I had a girlfriend many years ago who taught kids with learning disabilities and even had run a school for them. Some of the most severe forms of dyslexia (not caused by brain injury) are inherited by the males. One of the worst cases she had was a father and his sons. I wonder what she could have done with this new information.

Hidden method of reading revealed

The mystery of how we read a sentence has been unlocked by scientists.

Previously, researchers thought that, when reading, both eyes focused on the same letter of a word. But a UK team has found this is not always the case.

In fact, almost 50% of the time, each of our eyes locks on to different letters simultaneously.

At the BA Festival of Science in York, the researchers also revealed that our brain can fuse two separate images to obtain a clear view of a page.

Professor Liversedge said: “A comprehensive understanding of the psychological processes underlying reading is vital if we are to develop better methods of teaching children to read and offer remedial treatments for those with reading disorders such as dyslexia.”

  1. Swiss says:

    WoW ! That was eye opening . Thanx for the great article .

  2. bobbo says:

    I had a genius girlfriend once who could read a page at a time with full comprehension and total recall. She could turn pages in a book as if she was counting the page numbers.

    I know my reading speed is greatly hampered because I “sub vocalize” each word and often syllables–because to me, that is enjoyable. Who wants to wolf down a gourmet meal?

    She lacked honesty and common sense though!

  3. Rod Novca says:

    I had a friend in highschool who could spend a few minutes leafing through a book. Then you give him a page number, and he would close his eyes and read it back to you. There was no such thing as a closed book exam for him…

  4. Angel H. Wong says:


    Is she an editor at Vanity Fair magazine?

  5. OmarTheAlien says:

    I was big for my age, and in third grade spent a lot of time in “the corner”, for calling all the rest of the kids dummies because they couldn’t read as well as I could. The teacher was lots bigger than me. I’ve since mellowed and become more adept at social interactivity.

  6. Sarcastic Simon says:

    “the researchers also revealed that our brain can fuse two separate images to obtain a clear view of a page.” Wow, thats amazing news!

    I mean who would have thought that with two eyes we see one image.

    Surely everyone has continual double vision due to two eyes? don’t they? this is one for the water is wet club….

    We see in stereo with ExtraHD HDR head lenses. no zoom.

    The rest is interesting though that one sentence was maybe not thought through fully

  7. "C" Students Should Not Be Editors says:

    “How Your Brain Reads This Headline Is Different Than You’d Think”

    should be:

    “How Your Brain Reads This Headline Is Different From What You’d Think”

    Bad grammar turns my head AND my stomach.

    Stop hiring interns who didn’t pay attention in school.

  8. bobbo says:

    4–No, she became a PHD History professor in 3 years after learning Danish in order to access reference texts. Simply Amazing.

    7–nice sarcasm wasted on an an unimportant and easy to contest issue.

  9. Michel says:

    I have allready sometime a theory and a full site about this subject, great that eyetracking tools are confirming this.

    check out :


  10. Michel says:

    And more specific this topic:
    1.2 Eye Movement & The Masking Alpha Channel :


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