
The outfit in question

What is happening with the transportation business these days? Not long ago a woman was thrown off a bus because her cleavage was distracting the driver. Now a woman was thrown off a plane because her outfit was inappropriate.

Thrown off plane for outfit deemed too skimpy – It doesn’t take much to get thrown off an airplane these days, as Kyla Ebbert found out when a Southwest Airlines employee told her she was too bare for the air. Two months later, she’s still trying to figure out what was wrong with her outfit.

A Southwest employee identified only as “Keith” approached Ebbert after she had taken her seat on the plane.
He asked her to step off of the plane and when they were in the jetway, he told her that her clothing was inappropriate and asked her to change her clothes.
“He told me, ‘I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to take a later flight. You’re dressed inappropriately. This is a family airline. You’re dressed too provocative to fly on this flight,’ ” she told Lauer.

A Southwest agent said: “We don’t have a problem with it if she’s covered up in all the right spots. We don’t have a dress code.”

Maybe one of these days they will put a sign that says ‘No shoes, no shirt, no way in hell you get on the plane’. I guess Southwest should change their motto to ‘Come fly the prudish skies’. Am I the only one who thinks she’s overdressed? ;)



Next time wear a bikini!

Now another attention seeking woman comes forward, indicating that she had been forced to cover herself by Southwest personnel. Will the narcissism ever end???

Second Flier’s Sexy Outfit Comes Under Fire – Setara Qassim said she was flying home to Burbank, Calif., from Las Vegas in June when a Southwest Airlines flight attendant gave her a blanket and told her to cover up.
“The flight attendant came up to me and asked me if I had a sweater, and I said, ‘No, because why would I pack a sweater in the heat?'” Qassim said. “So I asked her why, and she said I needed to cover up.”

You can also see and video of about this here.

  1. This blogger here has an interesting take. And he has pics of her in a bikini!

  2. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I’m betting James Hill doesn’t have a girl friend and the only piece of ass he ever got was when his hand slipped off the toilet paper.

  3. Mister Justin says:


    Keith the complainer is obviously gay…

  4. Tim Keeling says:

    If memory serves, she was on Good Morning America. They had to pixilate out her groin when she sat down for the interview. For the record, I would have re-assigned her seating to a safe window seat just behind some partition, Shame on her for exhibiting herself, Shame on the airline for not finding another way to handle the problem.
    Come to think of it, the male traffic past her seat would have unbalanced the airline in flight. Possibly a safety hazard with 100 fat horney guys in the tail of the plane…..;-)

  5. mark says:

    32. He smells a rat, yeah, I smell one too, and a mother rat.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Who cares if she had on underwear or not? I’ve flown coach (I know, hard to believe that I fly coach) and I know that no matter what she’s wearing, I can’t see her while packed into a space two thirds the size of what a human needs to approach comfortable….

    Anyway, she’s a Hooters Bitch and a useless waste of humanity, so I’ll let others waste a lot of energy defending her. I’m just glad this Paris Hilton wanna-be is only gonna get 15 minutes of “fame”.

  7. ECA says:

    DO you REALLy want to stop weapons being carried on the airlines??

    Then Make them ALL naked, when they get on the plane…

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>(I know, hard to believe that I fly coach)

    Not to worry, OFTLO. Even up in first class, you can’t see up the ladies’ skirts unless you get down on your knees between their legs.

    Hooters ho or not, SWA should take a pounding for this. Like it’s not a shitty enough experience already, taking a plane anywhere these days, without having to put up with some Catholic-school reject trying to impose his ad hoc dress code. Pfffft.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    Actually no, I’m gay and I like skanky women because they usually have a lot more fun conversation topics than prudish women.

    But if you really want to blame someone blame the closeted homos running the GOP.

  10. Billy Bob says:

    What a $lut…

    Can I have her telephone number?

  11. doug says:

    #39. indeed.

    what with the forced march through the probulator at the security gate, the rugby scrim at the SWA gate, and the general cattle-car experience of actually being on board, having to comply with an undisclosed dress code is just the capper of an overall miserable experience.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #39 – Like it’s not a shitty enough experience already,

    There is a point that just can’t be swatted down. I actually like flying… Scratch that… I like traveling, I like riding in aircraft, I like getting places fast… But the process of getting from long term parking in Indiana, to a taxi stand in San Jose is like having emergency root canal performed to treat a sprained ankle. It wasn’t always this bad… and it doesn’t need to be now.

