COBB COUNTY, Ga. — Will Chandler said he knows he should not have left campus when he and two friends left Wheeler High School for lunch a week ago.
A school officer found a Swiss Army knife in Chandler’s car’s console. Under the school’s zero tolerance policy it was an automatic suspension for Chandler.
The next day, the Chandlers found out Will had also been charged with a felony.
“We found out that my son, there’s a felony warrant out for him. It just seems like a nightmare. We’re still in shock,” said Sharon Chandler. Will Chandler was booked into the Cobb County Jail and his mother started a quest to find answers.
“When the principal said to me, ‘This could kill someone,’ I said to him, ‘So could a pencil.’ My son did not have this on his physical body, did not have it on him, it was not in his backpack, it was not in his locker. It was in the console of the car,” said Sharon.
The problem isn’t just with the “Zero Tolerance” brigadistas in the school system. This fiasco couldn’t take place without the collaboration of peanut-brain politicians and cops who acquired their standards from 19th Century vigilantes.
Related links:
School Website
Ed Thayer
Thanks, KB
Our society is so fucked up right now it isn’t even funny anymore.
The tools in my car that I use to change my tire are much more deadly than a swiss army knife. Looks like we are doing exactly what the terrorist want, living in fear.
How about the freaking CAR? Loaded with gas and can travel at more than 2 miles an hour?
This is crazy.
The sad thing is we are becoming habituated to this non-sense. [sigh]
I’m gonna home school my kid. Screw these wacky people. Zero tolerance = No thinking.
Aw man, that’s rougher than a Cobb, as they used to say (and maybe still do) in Indiana.
“Civilization” doesn’t deserve to live on, with these kinds of shenannies going on.
WTF were the school cops doing searching his car in the first place? Didn’t he lock it?
The terrorist are here and they work for the Government.
We just might be getting a tad carried away here … just a tad.
But show up with 5 nukes in LA and you have a oops!
Funny how that works….
The frigging knife is a TOOL. I have more deadly tools in my car including a leatherman tool.
Zero tolerance is one thing, but common sense should not be thrown out.
This whole situation is rediculous, I too used to leave campus during my luch break because the food there was absolute garbage, and I later found out cockroach infested. And as for the waepon charge lets go with a shortlist of everyday items that can be weapons:
Tire Iron
Pens, Pencils
Razor Blades
Most Sporting Equipment
Desk Corners
Wall Corners
Truthfully the only way to keep al dangers out of schools is to not have anyone attend them!
Just think what a paper cutter could do.
I think we should place the blame squarely where it belongs — on Switzerland. These arms merchants have spread their army knife weaponry worldwide, while somehow managing to remain below the radar of peace loving nations.
Let’s get ’em !!!
#13: “Blame Switzerland!” just doesn’t flow as well as “Blame Canada!”
I wonder what will happen when kids start fist fighting again. Back in my day……… { the rest of some old fart story }.
Someone should make a list of everything that could be used as a weapon then demand schools eliminate those items from the schools. Then watch the education system die.
anyone can tell you that a felony conviction is tantamount to an excommunication from american society
this type of unthinking, unyielding zero tolerance crap makes for nice headlines and warm fuzzy feelings among the law and order set, but in reality all it accomplishes is the creation of an underclass that will be a permanent drain on our society
besides, every non-violent offender you send up the river releases a violent offender back into your neighborhood from our overcrowded jails
Since teachers and principals can’t do their jobs, they have to do this shit.
“But, officer, I got this when I was in the Boy Scouts!”
“No excuses, terrorist! You’re going to JAIL!”
Common sense is a rarity nowadays. -_-
From the article:
A Cobb School District spokesperson said their policy states a knife with a blade that’s more than 2 inches — the Swiss Army knife is 3 inches — results in an automatic suspension and an automatic criminal charge.
Where does the school system get off deciding what is a criminal charge? They don’t have the power to make law. The knife is either legal everywhere or nowhere.
The terrorists have indeed won.
They wanted to change how we live, they wanted to take away our freedoms, and they have done exactly that. Our government have us living in fear, have us living with them looking over everything we do, and they must see the news of the domestic wiretaps, the government gone drunk on power, and laugh soundly.
For anyone to think otherwise is pure folly.
This story simply illustrates how far government has gone and how much power they now hold.
Don’t tell me there’s a law against 3-inch blades in Cobb County…doesn’t seem possible.
All this anti-terror bullshit was created for one reason, to allow the government to control us by having people live in fear and harass them with bullshit like this.
#11 – Have you ever seen the martial art of Mongolian Paper Fighting? Paper cuts can kill. Paper need to be added to the list of thing to be banned from school.
Not that I think of it, you can choke on food too. Ban it!
Here come the knife control laws.
#3 – bill – How about the freaking CAR?
Not only that… it’s the weapon of choice by many terrorists.
I have been retained to represent Wheeler High School in this matter. It is clearly written in the Wheeler High School Handbook section 12-19 “Rights and Responsibilities” that states: “No student may have any instrument, which may resemble or give the appearance of being a knife, gun, or any lethal or dangerous weapon. The intent of this policy includes the possession of such knives, guns, or any lethal or dangerous weapons or instruments located in automobiles or any other place on school premises, and at any school sponsored and/or related trips or activities away from school premises.”
The dress code states that the wearing of “Colors” by students is also prohibited. This student has on many occasions been reprimanded for wearing a uniform that was easily recognized as gang related. It had special insignia on the shirt sleeve, “BSA” and “Troop 318”. He had wore a sash that was emblazoned with “badges” that extolled his nefarious exploits such as starting fires, tying knots and the like. He wore a red kerchief around his neck too that is well known to act as a chino type bandana. He was also observed saluting other gang members in similar dress using a three finger salute.
The school security guard had probable cause in searching the students vehicle because it was reported that the young man’s initials had been carved into his assigned desk in Ms. Cliver’s classroom. This along with the student’s past behavior was reason enough to search his vehicle.
Let’s see… A lug wrench, electric cigarette lighter, gasoline, belted tires, front and rear bumpers. My god, your whole car is a lethal weapon. Oh yeah, and there’s a little knifey in the glove compartment. Well that we can take to court without question. FELONY!
>>I think we should place the blame squarely where it belongs — on Switzerland.
The only reason the Swiss have an Army is to defend their Banking Industry which has all the loot stashed there by despots, former heads of state, and wealthy terrorists. So naturally they must protect all those assets from being overrun by a bunch of watchmakers.
Your absolutely right and it’s extremely sad to watch.
Unfortunately it seems to be influencing other countries as well.
The boys need to watch out as they get older in case schools start banning “tools” longer than 3 inches.
(shrug) Crybabies that say “There ought to be a law” and “Where was the government and why wasn’t it protecting me”.
Same mentality that pushed gun control. It’s not for our protection, but to allow politicians to claim they are “doing something about…”.
Of course, it’s gone so far and so fast that the stupidity is obvious. Too much heat under that frog pot.