Users caught with Halo 3 banned for life. New Lenovo machine released leather clad laptop. Going to the Arabs. New Area codes for California. 408 doomed. Apparently the gPhone is total BS. China has new CH-DVD. Apple cuts NBC, NBC says it’s bull what Apple said. Now Apple says it wants top sell TV for a dollar not two dollars.

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  1. GregA says:

    Im not gonna pick sides on the coming video download service price war. Im gonna kick back and cancel my cable services and buy television à la carte. FINALLY!!!

  2. random_chevy says:

    The upward of eighty-five cents per episode cost I pay buying select DVD box sets includes shipping, handling, and taxes. For iTunes episodes to compete, the price per episode needs to lower to seventy-nine cents sticker price.

  3. Glenn E says:

    Thanks to the football game fans at JC Penney, we received out new sofa this weekend, still in the factory shipping box, UNASSEMBLED. The feet still needed to be scewed on, and the “sleeper bed” shipping straps removed. Things the receiving depot should have done before tossing it on the truck. But I have little doubt that there was a shortage of help on this first footballs season weekend. Or maybe most of their labor force went “back to school”, and hasn’t been replaced. Luckily the delivery men had to remove the sofa from its huge box, just to get it thru our front door. But now we’ve got to shred this box, because it also wasn’t their job to take it with them.

    Banned from an XBox Live account for 7992 years?! There are dead penality sentences that haven’t lasted that long! Who gets to decide these wacky numbers? It’s all lame PR. They’ll be back online in a year of two. Microsoft is too desparate for the business.

    Hey, I might go for a ThinkPod. But a leather Thinkpad?! Isn’t that a bit like having a wooden cased your desktop PC? Well the PETA people should have a field day with this one. “Lenovo Laptops are Murder”. Figures it’s a Made in China brand. Slave labor will keep down its cost a bit. It might have cost $5100 if americans had assembled it. Don’t the UAE businessmen prefer goat skins?

    We’re going to run out of Telephone numbers, long before we run out of IP numbers. So when are they going to give up the remnants of the old analog system, and go fully digital? They we can stop using these ten digit phone numbers and have the equivalent of a DNS service for the phone. I think France already has this (or once did). They stopped issuing phonebooks, and just had a screen/phone combo. Think how many trees will be saved if we no longer needed three phonebooks.

    Some VC “saw the Google Phone”! But now it doesn’t exist. And that’s the way these things go? Is that anything like Global Warming? And ten years from now, the scientists will be backpeddling on what they were absolutely certain of? Sorry to be off-topic here. But I tend to see similarities in all of these strategically asserted “things” that vanish.

    NBC probably did want $5 a show on iTunes. They think their own poop is worth at least that. But when they didn’t get Apple to agree, they turn around and deny they ever asked that price. See the previous paragraph about things that vanish. That’s the way it works, again.


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