
The outfit in question

What is happening with the transportation business these days? Not long ago a woman was thrown off a bus because her cleavage was distracting the driver. Now a woman was thrown off a plane because her outfit was inappropriate.

Thrown off plane for outfit deemed too skimpy – It doesn’t take much to get thrown off an airplane these days, as Kyla Ebbert found out when a Southwest Airlines employee told her she was too bare for the air. Two months later, she’s still trying to figure out what was wrong with her outfit.

A Southwest employee identified only as “Keith” approached Ebbert after she had taken her seat on the plane.
He asked her to step off of the plane and when they were in the jetway, he told her that her clothing was inappropriate and asked her to change her clothes.
“He told me, ‘I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to take a later flight. You’re dressed inappropriately. This is a family airline. You’re dressed too provocative to fly on this flight,’ ” she told Lauer.

A Southwest agent said: “We don’t have a problem with it if she’s covered up in all the right spots. We don’t have a dress code.”

Maybe one of these days they will put a sign that says ‘No shoes, no shirt, no way in hell you get on the plane’. I guess Southwest should change their motto to ‘Come fly the prudish skies’. Am I the only one who thinks she’s overdressed? ;)



Next time wear a bikini!

Now another attention seeking woman comes forward, indicating that she had been forced to cover herself by Southwest personnel. Will the narcissism ever end???

Second Flier’s Sexy Outfit Comes Under Fire – Setara Qassim said she was flying home to Burbank, Calif., from Las Vegas in June when a Southwest Airlines flight attendant gave her a blanket and told her to cover up.
“The flight attendant came up to me and asked me if I had a sweater, and I said, ‘No, because why would I pack a sweater in the heat?'” Qassim said. “So I asked her why, and she said I needed to cover up.”

You can also see and video of about this here.

  1. laineypie says:

    WELL IM A CHICK, IM PRETTY OKAY LOOking but i believe in modesty. the skirt just looks short. if she were sitting i can only image what would be visible. i dont think a man on earth would ever complain about a girl especially a hot one being dressed too skimpily but as a female myself i thinkw e should try to have modesty in public, people.

  2. The Dude says:

    Short skirt = Terrorist. You gotta know that Bin Laden is wearing a short pink number below the waist on those videos he makes. The camera just never pans down to show it.

    Is it just me, or does that girl have a manface?

  3. cheese says:

    In the 1960’s she would have looked like an insurance salesperson.

    Maybe she should wear a Burka instead to make them happy.

  4. Brian says:

    Am I the only one old enough to remember the Love Jet, hot pants days of SWA. Hell it was a flying cocktail party in the late 70’s

  5. James Hill says:

    Let’s be honest: If she had a younger looking face this wouldn’t be a problem.

    In other words, she looks too old (over 30) to wear that outfit.

  6. BTG says:

    My brain wants to think we are missing something with this story. I know that might be flawed thinking, but I am thinking that while this is the real outfit, that perhaps it was positioned differently, combined with lack of panties perhaps, had caused this problem.

    And she is a 50ft. woman. From 50 feet away she is HAWT… but up close… not so much…

  7. jlm says:

    this only happened because the person who complained is a jealous older woman who probably lost her husband to a younger, hotter woman.

  8. Rob Nee says:

    I wonder if the religious extremists and ultra-conservatives in this country look longingly to the Middle East for ideas about how women should dress and behave. I’m willing to bet she wasn’t accompanied by a male family-member either. Perhaps the best thing to do is stone her for being in the jetway with a man that was not her husband let alone for speaking to him.

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #1 – laineypie

    “WELL IM A CHICK, IM PRETTY OKAY LOOking but i believe in modesty. the skirt just looks short. if she were sitting i can only image what would be visible. i dont think a man on earth would ever complain about a girl especially a hot one being dressed too skimpily but as a female myself i thinkw e should try to have modesty in public, people.”

    Thx 4 sharing. While we’re at it, maybe you could suggest some additional ways we should live our lives which would meet with your approval? Don’t worry about that pesky old nonsense of ‘live and let live’ or ‘judge not, lest ye be judged’ – after all, you’re right, that’s a given. So naturally we should do as you say.

    I anyone suggests you’re anti-freedom, just tell ’em everybody’s free to do anything that doesn’t affect you – unless you disapprove, of course. Have I got that right?

    • • • • • • •

    Ahhh. “God” in math class, being denied service due to “immodest” attire… homegrown Shari’a law, courtesy of the GOP! ..and of course all other similar self-righteous judgemental busybody would-be arbiters of how others should conduct their lives (see above). 🙂

  10. BubbaRay says:

    Am I the only one old enough to remember the Love Jet, hot pants days of SWA.

    Are you kidding?? Some stewerdesses wore skirts much shorter. Take a look here: 😯

  11. JimR says:

    There it absolutely nothing wrong with the way she’s dressed and laneypie, why do you object to it? In what way is she causing harm to anyone? Angelina Jole in a parka is more attractive. Would you throw her off for being immodest… perhaps tell her to remove her makeup and ugly down a bit before letting her back on? What “rules” would you impose so that a passenger would know ahead of time if they were too attractive? I’m using the most generally accepted definition of modesty as not wishing to attract undue attention to oneself.