  13. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    “But the process of getting from long term parking in Indiana, to a taxi stand in San Jose is like having emergency root canal performed to treat a sprained ankle. It wasn’t always this bad… and it doesn’t need to be now.”

    …and for those of us who actually enjoy driving, it isn’t that bad. Behind the wheel of a decent automobile (i.e., Lamborghini not required), that trip from Indiana to San José isn’t root canal; it can be a memorable adventure.

    If I can’t fly myself there – and I can’t – then I’ll drive. If I can’t drive it, I’ll sail. If I can’t sail it, I’ll give in and fly.

    • • • • • • •

    Some o’ you guys should be penalized for unnecessary roughness. After seeing that closeup of her face and her with those other girls, it’s plain to see that she’s actually a pretty normal, average American college girl, not so good looking but not bad either, a little gawky and a lot insecure. She dresses like that for some attention she otherwise wouldn’t receive – the same reason she’s a Honkers waitress and not a stripper. Nothing she’s done merits the misogynist insults I’ve read here and elsewhere. Some guys need to get a grip – and in a few cases, need to come on out of that woman-hating closet…

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>it’s plain to see that she’s actually a pretty normal, average
    >>American college girl, not so good looking but not bad either

    Much as it pains me to find myself in agreement with you, Pescadito, I am.

    On the other hand, I also think that the world at large is being too tough on Britney. So she’s fucked up, and even when she was sober/ straight she was a puff princess shaking her booty for the teens. It’s not like she’s George Fucking Bush or one of the others in his Evil Empire. Give the girl a break.

  15. Nuff says:

    Obviously the “Southwest employee” was a flaming queer…

  16. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Condimendante, I am in full agreement. I said so some time back. Read my #29 in this thread – and John C’s response…

  17. MG says:

    Never give small minded people too much power. It goes to their head. For the Christians among you, your logic in modesty is flawed. If you believe in the bible then the following should be logically true
    God created Adam and Eve in his image
    They were naked without shame until they disobeyed
    It logically follows that the closer you follow ‘gods law’ the less shame you should have in your body
    And therefore those with the least sin are the most comfortable showing naked flesh
    And those that are the most against the showing of their own, or others naked flesh are the furthest from ‘God’
    Remember, skin is just skin, the morality is in the interpretation.
    Logic/Religion = oil/water 🙂

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    While we’re at it, I also think PH gets shat upon gratuitously. Videos of her pulling wings off of flies, drowning kittens, chasing ex-employees down while coked up – these are in short supply, yet the comments would give someone who’d never heard of her the unmistakable impression that she’s equal parts Jezebel, Leona Helmsley and Karla Faye Tucker. 🙂

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    How’s about –
    Logic : religion = salt : slug

  20. Jill says:

    I’m normally not one to tell women how to dress; HOWEVER, if you wear a skirt so short that doesn’t it cover your ass when you sit down, AND you’re not wearing any panties, that’s disgusting.

    Maybe to you guys, that makes me a terrible prude, I don’t care. It’s not a matter of modesty, it’s a matter of HYGIENE!!

    Would you want to sit in a public seat after a stranger sat there bare-assed, potentially leaking body fluids? No, sorry boys, that’s not cute. Even people at nudist camps sit on towels as a common courtesy. It’s as bad as women taking off their underwear to try on swimwear or panties in a store, then putting them back on the shelf.

    And honestly, if a man goes around flashing his junk, he’s going to get arrested for indecent exposure. What’s with the double standard?

  21. Wayne Bradney says:

    >>she was on Good Morning America. They had to pixilate out her groin when she sat down for the interview

    I don’t get it. Why would they feel the need to pixellate cotton?

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>AND you’re not wearing any panties

    Who ever said she wasn’t wearing any panties? The crotch-watchers of DU have pointed out that she had panties on during the TV show, and nobody has alleged that she wasn’t wearing them on the plane.

    Dressing slutty is like having an abortion: If you don’t believe in it, don’t do it. Just leave everybody else alone, as long as they’re not oozing all over your seat.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    What a bunch of effen screw-upped morans. A couple of days ago all these “hip” morans were saying a woman covered in tattoos was OK but today it is all these morans now thinking about potentially leaking body fluids on a seat.

    For all you offended ass wipes, please, poke your eyes out. The world is just too ugly for you to accept.

  24. TIHZ_HO says:

    #52 “They had to pixilate out her groin when she sat down for the interview”

    That is now the US hijab! 😆 The line between the US and Iran gets thinner all the time! Brilliant!


  25. Mister Big says:

    Southwest has a history of allowing their staff to discriminate at arbitrary moments. I know this first hand. And I don’t wear a skirt.

