Covers mouth to hide fact she forgot lyrics.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Has Britney killed off her career? — I’ve never seen so much bad press for this girl. If publicity is measured by the pound and there is no such thing as bad publicity then this girl is seriously testing the theory.

By now, you will know that Britney Spears much-vaunted comeback appearance at the MTV Video Music Awards was nothing short of a shambles.

The singer, out-of-shape and seemingly dazed by the bright lights, stumbled through a lip-synced performance of her forthcoming single, Gimme More, in front of a perplexed showbusiness audience.

More to my point is this clip from Google News. Compare the number of stories (1423) about her as opposed to other items. What’s of particular note is that many of these stories are not the usual redundant AP stories but original material.


If you want to see what all the fuss was about you can watch this dreadful clip from the show.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #25 – I’d still do her.

    Dude… Kevin Federline was in there… Do you really want to go spelunking in K-Fed’s old cave?

    #28 – I prefer angry & bitter brunnete singers.

    Hahahaha – So do I… But unlike you, I’m not making a joke when I say that 🙂

    #29 – The USA is a republic not a democracy.

    Yeah yeah yeah… Thanks Professor…

    #30 – But apparently others are starting to see the light.

    I know what you mean. I saw the light when she hit me baby, the first time…

  2. Graeme Allon says:

    I guess I’m in the rare group that thought that she was OK… A little stiff and nervous looking, but OK!

    She certainly doesn’t deserve all the grief she is getting about it.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:


    I have only two complaints: Her song was even worse than Paris Hilton’s “Stars are blind,” and that she had an Oompah Loompah spray on tan.

  4. Herbie says:

    This is the only time I’ve ever seen Britney actually sing live:
    On YouTube…

    When Ashley Simpson got busted for lip-syncing on SNL, it was some huge deal. I’m thinking it’s because Hollywood didn’t want her to make it, and wanted to keep pimping her big sister. However, who else have I seen lip-sync? EVERY major performer out there. KISS, the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Aerosmith (I mention them to cross time and talent barriers), Britney MANY TIMES, Madonna, the Simpson girls certainly, Spice Girls, Avril, and most other musicians lip-sync televised performances.

    As for her being out of shape. She’s in better shape than most mothers of two I’ve seen. Catch is, she isn’t dressed like a mother of two, she’s dressed in the tart-slut image that has made her millions over the years.

    I’m not defending Britney, she’s just an average person that got lucky because of timing, perseverance, and a freshman video (Baby One More Time) that sold on a hot young body.

    We’re just all jealous… go outside, do something with your life. I’ve got cleaning to do. See ya.

  5. G money says:

    For shooting a couple of (unt turds and gobblin down every pill and (ock that paris drunkenly drops in the gutter ,,,,she ain’t looks so bads.” I would gladly lay back and let her &hit in my mouth”.-J. Norton

  6. Mark T. says:

    Yesterday, I saw a site that showed that the heel on her right shoe was broken and way off center (sorry, I can’t find it now). It appears that she couldn’t put any weight on it (considerable as that may now be). No wonder her performance was lame. Her whole act is based on dance moves and she couldn’t dance with that shoe.

    I find it funny that her career may finally be ended by a crummy shoe. How ironic.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #35 – We’re just all jealous… go outside, do something with your life. I’ve got cleaning to do. See ya.

    Man… It just ain’t like that… Some of us take music very seriously. It just tortures us to see third rate talent get showcased when real hard working musicians can’t break the top-40.

    #37 – I find it funny that her career may finally be ended by a crummy shoe.

    I find it funny that you think its the shoe that is taking her out 🙂

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    And already the cartoons about her are showing up:

  9. jill says:

    I think Britney was hired (to suck) by the Bush Administration. Give people something to distract them from actual newsworthy items

  10. Mike Voice says:

    I bet this blonde is happy to hand Britney the crown for enormous number of internet stories….

  11. Mike says:

    She’s obviously suffering from a mental illness and that takes a lot of time to recover from (and you’d really need to be drug and alcohol free)…
    Young, high profile career, kids, drugs, booze, too much money, it’s no wonder she lost the plot.

    I say give her a break, she’ll either get back on her feet eventually, or…

  12. TIHZ_HO says:

    I think Family Guy has the right take on Britney

    You can take the girl out of the trailer but you can’t take the trailer out of the girl.


  13. OmarTheAlien says:

    Their cash cow is drying up and the cowboys are pissed.

  14. OvenMaster says:

    #15: “…this abortion of a presidency”
    Mustard, that’s the finest description of the Bush Administration I’ve ever seen. Kudos, sir.

  15. TIHZ_HO says:

    “More to my point is this clip from Google News. Compare the number of stories (1423) about her as opposed to other items.”

    Supply and demand John. This goes to show what is important in the minds of the American public 😆 don’t blame Britney for that.

    If you are moving and you need to know what a neighbourhood is like have a look at the local supermarkets and shops – you can get a good take from that. What’s everyone’s view on this?


  16. ChrisMac says:

    Welcome to the new FOX news dweebsite..
    We now include shit content like CNN does..

    Oops i did it again

  17. John Paradox says:

    I find it funny that her career may finally be ended by a crummy shoe. How ironic.
    Comment by Mark T.

    Not a Wardrobe Malfunction!?


  18. Mark T. says:

    Found it. Look at the right heel. I can only imagine walking on that would throw anybody off their game.

    Still, lip syncing blows.

  19. Mark T. says:

    Damn, link is already busted. Use this and look at fourth picture where a girl with black leather pants is standing at Britney’s back:

  20. Greg Allen says:

    OK — I’m gonna get flamed for this but… I think she looks hot. Her face is gorgeous and I like a woman at that weight.

    I prefer some that size over the skinny little waifs that are the standard, these days.

    Yes, the dancing and singing were bad. The bikini was weird. But her looks? I think she’s still fantastic.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I’m gonna get flamed for this but…

    Not by me, you’re not, buster.

    I’ll bet most guys would give their left nut for a wife who looked like that after having 2 kids. She may be kind of flakey, and she sure isn’t Maria Callas or Janis Joplin, but anybody who thinks she is “fat” has got some kind of Olson Twins/ pedophilia thing going on….

  22. Mark T. says:

    Greg, yep, she still looks better than 90% of the housefraus out there. Also, she still has awesome potential to get back to her fighting weight. And NO stretch marks!

  23. TIHZ_HO says:

    For more useless but amazing all things Britney…

    “The Mystery of Britney’s Breasts”


  24. Brad says:

    I still hit it 🙂

  25. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Oops, I did it again…
    I pooped in my pants, for time number ten…

  26. Nicky says:

    This was definitely not Britney guys. Can’t you see reality? This was a seal that can sing! Amazing!

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This was a seal that can sing! Amazing!

    And to think…you were jerking off looking at the pics. The shame.

  28. Vinny says:

    #18- I’m with you. She looked fine body wise, but out of shape in her dancing. She appeared to not know any of the steps, and it was as if everyone was choreographed to dance around her.

    #35- On awar5d shows it is common practice to lip-sync. As a musician, I hate it. I understand at the SuperBowl, since you really can’t do that type of show in a stadium (the acoustics are impossible, and there is not 24 hours to set up gear, but 2 minutes) The big deal on SNL is everyone there performs live. It’s a small venue, there’s no need to lip-sync.

    Unless, of course, you suck. Case closed.

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #58 – This was a seal that can sing!

    You have a funny definition of “can sing”.


    #53 – Greg, yep, she still looks better than 90% of the housefraus out there.

    Am I really the only guy who thinks real women are more attractive than painted up redneck pop tarts? Spears is hideous to me.


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