Is Sun going to spin off a software company? Maybe. Women quitting the IT biz in the UK. HP rolls out new Smart Phones. Why? Apple phone business goes flaky overnight. They drop price out-of-the-blue. Microsoft moving some operations to Seattle. Paul Allen going nuts in Seattle. Look for Intel and others to move to VietNam.

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  1. Glenn E says:

    Hey SUN. I got some invisible computer software that makes PCes work absolutely fabulous. But only the really hippest users can get any kind of benefit from it. The King of Redmond loves it. So contact me soon. And give me lots of money. Oh yeah, it’s very very strategic ware.

  2. julieb says:

    Despite the lack of confidence in the intro, that was one of the best shows yet. Perhaps it was more analysis and less news items overall. Even got a few good laughs, specifically the mention of looking for the lewd pictures on the ipod.

    good game

  3. Mark Derail says:

    John, it being so quiet, donate spare cpu cycles and make a CrankyGeeks team for Folding @ Home.

    C’mon John, I’ll donate one of my many cpu’s to your team.

    As for Sun/Java, aren’t they going down the same path SCO already did? With OpenSource Linux, pure Unix companies suffer? Just conjecture.
    Why are the ‘Nix companies suffering?
    Which leads me to one more question – why isn’t Red Hat in the news more often?

  4. Shubee says:

    Sun did not change the company name and has no plans to change the company name. Sun merely changed its stock ticker symbol from SUNW to JAVA.

  5. ChrisMac says:

    too bad this whole situation let itself become about money

    obviously fame is more important

  6. Bill R. says:

    John, I usually love your podcast but the comments you made about Apple and the iPhone sound totally uninformed. It seems to me that Apple is dropping the price so fast on the iPhone BECAUSE it has been successful, not the other way around and they are looking to capitalize on the holiday season. All purchasers in the 14-day window will get a refund from Apple and AT&T. That info was announced with the price drop. Now Jobs is offering $100 to all early-adopters or “suckers” as you are calling them.

  7. Bill R. says:

    #7 Not even a close comparison. The Wii is a cleverly designed system with relatively low-tech hardware from a company that is entrenched in the video game industry. PS3 and iPhone are bleeding edge tech from a veteran and rookie of their respective target industries.

  8. iPhone says:

    Apple is dropping the price because they want to take over the CrackBerry Market. Apple is already working on an enteprise level Server that will make the iPhone the next crackberry in the corporate world.

  9. JimJones says:

    Software companies are dead. Its about Service based companies. If SUN is looking for companies that sell software, they are looking in the wrong place. They need to look for companies that sell Services.


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