Before Kathy Griffin won a creative arts Emmy last weekend for her reality show, “My Life on the D-List,” she joked that an award would move her to the C-list.

She was right: “C” as in censored. The TV academy said her raucous acceptance speech will be edited when the event, which was taped, is shown Saturday on the E! channel. The main prime-time Emmy Awards air the next night on Fox.

“Kathy Griffin’s offensive remarks will not be part of the E! telecast on Saturday night,” the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences said in a statement Monday.

In her speech, Griffin said that “a lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.”

She went on to hold up her Emmy and proclaimed, “Suck it, Jesus. This award is my god now!”

In America, you can be censored for so-called blasphemy.

CNN was too candyass to include the Jesus remark. I got it from Reuters.

  1. Anna says:

    We as christians are not to judge others. We should love her. We don’t have to care for what she said, but it is not my place to judge her for her actions and I won’t. What I have done is ask God to keep her in his care.

  2. Tanqueray says:

    She’s a shock comedian get over it…..

  3. chuck says:

    “I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.”

    This is an accurate statement. It is very likely that both God and Jesus have better things to do with their time & effort than help Kathy Griffin with her career.

  4. mandarin says:

    I thought she said Jerry Seinfeld is the devil…..

  5. OmegaMan says:

    Mustard -> Thanks for the info, and to say I am a scholar on most religions would be incorrect. I know a smattering of each…. but my post was not meant to be hateful or spiteful (at least intentionally) towards those of any faith and as mentioned I respect the rights of others to believe things that I do not.

    Ben -> Ah yes nice Valhalla reference … thanks for berserking over my choice of girly gods. I believe that the Greek God PR folks are presenting them as Kindler / Gentler gods now; in touch with their feelings. Politically correct for the 21st Century!

  6. Ben Waymark says:

    I don’t know about that Chuck…. one of the advantages of omnipotence is that you have a lot of time your hands! 😀

    I’d love one day to have the time to figure out this theological issue that I’ve never quite understand: if you thank for everything he has done that is good, is it fair to curse him for what he has done that isn’t so good? (anyone remember that Monty Python song: “All things short and squat, the Lord God made the lot” etc…

    Okay, this isn’t probably the best forum to get my question answer,red, but it is distantly related to this thread. Simply saying a curse to the devil for everything that sucks in life isn’t enough, as an omnipotent being the God could make the devil not exists if he wanted. In fact, if he is omnipotent, he could also make it so the devil never did exist. And the whole ‘well you have to have pain to experience pleasure’ theory doesn’t wash either, because an omnipotent being can suspend rules of logic as well. He could make us experience pleasure without pain. If he can’t, then he isn’t omnipotent (unless I don’t understand omnipotence correctly). Any of you clever clogs have any ideas?

  7. ChrisMac says:

    Kathy who?

  8. nightstar says:

    Any way you slice it thats a gang-bang!

  9. #36 – Ben,

    You’re asking the right kinds of questions. I think you already know the answers. And, your idea of omnipotence is correct. You’re missing the other two labels though. With only omnipotence, it could be that God doesn’t know about such things or doesn’t care. It’s the trifecta of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence that gets really tricky.

  10. Mark Derail says:

    Well all know that Fox only publishes quality content.
    Here you go.

    I think the guy in this show has just as much credit as everything else concerning religion, and yet, you can’t help but shake your head and go, nope, wrong !!!

    We’ll know for sure Dec 31st 2012, give it a two weeks past the due date to make sure.

    It’d be real funny if our “creators” visit us in just five years, to let us know how we’re doing on a scale of 1 to 10.

    Darn it, watch the video a couple of times. The Nibiru story is starting to make sense, it’s all becoming clear now !

    Choosing a Prius instead of a polluting POS 1960’s low-tech motor wrapped in state-of-the-art comfort, low noise, large interior space, is a TEST.

  11. Scott says:

    God made me an Atheist.
    Argue with him about that.

  12. GigG says:

    E! has the right to have what it wants to go out over there broadcast. That is their freedom of speech. They are the ones paying the bills.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #43 – Nobody disputes that.

  14. meetsy says:

    Jesus? Which one? I’ve meet several….. Jesus Avila, Jesus Ortega, Jesus Lopez, …..

