Not too shabby. An online questionnaire that matches of the best of the survey outfits I work with.

Try it for yourself.

Thanks, joshua

  1. hhopper says:

    Another Kucinich – 81.63%

  2. #32 – nonStatist,

    I want an over reaching government to control the corporations that control us. Left to their own devices, they scare me.

  3. #33 – hhopper,

    Isn’t it amazing how many people actually find out that Kucinich is the candidate for them despite the fact that the media is afraid to even discuss the man, let alone give him some air time?

  4. nonStatist says:

    An over reaching government favors corporations more than anything. They get regulations that stomps out their competition, they get free money from the government doll, and they also get political favors by those in power. Big Government = More Incentive for corporate involvement.

  5. #36 – nonStatist,

    Yes, corps love big government that doesn’t regulate them or tax them. What we need is medium sized government that does tax and regulate business. And, oh yeah, obviously we need to make lobbying illegal. Unfortunately, all of this is only in my wildest dreams.

  6. joshua says:

    #35…Sott….He’s way to left for me on almost everything(Kucinich), but my Uncle who is gay and my best mate who is gay(i see a trend here i think 🙂 ) are floundering around looking for a candidate to support that is left leaning and isn’t afraid to speak up and say he supports gay issues 100%….so I said why not Kucinich……both are supposedly into politics but knew almost nothing about him. Hell, I knew far more about his stances than they did. Now they are trying to get other gays to take a serious look at Kucinich.

  7. joshua says:

    #38…that should have been Scott….not sot…oooops…sorry MS. 🙂


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