  12. BubbaRay says:

    And I’ll learn to spell stewardesses soon: here’s another round:

    Those were the days. 🙂

  13. RBG says:

    0. Gasparrini. I take it we both look for the day when all errors and mistakes are completely eliminated from human existence.


  14. TIHZ_HO says:

    For a ‘Free’ country there sure are a lot of restrictions. 😆

    Reading the US news lately is like watching Family Guy – its just too un – freaken – believable – Hee heeeh hehe hee he he (Peter Griffin laugh)

    Giggity Giggity…Oh Yeaaaaah!

  15. skipjack says:

    From another new report the show she was suppose to go on, the producer did have to move shot’s around because you could see her undies if her legs weren’t in the right position

  16. SwampYankee says:

    My understanding is that she was not wearing underwear and noing nothing to conceal that fact. she became unreasonable when asked to cover her private parts.

  17. Peter Rodwell says:

    You Will Not Get To Fly If You Dress Like This Woman

    I must try to remember not to dress like her the next time I fly.

  18. framitz says:

    She is dressed very ‘tacky’ with the top of the skirt at the bottom of her critch to keep the butt covered.

    BUT she IS covered and should sue the airline for the inconvenience she was put through by the impromptu nazi employee.

  19. Winston Smith says:

    If Keith, the airline employee, thinks she is “too sexy for her skirt” that is his problem. Keith needs to keep his hormones in check.

    She cannot be responsible for how anyone else perceives her, especially a sleazeball like Keith.

  20. Mike Voice says:

    I agree with #1 & #6,

    i.e. #6 I know that might be flawed thinking, but I am thinking that while this is the real outfit, that perhaps it was positioned differently,…

    Look at how low the snap of that jeans-skirt is positioned – right about the level of her… uh, wrists.

    Is she only wearing that white top to keep us from discovering she isn’t a natural blonde?? Or, just to keep from showing-off about 3-inches of butt-crack?

    Anyway, she wasn’t asked to leave the plane because of how she looks while standing-up.

    I would want to see a picture of her sitting in the isle-seat of a SWA plane… preferably: a video of her crossing her legs. 😛

  21. JimR says:

    #15, that may be so, but i don’t thing knee-level cameras are roaming most airline flights, nor is it allowed to ben over and peek as you pass. Considering the chair layout of a plane, where would your head have to be to look up someone’s dress anyway? Besides, if your into checking out crotches, slack wearers (slackers?) are being ogled as well

  22. Mike Voice says:

    #10 Are you kidding?? Some stewardesses wore skirts much shorter. Take a look here:

    Oh yeah!

    and reminds me of that old joke:

    PSA = People Scattered Around

    But, thats probably not in good taste – on 9/11 – is it? 😛

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Some stewerdesses wore skirts much shorter.

    Nice “upskirt” shots of the stewardesses, Mr Ray, you horny bastard!

  24. Axtell says:

    She’s doing the talk show circuit now and SWA will absolutely be ponying up some money in a discrimination lawsuit that’s sure to come soon.

    Good for her…enough of these businesses and government trying to run our lives.

  25. K B says:

    I think she should have been allowed to board the plane naked if she wished. Maybe in another hundred years….

  26. James Orlowski says:

    I saw that interview on NBC live, and when she sat back down after she stood up to show off her clothing, you saw right up her skit. (She was wearing white underwear, BTW).

    So, perhaps the skit was a little too short.

  27. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #9 – Interesting how you make the connection to the GOP. I see no evidence of that.

    #25 – Right on! Hell, I think attractive women should be encouraged to go totally nude in public as often as pratical.

    If airlines gave hot nudes a discount on tickets, I don’t think they’d have problems selling out flights.

  28. BubbaRay says:

    #23, Mr. Mustard — Good Grief!! I’ve been “Angel”ed !! AAAiiiieeee!!! :mrgreen:

  29. Obvious1 says:

    I fly Southwest a lot, and they’ve always been a very freewheeling operation, so it’s hard to believe this is company policy and not just some asshole prude flight attendant getting pissy. Jeez, unless she’s wearing no panties underneath she’s not wearing anything a kid couldn’t see in an average shopping mall. Even then, just move her off the aisle to a window seat. Does no one have any goddamn common sense anymore?

    The last time I was on a Southwest flight, in July, the flight attendants were joking over the intercom about one of the flight attendants looking for a husband, and stated he had to like certain unusual sexual conduct and have spent time in prison. Not exactly “family airline” material.

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So, perhaps the skit was a little too short.

    Gosh. And here I was calling Mr. Ray a horny bastard! You musta really had your eyes glued to her crotch. I watched the video, and didn’t see that. I went back and watched it again, more carefully, and sure enough, you’re right: You can see a brief peek of white fabric if you really pay attention.

    I don’t think that most airline passengers’ field of view is straight on, right between her legs as she’s sitting down.

    And even if it were, bfd. Nothing there you can’t see (in even greater detail) on a trip to the beach. Better a glimpse of panty (for the die-hard starer) than to have to look at those awful muffin-top girls with clothes that are about 3 sizes to small.

    “Keith” ought to be demoted to baggage handler, where he can rummage around ladies’ luggage in the guise of “security”, looking for panties to sniff. Creepy guy.


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