Not too shabby. An online questionnaire that matches of the best of the survey outfits I work with.

Try it for yourself.

Thanks, joshua

  1. TheMaddog says:

    OK so the best I can get is a 66% match…. that about sums up my issues with the US political system. Where is the Logical party.. 🙁

  2. BubbaRay says:

    Good Gravy On Burnt Toast!! I get Oback Barama?? Not in my lifetime. This must be some new and strange definition of “issues” with which I’m unfamiliar.

    Even the links on the site don’t seem to work whether AdBlock and NoScript are disabled or not. It was fun, though!

  3. Richard says:

    Joe Biden? He wasn’t even on my radar. Who would have guessed?

  4. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I got an 89% match on Kucinich. Perhaps he’s not quite as liberal as I am. I’d like to see the details of the differences.

  5. Rob Nee says:

    I too got a match for Kucinich, 87%. I have to remember to come back and take the test again once the pack has been thinned. I bet I won’t match anyone at that point…

  6. TVAddict says:

    I got Gravel….Go figure. Never would have come up with that one on my own.

  7. Vince says:

    Yeah, weirdness–my top 2 matches were Gravel and Kucinich, both of whom I agree with about 2% of their policies. Obama was my 3rd highest. And I label myself as a Libertarian more than anything. I wonder if there were any Lib. candidates in the selection options.

  8. RTaylor says:


  9. iGlobalWarmer says:

    80% match for Fred Thompsen so that part is accurate. Looking at the Most Matched list on the right though, I would say only a few hundred have voted so far, most of them left leaning.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Kucinich @ 81%,
    Biden @ 79%
    Obama & Clinton, both at 75%,

    Now, if only Kusinich had a chance.

  11. Cinaedh says:

    This is sort of fun but of course it’s also pretty dumb, matching your heartfelt beliefs with a politician’s outright lies – trying to determine who to support.

    Actually, I guess it’s just like real life!

  12. Awake says:

    It seems pretty accurate, too bad that it does not include “presidential potential” in it’s rankings.
    For example, I am sure that there are plenty of people that agree on the issues with the moron that is currently the President . Too bad that he is probably the worst president ever, regardless of what his beliefs are. He is untrustworthy, secretive, unapproachable, unfriendly, divisive, and just generally a nasty petty asswipe of a man.
    There is much more than beliefs involved in judging a presidential candidate, there is also a judgment of credibility, moral integrity, past performance, respectability, leadership ability,etc.

  13. Daver Lee Lewis says:

    88% Biden. Now I have to tell my Dad I’m a liberal. He’s going to be pissed off.

    I don’t vote labels. I vote based on what a candiate has to say, right or left. Right now I want to hear more from Hunter S, err, Fred Thompson.

  14. James Hill says:

    #12 – We didn’t need any more proof that you’re a loser, but thanks anyway.

  15. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #16 – James Hill,

    Are you trying to make the point about conservatives being narrow minded from the other thread? Just curious.

  16. iGlobalWarmer says:

    I wonder how the results would change if they added some more issues like Global Warming, nuclear power, flat tax, Fair Tax, broadcast standards, research funding, general military funding, space program, ethanol subsidies, farm subsidies, etc. The survey needs to be at least twice as long.

  17. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #18 – iGW,

    A longer survey would help. However, I think that the intent of asking about Kyoto was a proxy for the whole climate change issue. I’d probably add liquid coal to the survey too, as it would make probably the only difference between Hillary and Obama. (Obamary? Hillama?) Those two are my last and next to last candidates in the list of Dems these days, but are both still way ahead of any of the Reps for me.

    While adding questions, they should have added school prayer, faith based initiatives, religiosity as a general concept, and desire for government to base their policies on science and reason.

  18. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Is it updated daily for the issue-flippers?

  19. nightstar says:

    Kucinich 78.95% I hope absentee ballots get counted this time.

  20. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #20 – Elwood,

    Issue-Flippers!! I love it. That’s what we need. Flipper with the right to vote. Dolphins voting could counter many of the stupid things humans do.

  21. bac says:

    Gavel 88%, which is fine with me. I wonder if anyone has thought about creating an Anarchy Party. The debates would be interesting if there was such party.

  22. bac says:

    Forgot the r in Gravel

  23. ECA says:

    Can I ASK,
    is this based on WHAT these folks are saying…
    OR what they REALLY are going to do??

    1 president, DID what he said he was going to TRY…He submitted bills to congress and Rep’s Soon after entering office…AND NONE passed, and he NEVER followed thru, and never backed ANY of them…

  24. DaveW says:

    If anyone is paying attention at this point, my results:

    Gravel 81.54%
    Kucinich 63.08%
    Paul 62.31%
    Richardson 55.38%


  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, iHotAir(YOP)

    Good point. There does have to be a limit to how many questions might be asked though. I also suspect that they might be just choosing questions which each candidate has already stated a position on.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Scott,

    James Hill,
    Are you trying to make the point about conservatives being narrow minded from the other thread?

    Nope. Just demonstrating his superior moranic talent to make a total ass out of himself.

  27. Josh: Good find…I ended up with George Washington

  28. joshua says:

    I did this test last night when I found it on the Times of London online edition. I was very surprised at the results since I’m a conservative/libertarian on most issues. Today I started looking at the candidates records that it said I matched top….then second level and found that based on my answers, this thing was pretty accurate. It was my minds choices that were out of sync with the candidates I thought I could support.
    Also, the level of interest seems to have a big effect on who you match up with….low…medium….high…..seems to move your match around a bit.
    Anyway….my top matches were…..Dodd…59.65%

    my second group was…….Biden……57.65%

    I have absolutely no desire to vote for Obama or Paul….Biden I actually have looked at in the past as a possible candidate I could support….I at first couldn’t figure out where the hell Dodd came from….lol…but as I looked, his stances on some of the things I answered are very close…..go figure.

    A few of the questions were to general….like….*do you support the Iraq war?*…..I don’t…….but I firmly believe we can’t leave until we have stablized the country enough that it would have a fighting chance to survive. I honestly think the repercussions of us leaving Iraq like we did in Vietnam are way to serious. So I answered that as a yes.
    I said yes to abortion rights….even though I am anti-abortion…..but I feel goverment has no right to tell anyone what they can or cannot do with their body. So again, I couldn’t answer correctly as it was to general.

  29. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #30 – You’re right about the questions being too general. Problem is the survey writers are extrapolating the survey from candidates statements anyway. It would be ideal if you could get the candidates themselves to take the same survey.

    The problem with that of course is that candidates would then be giving concrete responses to questions. Listen to any speech, candidates don’t like to be specific.

  30. nonStatist says:

    Paul and Gravel are the only ones worth a damn. The rest want an over reaching government to control your life.


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