I’ve had it!!

Barbie sets withdrawn in new alert over toys from China | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited — What next for Mattel?

Thousands of Barbie doll accessories imported from China are being taken off the shelves in the United Kingdom because of excessive levels of lead paint. The admission by Mattel, the worlds largest toymaker, that its products do not conform to safety standards has revived concerns about subcontracting manufacturing processes to Chinas rapidly expanding industrial capacity.

Mattel has been forced to take millions of toys off the shelves in the United Kingdom and around the world this summer. The latest recall affects about 2,500 toys sold in the UK and up to 700,000 worldwide. Paint pigment on parts of seven Barbie accessory sets was found to exceed permissible levels and could, according to the companys website, “cause adverse health effects”.

  1. tallwookie says:

    Toy manufacturers should have it figured out by now… dont make toys in china if you want to sell them in the US

  2. DavidtheDuke says:

    Well toymakers did make a huge bang-for-buck there awhile, #1

  3. tallwookie says:

    yeah, no argument here – they had a nice long run

    seriously who the hell buys barbie dolls anymore anyway?

  4. Scott Toenniesse says:

    I grew up in Western NY – within an hours drive of the three factories that made all Fisher Price toys from the 1930’s to the late 1980’s/early ’90s. Mattel bought them out and shortly after those plants were gone. Now we don’t buy the crappy, cheap plastic, sorry substitutes that replaced the quality stuff that used to be made in the the Buffalo area (the stuff people collect off of eBay now – the stuff that wasn’t loaded with lead paint from China).

  5. god says:

    I worked on the MCHR project trying to get lead paint banned in the United States. It only took a decade or more for recognition of the medical research + all the jive of moving Congress beyond “important” commitments to American paint manufacturers. Much more “important” than kids’ health.

    Present-day business sense tells me the Chinese government will run right past our track record – whether it’s food quality, consumer safety issues in manufactured products, whatever. The liaison between business and government in China is grounded in growth – not defending creepy bastards whose businesses are in defensive mode.

    That doesn’t lessen the need to push for quality and safety – any more than the historic precedence of economic growth over political structure takes away from keeping your finger in their eye over liberty and democracy.

    Leave the populism and Cold War rhetoric to the politicians who get paid for it.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – tallwookie – Toy manufacturers should have it figured out by now… dont make toys in china if you want to sell them in the US

    Won’t happen… it’s too profitable to quit importing them. The small risk of recall is worth taking.

    #3 – tallwookie – seriously who the hell buys barbie dolls anymore anyway?


  7. chuck says:

    But lead paint is the most delicious kind of paint!
    Won’t somebody think of the children?

  8. fistful says:

    So I should stop licking barbie dolls?

  9. OvenMaster says:

    If Mattel’s Chinese suppliers continue to ship toys with lead in the paint, and the U.S. importer (Mattel itself) keeps having to recall all these toys they’ve bought under contract, the stockholders are going to start selling en masse. Then the Chinese can come in and buy up what’s left of the name, shut down any remaining U.S. and Mexican manufacturing plants, and then move ALL the production to China, getting rid of the U.S. middleman for maximum profit.

    Remember, people. Go short on Mattel stock… You heard it here first!

  10. Steve says:

    #8 No, YOU should continue to lick Barbie dolls. You may also want to think about increasing the frequency as well. 😉

    (Of course I’m kidding…)

  11. ethanol says:

    Jägermeister (#6),
    Too funny!!!!! Thanks for the early morning laugh.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, TIHZ

    I really appreciate the insight your comments bring to our understanding of what is happening in China. As you just pointed out, this is all so new we can’t be blamed for our ignorance.

    But, … My effen job ended up going to China in 2002. It took me awhile before I found something comparable. That is the reason I am not so delighted with China’s progress

  13. Angel H. Wong says:


    As the quality of life in China improves so is the demand for better salaries, which is why some jobs outsourced to China have been reoutsourced to Vietnam.

    As for the barbie dolls.. You might want to get some of these recalled toys just for the collectible value.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #14 – As for the barbie dolls.. You might want to get some of these recalled toys just for the collectible value.

    eBay ad 20 years from now:

    Genuine Barbie doll with original lead paint. $500

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    As anyone who bought an American car in the 80s well knows, American made is not the same as quality built, just as Chinese made doesn’t necessarily mean made crappy.

    Anger at China for acquiring so much of our manufacturing sector is understandable, but not really justifiable. The American worker was fucked by the American stockholder, the American big box department store, the American CEO, and even the American consumer.

    Okay, so today I’m blaming America first. Sue me. I’m a liberal. I’m also right. Greedy conservative Ayn Rand worshipping believers in unfettered capitalism with no sense of social responsibility conspired to commit anal rape on the American worker.

    That’s what makes the Reagan revolution so insidious. He wasn’t about making America great for Americans, he was about making already rich Americans richer for the privileged class.

    This notion that the Chinese just make crap is bull. In China, some goods are well made, some are bad, and corruption occurs. Just like it does in The United States.

  16. tallwookie says:

    #16 – “…just as Chinese made doesn’t necessarily mean made crappy…”

    lol dude go read the news, you are soooooo behind

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    #13 Sorry about your job outsourced.

    If this is any comfort in about 10 years there will a Mr FuSen in China commenting on the Chinese DU.


  18. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – TIHZ_HO

    10 years… it usually go faster than that… 😉 Don’t be too surprised to see your name as THIZ_HO… 😉 😀

  19. Anonymous Coward says:

    My girls had all the Barbies and their dog would chew the arms and legs off. We ended up with several wheelchair Barbies and a few more Barbie amputees. We had landmine Barbie and in the extreme case, double mastectomy Barbie. It wasn’t a pretty sight!

  20. Ben Waymark says:

    So once China is used up for cheap labour, who will be next? Africa?

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    #21 India – which will soon surpass China in population. Chinese companies are have already begun investing there.

    Next or concurrently would be Indonesia, the fourth largest country at 230 million people.


  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #17 – I have read the anecdotal evidence in the news of the incidents in China, which would happen here too.

    My company manufactures in China, like everyone in the industry, and our product quality is exceptional.

    Being Chinese is not the trait that leads to poor quality.


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