  15. Matt Garrett says:

    More anti Christian bigotry! You gotta love,

    It’s sad really. That someone feels that they’ve got to lob a tremendous “F you” to people who have faith in God.

    It isn’t blasphemy, per se, but it’s a sad commentary.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #46 – None of this is what this thread is about, but…

    I get tired of listening to all the whining crybabies pretending to be persecuted. You aren’t some minority class having rocks thrown at you in the street. A Bible Thumper is President of the United States. That ain’t what persecution is.

    And there is no hatred for Christians or bigotry against them. What there is, is a situation where a tolerant group of liberty loving people have gotten to the end of their ropes with hypocritical so-called Christians and their Born Again Taliban Inspired attack on American culture. Out tolerance has faded and we’ve traded it in for an aggressive and combative attitude. And justifiably so…

    These Jesus humping fucktards want to trade science for mythology in American classrooms. They want to impose their morality on the books we read, the music we listen to, and the movies we watch. They want to ban potentially life saving stem cell research. The want to have an active voice in American politics and want to do it without paying a dime in taxes. Fuck them. They don’t get to hold their fag bashing, America hating pep rallies, where they call us sinners, and then be spared our response.

    Fundy Xians don’t want to be bashed… They should quit throwing stones.

    America is moving in a very dangerous direction. It is polarizing. I didn’t start this. But this is my country to, and I was promised freedom in my country… and if this Xian threat against freedom gets much worse, I am willing and prepared to draw blood over the dispute.

    Fundy Xians would do well to know that.

    God forgives. Jesus turns the other cheek. But I don’t believe in your God or in your Jesus, and I only honor your freedom so long as you honor mine… and I’m not feeling very honored these days.

  17. ToddT says:

    It may be offensive. But it is airable. Why protect her? Let that idiot twist in the wind, and deal with the backlash.

  18. OvenMaster says:

    I’m a religious man, so I personally find Ms. Griffin’s remark extremely offensive. I always thought she was funny, but this crosses a personal line for me.

    However, as one of the founders of our nation said, I may not agree with what she has to say, but I’d defend to the death her right to say it.

  19. your-name-here says:

    OhForTheLoveOf – thank you for that oh so eloquent response to my comment. So what did they say was the final score on your IQ test? was it 5? I truly hope you are not representative of the readers of Dvorak’s column…

    To clarify to the others… I really don’t give a shit whether she believes in God, Allah, Jesus, or the Great Pumpkin. My point is that we are seeing too much of one religious group getting their collective asses kissed every day while insulting Christians and Jews goes on without a second thought and even with some encouragement. To see this one just has to watch part II of the Cartoon Wars episode of South Park. If a network is going to censor something being said about one religious group, then why don’t others deserve the same protection? If the network allows this, then they should allow the same to be said for other groups.

    I don’t give a fuck whether they allow it or not, I just want it to be even handed… that’s why I’m glad they decided to censor it. For those who didn’t bother to read past the first sentence of my comment please go look up the word context in the fucking dictionary!

    And number 47… I don’t care what you believe in and will leave you to pursue your own ends… but just remember in your Christian bashing that any religion is going to do that to you.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    >>and if this Xian threat against freedom gets much worse,
    >>I am willing and prepared to draw blood over the dispute.
    >>Fundy Xians would do well to know that.

    OMG, OFTLO, you are, like, so scary, and big, and manly. You must not be afraid of ANYTHING!

    Are you planning to stab us with your steely knives? Purge our churches and execute us in your pogrom? Oh gosh! Oh golly.

    In a related news story, I see Harvard has returned the bells of Moscow’s Danilovsky Monastery, 80 years after they were sent to the US for safekeeping during Atheist Overlord Joe Stalin’s anti-religious reign of terror. In his frenzy of Atheistic benevolence and tolerance, he killed thousands of monks, destroyed scores of monasteries and churches, and slaughtered tens of millions.

  21. your-name-here says:

    One more thing I forgot… to the person who posted the article – try a little less framing next time you make a statement about an issue with which you don’t agree. This was a decision made by a private company, not government. Your comment about censorship in America is nothing more than inflammatory and I apologize for falling for it.

