The connectors to the cyberspace worlds of William Gibson are upon us. And since these devices will eventually be used to do things online, how long will it take until the government — in an effort to protect us from [fill in threat here] — force brain controller makers to include taps so they can listen in on your thoughts? Don’t even think for a second that that’s not coming.

Brain to Control Games Directly, Maybe Vice Versa

Your brain might be your next videogame controller.

That might sound pretty awesome, but the prospect of brain-controlled virtual joysticks has some scientists worried that games might end up controlling our brains.

Several makers of brain-computer interfaces, or BCIs — devices that facilitate operating a computer by thought alone — claim the technology is poised to jump from the medical sector into the consumer gaming world in 2008.
For example, the devices sometimes force users to slow down their brain waves. Afterward, users have reported trouble focusing their attention.

“Imagine that somebody uses a game with slow brain-wave activity and then drives a car while still in that state,” says Niels Birbaumer, a leading independent researcher in medical applications of BCIs. “You could have an accident. I think it’s a rare possibility, but it should be tested before people do this.”

But when it’s used for sheer entertainment, scientists worry that gamers will experience the effects of neurofeedback — a technique used to heighten awareness and control of brain waves by providing a real-time graphic representation of the user’s brain wave activity. Biofeedback works similarly, using physiological information such as blood pressure, skin temperature and heart rate.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Don’t even think for a second that that’s not coming.”

    Hey, how did you know what I was thinking?

  2. lakelady says:

    and who exactly will be forcing anyone to play games this way?

  3. Osmodious says:

    Best line in the article: “From a clinical perspective, we are superconcerned about any use of this technology that’s being touted as a toy or as entertainment,”


    Wouldn’t that be…worried (upset, agitated, disturbed, disquieted, vexed, haunted, plagued, beset, etc.)?

    I’m ‘superconcerned’ about all these doctors that don’t appear to have a basic vocabulary (this isn’t the first article with an invented word in it). I mean, it’s kind of hard for me to take you seriously when you can’t articulate what you are trying to say…

  4. iZombie says:

    an the hackers will have a new target for a world of Zombies

  5. mrmigu says:

    must you really nitpick about this guys vocabulary?

    You know what the difference between a “made up” word and a “real” word? a “real” word is published in a list. a list which is added upon all the time.

    you clearly understood the point he was trying to get across, so does it really make a difference?

  6. Neo says:

    Let the Matrix game begin

  7. The Dude says:

    There is no spoon.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    Neo, Eon, One — I see a fortune to be made in security hardware / software for brain protection. Maybe my kid can handle it, my brain’s already fried from too much CRT/LCD viewing… 😉

    Nice find, Uncle Dave!

  9. DaveW says:

    #2 “and who exactly will be forcing anyone to play games this way?”

    Nobody. People (well gamers actually) will willingly spend large amounts of money for the infernal things. Heck, they lined up for the iphone!

  10. jdm says:

    Intra-neuron advertisement injections. Hmmm…it makes Blipverts sound old fashion.

  11. David says:

    To answer the question, I think the only way it would become a problem is if it was connected by wires. It would have to be wireless. Can you imagine trailing cables all the time? Now that would be a pain.

  12. Smartalix says:

    Going through the skull is so last century. The next-gen devices will be built in the brain by microscopic robots.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – you clearly understood the point he was trying to get across, so does it really make a difference?

    Comment by mrmigu — 9/5/2007 @ 6:21 am

    Yes. It really makes a difference.

    There are educated people and idiots. Language helps us to sort them out.

    (sadly, it doesn’t keep us from electing idiots to the office of President… twice)

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – Nobody. People (well gamers actually) will willingly spend large amounts of money for the infernal things. Heck, they lined up for the iphone!

    No I did not. I have a run of the mill Samsung phone and I’m quite happy with it.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    Porn games..

  16. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #13 – Idiots as President, Carter comes to mind as the only recent one I can think of.

    With this device you could get into a virtual line to buy a virtual iPhone to make virtual calls to other virtual people. Think of the possibilities….

    Of course it’s been done:

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – Baby Bush is the only sub-100 I can think of who ever kept the seat warm in the Oval while America waited for a leader to emerge.

    Carter may not have been successful, but he wasn’t dumb… and in my lifetime, he certainly had the highest moral character.

  18. DeLeMa says:

    As usual, Smartalix’s comment was the most interesting..
    If you wonder who will use the tech, you need only consider what Smartalix posted and look a bit towards nano tech issues out on the net right now. Consider: What if the wonderful folks we have as leaders now could innoculate everyone with a few bots to make sure we all had an interface they could use for.. –gasp– making us Neocons ! Quick..what’s the new state capital of Iran ? Iraq ? Gosh U.S. of THE WORLD !! And King Dumbya the 50th… With apologies to all…I shoulda resisted this one..

  19. nightstar says:

    I can hardly wait until the NSA has these built into every cellphone, just as a precaution. To protect your freedom of course 😉

  20. KVolk says:

    I guess “gargoyles” can become possible now for all the Snow crash fans out there.

  21. Smartalix says:


    Carter was a Rickover protege and a nuclear engineer. His problems came from weakness, not stupidity.

  22. iGlobalWarmer says:

    You can’t equate education and intelligence. Also, allowing his own weakness to completely drive his (in)actions to the point that he was not only useless but actively harmful to the nation can’t be called “smart”.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 – Well, he wasn’t inactive or harmful to the nation. As I’ve said before, Jesus Christ himself could have risen from the dead and assumed the Presidency in 1976… in 1980 he would have left office as a failure.

  24. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Sorry but The Peanut in Chief was extremely harmful to the nation. He was inactive when action was called for and actively harmful when inaction was called for. The place was in rough shape when he took over, but he contributed mightily to making things worse.

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #24 – History demonstrates otherwise. The real harm came when Reagan ushered in a new jingoistic era of nationalism.

    Liberals do not cause harm.

  26. iGlobalWarmer says:

    “Liberals do not cause harm.” – stop it!.. My sinuses are filled with coffee now.

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – Bwahahahaha

    My Hot Coffee To The Nostril Plan executes perfectly!


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