I can’t believe this guy stops for a traffic light and keeps the balance.

Found by BubbaRay.

  1. Raff says:

    Hey!!! Was that Super Dave Osbourne?

  2. Jägermeister says:

    I can’t believe this guy stops for a traffic light…

    I can’t believe he stopped for the traffic light… RAMMING SPEED!!!!

  3. Les says:

    Still they used that awful music from late 70s-to mid 80s.

  4. thebill says:

    #3 – that’s the theme music from “The Bill” (a British cop show from the 80s).

  5. Les says:

    Ah, to bad that Simon Pegg wasn’t around then.

  6. Ben Waymark says:

    Its a good message though….. personally I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt when driving on two wheels like that.

  7. Tippis says:

    I wonder if his neck hurts…

  8. MacBandit says:

    Actually after that crash I doubt anything hurts.

  9. Nicky says:

    The bad thing is that the truck came from the side where he has like zero visibility. That is I guess the down side of driving on two wheels.


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