You may have watched shows like SciFi’s Ghost Hunter, but you’ve never seen anything like this. Everything you’ve seen up to now is either faked, misinterpreted or worse. But this, obviously, is real. You just can’t fake something this terrifying! People laughed at John’s famous Ghost Car video claiming it was fake. But this is not even in the same league.

Beware. Only for the strong of heart! Don’t try this at home!

  1. Ringo says:

    I was a skeptic before, but after seeing this, I truly am a believer in ghosts and spirits.

  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    I believe in God now after seeing such proof.


  3. xwing71 says:

    Dang, that’s convinced me! But, it’s too scary for most people. It should be tagged for over 18. Seriously!

  4. Jay says:

    Quick Egon grab the Proton Pack!

  5. Casper says:

    Holy jumpin’ Jesus!!!!!!!!@#!%$!%

    Whoa, wait a second… I watched it a second time, and I think it might be a hoax. Watch it a few times yourself, you’ll see what I mean…

  6. OhFrak! says:

    you commies are easily amused.

  7. Ben Beltran says:

    @jesus: totally a hoax man, they used after effects to make the ghost figure, and if you look closely you can see a werewolf rocking the chair, not a ghost.

  8. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Britney coming home after a bender? The boots look familiar…..

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – Britney coming home after a bender?

    More like one of Paris Hilton’s stallions coming home after impregnation…

  10. Chris says:

    you people sure are suckers. it’s obviously fake. watch it again and look at the bottom of the sheet. You’ll see two black boots underneath. Jeezz

  11. Fodd says:

    Oh I don’t know, I think all those other videos with ‘orbs’ are much more convincing of the afterlife.

    But you’d think Jesus would give you a pair of scissors to cut some eye holes out of your eternal outfit. Make it easier to move about without colliding into things.

  12. OvenMaster says:

    Seriously, all I can see is some guy in dark shorts and a t-shirt, wearing boots and a sheet, acting like he’s drunk.

    Maybe it’s my browser?

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #10 – Chris – it’s obviously fake

    SAY IT AIN’T SO!!! 🙁

  14. chuck says:

    If you look very closely, you’ll see the guy under the sheet is….. Osama bin Laden!!! – you can see the dye job on his beard!!

  15. crashoverride says:

    Can I Please have the two minutes of my life back??? I mean seriously come on here…………………………………………………….

  16. BubbaRay says:

    Absolut proof that Uncle Morty can make spirits disappear…

  17. Arrrggghhhh…a whole minute of my life that I’ll never get back!

  18. DBR says:

    My people call these spirits “Twennysometins” and
    seek to avoid their presence, unless we are ordering
    our traditional beverage, “Double Capp w/cin”

  19. Uncle Dave says:

    #15 & 17: How would you have used your time if you hadn’t watched the video? Would you have used that two minutes wisely? I think not. Quit your whining.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    You effen nay sayers !!! Ya can’t even take the bloody time to look closely at the video. Face it. There just ain’t no way there isn’t some shit happening there. Like c’mon man, get real, things like this HAPPEN.

  21. BubbaRay says:

    Darn! I knew multi-level puns were a lost (and distasteful) art. Forgive me.

  22. Dallas says:

    i agree it must be fake.

  23. hhopper says:

    Pretty well done fake though. Had me going for a moment there.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22 & 23,

    Okay guys, if this is fake please point out some signs or other indication.

    Some people just have no faith. If you can’t believe your own eyes, what can you believe?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    RE #24,

    And I mean that in a nice way.

  26. KVolk says:

    what are you all watching all I saw was some furniture moving…probably had strings attached…

  27. Hugh G. Rection says:

    This scared the piss out of me.

  28. gmknobl says:

    That is funny.

    However, if you’ve ever seen a real ghost, you may not make fun of people to know they exist.

    However, this is funny. Until one of these ghost shows actually comes up with something that is very hard to fake and independently verifiable, they don’t mean didly-squat to me except fun with camera tricks.

  29. OmarTheAlien says:

    21: Naw, everybody just figured you mispelled absolute, if they caught it at all. Cool, though.

  30. Glenn E says:

    Ghosts are just somebody’s crappy idea about not quite making it to the afterlife because they weren’t good enough. So you better behave now, or you’ll be sticking around even though you’re dead. What utter baloney!

    As for these visuals. I’ve been watching crap like this for longer than I care to admit. If it’s not ghosts, it’s UFOs. And always it’s a matter of fakery or a misinterpreted non-supernatural cause. Like birds, bugs, lens flares, double exposures, etc. And usually what happens is after camera technology improves, these things go away for a while. Until some people have had a chance to fiddle around with their new camera toy. And find out some flaw in its design, and exploit it as a genuine unworldly visit. Or accidently pointed it toward a reflection of the sun, and an “orb” appears. With all the video software that’s out there now, I’m sure just about anyone could Photoshop a convincing ghost or UFO. But since most people realize this, we rarely see anyone try to pull the wool over our eyes. This could be a deliberate fake (I’m not wasting my time to watch it). Or just someone’s goof, that happened to generate an odd image. The next generation of video camera design will likely make it harder for a while. Then one day…..


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