    What was the quote I read yesterday? Oh yeah –

    “Stay classy, Liberal America”

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #50 – Muslims aren’t getting any special protection, and Xians, Jews, Wiccans, Muslims, whatever, don’t deserve any special protections.

    And by the way… Drunk, with a gaping head wound, my IQ is still higher than yours… And this isn’t Dvorak’s column… It’s his blog site, not affiliated with the publications he writes for, and its edited by a number of editors who simply post articles that interest them. This is Edward Campbell’s article.

    My caustic comment to you was for one simple reason… anyone who supports censorship in any form by anyone for any reason is an enemy to freedom. So go get bent.

  23. Kathy Griffin Rocks.

  24. I’m laughing at all this. First, — I would have cut it out myself. It just promotes ill-will. and as for the following comment:

    NN was too candyass to include the Jesus remark. I got it from Reuters.


    How are we supposed to make informed decisions if they are afraid to give us the facts?

    Comment by Mike Voice — 9/12/2007 @ 10:22 am

    Hey Mike, this is BS celebrity news. EXACTLY what informed decision will it affect? CRIPES!

  25. Uncle Dave says:

    For those of you who are offended by the way religion is considered on this blog, often times seeming to equate attacks on it with racism, etc., you’re forgetting one, very important thing: sex, skin color, sexual orientation, and so on are not something we choose. Religion is a 100% a choice.

    As such, it is a belief or opinion one should have to defend just as with any other belief or opinion. If someone attacks or maligns your choice of political candidate, wanting you to defend why you support him or her, most people don’t get indignant and require that others respect their decision. They engage in a spirited debate. Why should your choice of religion be any different?

    You may not wish to discuss it, but that’s your choice. In this country we are free to criticize, debate, condemn, support and refute the choices of others. I can do this with your choices, you can do the same with mine.

    BUT, you have no right to require me to not criticize your choice in religion unless you are willing to never, under any circumstances, criticize my or anyone else’s choices in anything. Can’t have it both ways. Again, since religion is a choice, it should be treated no differently than any other choice you have made.

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #56 – Bows to you…. 🙂

    Dave is my new God.

  27. ECA says:

    Amen, Halaluyah, and pass the buck…

  28. your-name-here says:

    OhForTheLoveOf – You chose a personal attack rather than debate and discussion which is far from a demonstration of superior IQ. Your last comment to me was a little closer to debate, so I will answer:

    If you want to call me an enemy to freedom, you should take a look in the mirror. It’s not to hard to come to the conclusion that you would rather take the freedom of E! to censor to comment. Is that less an enemy of freedom than what you consider my view on the matter? If you don’t want to remove E!’s freedom to censor the comment, then why are inflamed by the fact that I support their decision?

    For a little background to the way I feel about it, I will cite the example I mentioned earlier. In Part II of Cartoon Wars of South Park, the creators of South Park wanted to show an image of Mohammed; not with a bomb in his turban or anything like that, but just standing there. Comedy Central would not allow the image to be shown because it was offensive to Muslims. They did, however, show a clip in the same episode of Jesus Christ shitting on the American flag. Can anyone tell me how that is not a double standard concerning religious sensitivities? I know E! is not Comedy Central, but the double standard exists in a lot more places if people would care to open their eyes.

  29. Matt Garrett says:

    I like what Anna said. Dead on. I agree with JCD. Celebrity news. What I find sad is the anti Christian sentiment in the comments. You claim to be an open minded liberal, “oh for the love of” but your diabribes against Chrstians and your name calling only shows you to be as narrow minded as those you criticize.

    And there is no assault on liberty by Christians. None whatsoever. Because Christians know that if liberty were to die, their faith would be a target as well. And how ironic is it that liberals scream that freedom is being assaulted on by Christians and yet, they demand that Christians not pray in schools, not mention God, not have the 1st amendment freedom to practice their faith.

    Who’s taking away away who’s freedom?

    As for Ms. D list … I won’t judge her for it. I found it distasteful. But as Steve Martin said … Comedy isn’t pretty. And in this case, it wasn’t funny either.

  30. TIHZ_HO says:

    Where would the world be without all the laughs from the US?



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