New Tigerton chip in Xeon series to be competitor with AMD Barceloa. The country is going green. Big news: employees playing games on company time. New Apple iPOD has better screen, WiFi. Microsoft cuts price for Zune. Software pirate thrown in slammer. Craigslist a nexus for prostitution.

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  1. Mike Voice says:

    Environmental rankings of companies?

    The company I work for just had our ISO 14000 audit. Is that the kind of info being used in the rankings?

    But, like you mentioned, ISO audit-findings aren’t something the majority of consumers are even aware exists.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Psst, John C.

    Tigger = two consonants after the vowel = short “I”
    Tiger (per your headline) = one consonant after vowel = long “I”

    So which one? Did you mispronounce it or misspeeel it? Or do they want it to be pronounced that way, while spelling it so as to not get into the shit with the estate of A.A. Milne?

    ª ª ª ª

    That thing on Craigslist certainly takes a load off MY mind. Americans can sleep safer tonight knowing that those tireless champions of the law are protecting them from advertisements placed online. I feel safer already.

    If anything, this makes the friggin’ War on Prostitution even more of a joke. Before, when they ran stings, they could always gin up some excuse about ‘it discourages hookers and their customers from spoiling nice neighborhoods.’ Now they get off the street and out of the sight of everyone except those who go looking, and these brave souls are right behind, risking life and limb to make sure that two people can’t make their own arrangement as to what they choose to do with another like-minded person and for what.

    So a girl screwing a guy because he drops $200 on her on a date remains perfectly legal and socially acceptable. But if the same two parties drop the pretense and he hands her the $200 in cash – they’re viciously destroying the very moral fabric of American society.

    Uh, OK. Makes sense. Right?

  3. I reckoned some picky person would call me on the Tigger thing…

  4. Trash Consumer says:

    Yes. John C. says that when he reads of the environmental survey, he just throws it in the trash.

    But Wait!! There is one more use for it.

    It can fill up 20% of the most important 5 minutes of our day.

    Ha. Ha.

  5. Mark Derail says:

    I’m sure there’s a few readers here that could start a CrankyGeeks team for Folding @ Home?

  6. Glenn E says:

    Is that the “Tony the Tigerton” chip? Where do they get these names?! I guess this is in response to Apple’s use of names like “Safari” and “Jaguar”. Apparently, we’re on “The Road to Zanzibar” in the computer world. It’s become a Hope and Crosby knockoff. Well Linux started it first, with their adopted “Ubuntu” label. It’s all gone South Africian on us.

  7. Improbus says:

    Thanks for the prostitution tip!

  8. JoaoPT says:

    Tech 5 the same day of Cranky Geeks feel like readers’ digest…
    “Can’t handle half hour of crankiness? just listen to tech5”.
    Names: Ubuntu has some hilarious releases: Dapper Drake, Edgy Eft, Feisty Fawn, Warty Warthog, Hoary Hedgehog, Breezy Badger…

  9. Glenn E says:

    I couldn’ t locate the I.W. article about software piracy that John mentioned. But if there really are people peddling pre-release software. Than this confirms something that I’ve always suspected. That the rich can get advanced copies of almost anything, long before we do. A kind of White market. I’m sure Donald Trump seeing a movie on DVD, months before the rest of us. So the leaks are probably coming from underpaid pions, “borrowing the discs”, and returning them before the master notices. Or somebody else in the wares’ distribution chain. We know this possible with new movies, because Academy Awards member don’t want to have to go to a theater to rate the movies their voting on. So a limited release of each years movies are sent out to them. And what a shock, somebody pirates them. But computer software too? Like John says, these have to be up in the pipe deliberately for some reason. And then they’re being hyjacked. So is there some Enterprise Level software distribution system, with really bad security?!


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