This came out over a year ago and is a translation of a list from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on what al Qaeda needs to do to win. It’s also fascinating reading beyond the Iran points.

Text of a document found in Zarqawi’s safe house

7. To avoid mistakes that will blemish the image of the resistance and show it as the enemy of the nation.

In general and despite the current bleak situation, we think that the best suggestions in order to get out of this crisis is to entangle the American forces into another war against another country or with another of our enemy force, that is to try and inflame the situation between American and Iran or between America and the Shi’a in general.

[…]Consequently, to embroil America in another war against another enemy is the answer that we find to be the most appropriate, and to have a war through a delegate has the following benefits:

1. To occupy the Americans by another front will allow the resistance freedom of movement and alleviate the pressure imposed on it.

2. To dissolve the cohesion between the Americans and the Shi’a will weaken and close this front.

The resistance fighters have learned from the result and the great benefits they reaped, when a struggle ensued between the Americans and the Army of Al-Mahdi. However, we have to notice that this trouble or this delegated war that must be ignited can be accomplished through:
7. A war between the Americans and Iran. We have noticed that the best of these wars to be ignited is the one between the Americans and Iran, because it will have many benefits in favor of the Sunni and the resistance

6. By disseminating bogus messages about confessions showing that Iran is in possession of weapons of mass destruction or that there are attempts by the Iranian intelligence to undertake terrorist operations in America and the west and against western interests.

Let us hope for success and for God’s help.

  1. flyingelivs says:

    so, i guess it’s really Abu Musab al-Zarqawi building the centrafuges in iran. Odd. It’s really Abu Musab al-Zarqawi supplying iranian arms to the iraqi fighters. Odd.

  2. Dallas says:

    It’s no wonder Bin Laden campaigned for Bush in the last elections by putting out his pre-election video. It’s clear to him the best way to defeat the US is from within.

    Most people think these fanatics guys are a bunch of idiots. They are quite smart. It’s the goof we have in Washington thinking his big gun is the solution.

    In a few decades, these times will show how the US became a secondary power – a country with a big gun, but no bigger than China or the EU but with no respect, no friends in the world community.

  3. Milo says:

    Iran will collapse… unless Bush attacks it.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Remember where the Republicans incited the Democrats to get the gays & lesbians to marry DURING ELECTION YEAR and remember after that HOW EASY IT WAS FOR GEORGE W. BUSH TO WIN THE REELECTION DESPITE THE FACT THAT HIS POPULARITY SUNK 5 POINTS A WEEK LATER?

  5. MikeN says:

    Hey wait a minute, I thought US troops weren’t accomplishing anything in Iraq. The rest of the message shows Zarqawi thinks the opposite.

  6. MikeN says:

    And Iran uses the same logic to help fighters in Iraq against the US.

  7. mxpwr03 says:

    A little late to the punch here, eh?
    I wonder if the rise in “attack Iran” stories is the result of the Guardian running low on good anti-Iraq War propaganda, especially when Hillary Clinton even admits that the Baghdad Security Operation is yielding positive results.

  8. Tim Harris says:

    I can’t believe you guys fall for this propaganda crap. Listen, anything that comes from overseas, DO NOT BELIEVE IT. Anything coming from our government, DO NOT BELIEVE IT. That means when you see MSNBC playing Bin Ladin video excerpts and then bashing his “just for men” beard style, this is propaganda meant to infuriate the Muslim culture. News anchors laughing at Bin Ladin, new anchors making fun of him…THIS IS PROPOAGANDA meant to cause a response. We are at war and do not think for one second the new media is on “our” side.

    This country should have been in a state of civil unrest, abut now. Our troops should have been withdrawn based on the general report released this September. We should have been able to use outlets such as myspace to gather rallies all across the globe. The mob should be out in full force, overcoming recruitment posts with protests,.Yet we are not. But NPR, the sensationalist media, along with numerous talk shows, have skirted around the government’s accountability for its failed policy, and instead are once again promoting the lost cause of the scorch and burn campaign, instead of doing what it is they are supposed to be doing which is promoting the cause of the people.

    Both our government and Bin Ladin are wrong. We will go into Iran, and it will not be for any reason other than family power struggles within the world elite. ITs not about money, not about oil, not about foreign land, war is about a bunch of oligarchs battling for supremacy. If drafted, I’d rather kill myself than die for an unknown cause. Don’t drink this Iran koolaid. Think for yourself. And above all, trust your neighbor, more so than your friendly man in a black suit wanting to sell you candy.

  9. GigG says:

    Get back on your meds Tim

  10. tkane says:

    I hate the prop poster. Since when was this ever about oil? Look at those pump prices! I *wish* it were about controlling the oil fields, but that’s not it.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, chcknhwk03

    So how is basic training coming along? Do you think you will be in the first wave to hit the beaches of Iran? Are there many other neo-con morans in your unit?

  12. doug says:

    #7. When the shiite Iraqi government takes advantage of the ‘breathing room’ our surge has supposedly bought them, be sure to let me know.

    (Oh, are they back from vacay already?)

    Also note that the security op means Baghdad bloodletting is down from the all-time highs. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

    My opinion – they are waiting us out. This is a fight that has been simmering for 1200 years or so, so why rush it?

    One way or another, this is going to be winding up in Summer 08 (to try to save the GOP from electoral disaster) or Summer 09 (after the GOP has suffered electoral disaster), and the Iraqis know it.

    Then will come the settling of accounts, and it will not be pretty.

  13. doug says:

    Oh, and an attack on Iran would turn the Iraqi situation from a disaster to a catastrophe. One can only hope that the Bushies are not too bubbled to know that, but it is only a hope, and a thin one at that.

  14. byer says:

    tim dont listen to these people i myself have been saying this since before the war.the gov tells us what they want us to know, the media reports what the gov tells them.and people think, oil prices are up that makes everything else go up. let the politicians(that we the poor struggling people pay their salaries)decide if they are going to feed their families or pay the eletric bill, or feed their families or go to the doctors because their kids sick see how fast they fix our economy.


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