
Click picture for larger version

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    What is it?

  2. DaVE says:

    Cairo I assume

  3. LP says:

    Looks like an HDR image…

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Mister Mustard – What is it?

    It’s a futuristic image of how the USA will look like if another republican gets elected for President after Dubya.

  5. Gasparrini says:

    Damn, it only took four comments for this thing to turn political.

  6. Nth of the 49th says:


    errr, them big triangular thingees in the background might be a clue.

  7. fuggly pic says:

    sorry, but that is one fuggly picture. Yeah, HDR. Definitely. And a good example of bad HDR.

    Yuck. I’m assuming you meant to say “Worst Picof the day Dept.”

  8. Gasparrini says:

    I kind of like it in a post-apocalyptic kind of way…

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    That is a beautiful image.

    I can understand thinking its an ugly picture if it were an ad for an apartment complex and you were looking for a new home… But as an image depicting its location, its wonderful.

  10. bill says:

    I can see my hovel!

  11. GigG says:

    No, the PIC of the day was posted later on the post about Kissing.

  12. Glenn E says:

    What’s the point or intented message of this picture. That this is a bad thing, and to be avoided in your country? Obviously. But remember, this is Eqypt. The alternative to living so close together, is trying to live out in an arid desert. And that ain’t gonna happen. Was this city planning not what it should have been? Most likely it wasn’t planned at all! But then US cities can’t boast of having the world’s best planning either. Or there wouldn’t be slums and decay. So maybe the real message should be, “US cities are much better than this one. But there’s room for improvement, so they don’t become like this a hundred years from now.” Cairo wasn’t always like this, ya know.

  13. hhopper says:

    But other than that, it’s a stunning photo.


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