Riding up on someone’s tailgate and blasting the horn will prove much more satisfying with the Horntones FX-550.

The mobile audio system enables users to customize the sound their car horn makes with all kinds of sound effects — from various noises to movie lines to music clips.

The company also offers MP3 editing software online via the Virtual Player on its Web site. Unlike with ringtones, users don’t have to buy specially configured music. They simply use the Virtual Player to trim any MP3 track ripped from a CD to the right length and load it into the system.

Will they offer direct access to iTunes?

  1. BdgBill says:

    They need to make this illegal NOW. I have other peoples shitty music forced on me enough as it is without having it blasted at me at 100 decibels on every street corner.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    After an initial period of overdoing it and showing-off…

    this, too, shall pass.

  3. framitz says:

    Illegal within 6 months, but it would be fun to blast sound clips like ‘get the hell outta my way dumbass!’ once in a while to relieve frustration at the ultrastupid.

  4. pjakobs says:

    I am all for a slight variation of the system:

    the car stereo plays the sound sample the owner desires
    the horn itself on the outside remains unchanged.

    That way, the wannabe druckdriver in his Nissan can sound a foghorn to himself, feel brave and mighty while not getting on the nerves of the drivers around him.


  5. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Utterly cool. Imagine the Bubbling Cauldron at horn volume:

  6. Cinaedh says:

    Great. Now I’m going to have to put a horn in the rear of my truck that says something like: “Fock you too, azzhole!”

  7. GregA says:

    Now I can live out my dreams of having an Orange 1969 dodge charger and have it play an out of tune version of Dixieland!!!

  8. Atomic Bitchwax says:

    You know what I’m gonna do?
    I’m gonna get myself a 1967 Cadilac El Dorado Convertable
    Hot pink!
    With whale skin hub caps
    An all leather cow interior
    And big brown baby seal eyes for headlights
    And I’m gonna drive around in that baby
    At 115 miles per hour
    Getting one mile per gallon
    Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds in the old-fashioned non-biodegradable Styrofoam containers
    And when I’m done sucking down those grease-ball burgers
    I’m gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag
    And then I’m gonna toss the Styrofoam containers right out the side
    And there ain’t a Goddamn thing anybody can do about it

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    You’re missing a fine opportunity to offend – instead of a ragtop, make it a hearse!

  10. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Why not a convertible hearse? Then wire the Horntones directly to the ignition it blasts whenever the engine is running. Constant Bubbling Cauldron. Fun! The neighbors would love it when you’re pulling in at 3:00am after a night on the town.

  11. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Four chromed side pipes on each side, shooting flame when you rev it – that would be a nice, low-key touch, too…

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Didn’t Ron Popeil try something like this with Mr. Microphone already?
    “Hey, good looking, I’ll be back to pick you up later. Broadcast your voice on any FM radio!!!”

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    Didn’t the guys from MTV’s “Pimp my ride” already showed that?

  14. soundingloud says:

    Yes fish, this too shall pass.

  15. rcrach says:

    I don’t know if anyone remembers The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers but there was a strip in the late 60’s where Phineas taped the sound of an 18 wheeler full of caged pigs locking up its brakes at 80 miles an hour to play over his amped Volkswagon stereo system.

  16. DrZ says:

    Legal tampering with a safty device. Great. Just what I need to warn me of that oncoming train. Prelude to “Riders on the Storm”. Did you hear rain? Bang, I’m done!

  17. Dauragon88 says:

    Hehehe. This is great. But will totally be illegal before I get a car.

    Damn, I really wanted my horn to sound like Al Pachino…..

  18. GaryInMiami says:

    Just what the world needs. More assholes with toys.

    When someone gets too close to my bumper I start slowing down. The closer they get or the more they honk the slower I go.

    I also legally carry a concealed gun in case things get out of hand. Fortunately it’s never gotten that bad.


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