFTLO–good posting as usual, and I always enjoy the mixture of high and low brow you use.

    The secret is that entertaining you is as important as communicating my point of view. 🙂 If I wanted to affect minds, I’d teach college… This is more like a low budget open mic night… every day…

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #51 – I’m going to ignore your hyperbole in comment #51 there Mister Mustard. If I were a believer, I would have written it 🙂

    #68 – So, how did it get into a blog,, with your name on it?


    This isn’t Dvorak’s column… It’s his blog site, not affiliated with the publications he writes for, and its edited by a number of editors who simply post articles that interest them. This is Edward Campbell’s article.

    #70 – “Hitler.

    That should have ended the thread.

    There is a loophole in Godwin’s Law that states that if Hitler is referenced for the sole purpose of ending a thread, that thread must at least double in size.

    I’m doing my part…

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #77 – Congrats, too many very intelligent posters refuse to admit any misstep

    I’m always willing to admit your missteps.

    #82 – Man for a religion that has pretty much raped and killed the entire western portion of the world, you guys sure are a bunch of sissies.

    Welcome back brother 🙂

  27. #49 – OvenMaster,

    However, as one of the founders of our nation said, I may not agree with what she has to say, but I’d defend to the death her right to say it.

    Excellent sentiment. But, the quote is Voltaire, who is most definitely NOT one of our founding fathers.

    #51 – MM,

    Atheist Overlord Joe Stalin was spreading communism, a different ideology. He was also the largest case of paranoia in the history of humanity.

    #66 – John,

    Was that your attempt to invoke Godwin’s Law on this thread? Good try. I think no one noticed though.

    #85 – OFTLO,

    And I’m not typical of liberals anyway. I have a spine.

    That’s typical of the liberals I know as well as the ones on this blog.

    #87 – OFTLO,

    Good point. I forgot about that point in Godwin’s Law. Thanks for the reminder.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>but you post in your idiosyncratic way that “God did not
    >>impregnate Mary, she was impregnated the regular
    >>way, by fucking her husband.”

    Sorry bobbo, my bad; can I take a mulligan on that one? The margaritas must not have kicked in at the time I wrote that. What I meant ot say was “God did not impregnate Mary’s MOTHER”, to debunk OmegaMan’s contention that she did, as well as his collateral contention that Mary giving virgin birth to Jesus’ had anything to do with the Immaculate Conception.

    >>Mustard, with the language you use, her profanity can’t
    >>be putting you off. Must be limited to the anti-Jesus crack?

    Bobbo, it’s rather difficult to offend me with words. Neither her pott mouth NOR her anti-Jesus crack per se was offensive to me, and I think that E! are a bunch of pussies for not broadcasting it.

    It simply seemed a little low-class to say something that she knew was going to be deeply offensive to many that had never done anything to her, that wasn’t humorous at all, and that was said for no reason other than the shock value. Howard Stern can do “shock”. Kathy Griffin should stick to sucking Steve Wozniak’s cock.

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    >>out in the real world, where a stunning amount of the US
    >>Population believes the world is only a few thousand years
    >>old, and that dinosaur fossils in the soil were placed there
    >>by God just to fuck with us

    Holy shit! What part of the US do YOU live in???

    I know quite a few Christians, and I don’t know a single person who believes that (or if they do, they keep it to themselves). Of course, I don’t know Jimmy Swaggart or Ted Haggard or any of the other “man ass and meth” holy rollers, who constitute a microscopically small percentage of all Christians. AFAIK, they’re the only ones who actually promulgate that sort of literalist viewpoing. Do you live in one of their communes or something?


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