    I’m a big man. And a business professional. I’m clean, don’t smell, and dress in clothing that fits me well and doesn’t pop buttons. I fly on-average once per month, for the last 20 years, on various airlines. I know the look I see in people’s eyes as I walk on a plane — “I hope he’s not sitting in this middle seat next to me.” I have never met a fellow passenger who complained or asked for a different seat. Humans are generally polite and decent, even if they can’t wait to get off the plane.

    So, about 3 years ago, while checking in at the Ft Lauderdale airport at the Southwest counter after a weeklong vacation cruise, the “empowered” Southwest employee told me that the only way to fly home was to buy a 2nd ticket for $150 because I was too big to fit in one of their seats. My only option was to buy a 4x in price ticket on another carrier, or rent a car and drive 25-30 hours to get home. This is the definition of humiliation after never encountering this kind of discrimination in 20 years of flying (or since).

    So, I got the ticket, and was instructed to put it on the seat next to me so no one would sit there. Three people asked to sit in the middle seat next to me near the front of the plane; so I told them the seat was reserved. Those people were perfectly willing to sit next to me near the front of the plane.

    As humiliated as I felt, it turned out that Googling the terms [overweight southwest passenger] found me more links than you could imagine to other similar stories.

    I guess the news media would rather cover stories about hot chicks…

    Mister Big

    ps — I haven’t flied with Southwest since…

  26. Greg Allen says:

    Anyone else remember when the airlines dressed their stewardesses to look like hookers?

    “I’m Gina. Fly me” . (If I remember correctly) was a big campaign back then.

    Do you think these gals would be let on an airplane, these days, let along run the thing!

    Every now and again, I marvel at how conservative our society has swung. This story reminds me of that.

  27. Greg Allen says:

    (Sorry for the third post)

    Mr Big,

    Maybe the US media doesn’t run stories about your problem, but our local paper in Dubai ran a fairly prominent article about such a case.

  28. TIHZ_HO says:

    #57 “Anyone else remember when the airlines dressed their stewardesses to look like hookers?”

    Yes, I know what you mean! We have lived in Asia for too long and Asian Airline stewardesses are usually young and very pretty. A few years back my wife and I flew on NorthWest for the first time and when we boarded our first reaction to the stewardesses greeting us was “Grandma!”

    At that moment we both knew we had crossed over a threshold and life as we know it is over… 😉


  29. Jill says:

    Sheesh. Lighten up, Mr. Fusion.

    Some said that this woman wasn’t wearing any panties. Whether or not she did on the plane is unknown. Of course she wore them for her national television appearance. If she didn’t, it would ironically be considered indecent. (Not to mention that her chance for pending litigation against the airline would be ruined.)

    You talk about effen [sic] screw-upped [sic] hip morans [sic] Please don’t diss the young hipsters, sir. Afterall, it’s the trendy young girls emulating Paris, Lindsay, and Britney who are embracing this “short-skirt, panty-free” style that you so enjoy. You see, everybody knows that a short skirt rides up as you sit down. If it’s too short and she’s got no panties, it’s exactly the same as sitting down naked. In my humble opinion that is totally unhygienic for a public environment.

    I’m sorry it offends you that I’m disgusted by the idea of any random stranger leaving their dna samples behind on public seats. All I can say is that you and I have a difference of opinion here.

    Also, I can tell that you are not too familiar with female anatomy. A real vagina is much much different from the one on your blow-up doll. Sometimes the real ones secrete stuff. Maybe that’s gross and too much information for you to handle. Again. I apologize.

    I’m sorry.

  30. TIHZ_HO says:

    #61 “Some said that this woman wasn’t wearing any panties. ”

    So hand her a blanket…

    “If it’s too short and she’s got no panties, it’s exactly the same as sitting down naked. In my humble opinion that is totally unhygienic for a public environment….I’m sorry it offends you that I’m disgusted by the idea of any random stranger leaving their dna samples behind on public seats.”

    So you aren’t bother at all with hours and hours of farts blown into and absorbed into the seat cushions or leakage from malfunctioning women’s sanitary products and don’t forget children or babies drooling, boogers, throwing up, peeing, pooing (leaky nappies or no nappies) on the seats? Want more? What about after the flight? Don’t even mention taxis or Hotels!! Giggity Giggity…All Riiiiiight. (Quagmire)

    I am sure you can get Hazmat suits on eBay… 😉

    By the way mini skirts and hot pants have been around since the 1960’s or did you live in the Middle East?



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