Covers mouth to hide fact she forgot lyrics.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Has Britney killed off her career? — I’ve never seen so much bad press for this girl. If publicity is measured by the pound and there is no such thing as bad publicity then this girl is seriously testing the theory.

By now, you will know that Britney Spears much-vaunted comeback appearance at the MTV Video Music Awards was nothing short of a shambles.

The singer, out-of-shape and seemingly dazed by the bright lights, stumbled through a lip-synced performance of her forthcoming single, Gimme More, in front of a perplexed showbusiness audience.

More to my point is this clip from Google News. Compare the number of stories (1423) about her as opposed to other items. What’s of particular note is that many of these stories are not the usual redundant AP stories but original material.


If you want to see what all the fuss was about you can watch this dreadful clip from the show.

  1. Improbus says:

    Britney may be over but we will always have Paris.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Britney may be over but we will always have Paris.

    Well, Britney could at least sing (or so I am told), so she had something to lose. Paris never had any apparent abilities, so no matter what kind of a mindless bimbo she appears to be, it’s just more of the same old thing. If freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose, Paris was born free, at least in the talent department.

  3. chuck says:

    Britney should hire some fat, poorly co-ordinated back-up dancers, so she’d seem more talented by comparison. I wonder if Paula Abdul needs some work.

  4. iGlobalWarmer says:

    If Britney could sing, she never showed it. This was just her latest effort leap frog back into the lead in the Useless Bimbo Sweepstakes.

  5. chuck says:

    Did anyone notice – she had an iPhone taped to her back!

  6. iGlobalWarmer says:

    To answer John’s point – it’s somewhat disturbing that real news generates 3 AP stories that are linked to thousands of times whereas meaningless fluff like this generates thousands of original stories.

    If this is the voter pool, no wonder politics is such a mess.

  7. James Hill says:

    #5 – No wonder she’s the center of the entertainment world after Sunday.

    You can’t rebound until everyone knows you’re a fuck up. She took care of part of that statement on Sunday.

  8. James Hill says:

    #6 – It’s not just the average population. The most popular story here today is about some slut on an SWA fight. There are sluts every day on SWA, yet it gets more replies than anything else.

    It’s everywhere.

  9. jack says:

    Worst table-dance ever!

  10. mark says:

    8. The good Ole United Sluts of America.

  11. Why exactly are we concerned with Britney’s piles?

  12. GregA says:


    I disagree. The American public does care about the state of our political system. It is just that the US is no longer a democracy, so they no longer have any influence, thus no longer pay attention.

    If you want to make the American public pay attention to the political process again, all you have to do is give them a voice. Until then it is bread and circuses.

  13. gquaglia says:

    No shocker, her career has been on the downslide for several years now. Hopefully this will end it, once and for all.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Did anyone notice – she had an iPhone taped to her back!

    That was no iPhone; that was one of those Mysterious Rectangular Objects that Dumbya had on under his jacket during the debates.

    Maybe finally, we can resolve one of the myriad scandals of Dumbya’s regime. A minor one, but any “Mission” that’s “Accomplished” during this abortion of a presidency has to be viewed as a victory.

  15. echeola says:

    I never liked her music or her, but now I’m kinda pullin’ for her. It’s a shame to see any person falling down like this. I think it says something about the public that we take so much joy in it.

  16. BubbaRay says:

    One thing’s for sure — she won’t be flying Southwest Airlines anytime soon! 🙂

  17. Froggmann says:

    Personally I think she looked pretty good body-wise especially for burping out a couple of young’ns. What was shocking to me is the fact she looked completely lost up there. Like a shy 6-year old trying to act out a play. I guessing she was high on something when she went up there. Pretty standard play for one of the “Four Bimbos of the Apocylipse” (Britney, Lindsey, Paris, Nichole).

  18. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #8 – DU is a different case. We here at DU revel in sluts. 🙂

  19. Gregory says:

    am I the only one that feels really sad for her?

    I mean, the storm over it is crazy, she knew she screwed up during the performance (she obviously wasn’t happy doing it). She also didn’t look like she wanted to be there, and she was back stage crying about it afterwards.

    Have some empathy people – this is a girl who may be rich, but is hounded by the press and can’t put a foot wrong without it being frontpage news.

    I’m not fan of her but it’s just getting petty and vicious, and that’s just sad.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – Well, Britney could at least sing

    Not really…

    #6 – If this is the voter pool, no wonder politics is such a mess.

    As evidenced by two consecutive Bush victories (depending on who is counting). I agree.

    #16 – I never liked her music or her, but now I’m kinda pullin’ for her. It’s a shame to see any person falling down like this. I think it says something about the public that we take so much joy in it.

    I have to say, I enjoy watching her die a long slow horrid death because I believe she lacks talent, style, grace, and intelligence, and I like to see impostors fall.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 – I’m not fan of her but it’s just getting petty and vicious, and that’s just sad.

    Not vicious enough. She is an insult to real talent, and to the superior musical taste of people like… well… me…

    There is no crime greater than being an adult Mousekateer.

  22. Richard says:

    I can only feel bad for her if I would know what the real reason was for her poor performance. But from what I could see is that she really bombed and in many ways it was pathetic. It was like she thought she could easily pull it off without putting any effort in it. If it turns out she has a drugs\alcohol problem, yes I would feel bad for her but all I see is that she just thought she could easily get back to her old level and not do any work for it.

  23. framitz says:

    With any luck she will move back to her trailer and we will not have to put up with further BS about her.

    Feel sorry for her, I DON’T THINK SO.

  24. toejamandearl says:

    I’d still do her.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Not really…

    Hey, I thought she was pretty good dancing with Mike Myers in “Goldmember”.

  26. Erik Blazynski says:

    remember what Elvis was like leading up to his death? History repeats itself.

  27. Angel H. Wong says:

    Actually she had talent, before and during her mousketeer she could prove decent vocal talents but somewhere along the line she simply got lost.

    Mind you I’m not a fan of her works, I prefer angry & bitter brunnete singers.

  28. flyingelvis says:


    The USA is a republic not a democracy. Never was a democracy.

  29. K B says:

    #21 I believe she lacks talent, style, grace, and intelligence

    I’ve been making the same point for a long time, often over loud objections. But apparently others are starting to see the light.

  30. B. Dog says:

    Yup, dead. Dibs on the corpse.


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