Behold! I AM the Head Dork!

Apple Inc’s iPhone outsold all smartphones in the United States in July, its first full month on sale, accounting for 1.8 percent of all U.S. mobile handset sales, said research group iSuppli.

ISuppli reiterated its forecast that Apple would sell 4.5 million iPhones this year, rising to more than 30 million in 2011.

The two models of the iPhone on the market sold more than Research in Motion’s Blackberry series, the entire Palm portfolio and any individual smartphone model from Motorola, Nokia or Samsung.

“While iSuppli has not collected historical information on this topic, it’s likely that the speed of the iPhone’s rise to competitive dominance in its segment is unprecedented in the history of the mobile-handset market,” iSuppli said.

I haven’t any particular interest in SmartPhones. But, in that portion of my business career that was dedicated to marketing and sales, I remember what it was like to have the hot product. Which is what the iPhone certainly is – in its segment – right now.

  1. Undissembled says:

    That dude has a crooked arm.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Wow, GregA. Must feel great, knowing that you’re the only person alive who’s sharp enough to see through that dastardly plot. Have you considered sharing your uncanny, one-of-a-kind insights with the SEC? I’m sure they’re waiting to hear from you. You and Napoleon Bonaparte…

  3. GregA says:


    Got got it from repeatedly clicking on iSuppli’s online iPhone poll with his one button mouse.

  4. zaw says:

    I got one of those Chinese iRiver looking MP3 player that only play NON-DRMed music,
    They work the best. Just plug it in to USB and it show up as a Drive. Copy your MP3’s/Photo/Movies to folders. Unplug the USB and it updates the database with new files, Its also move the unsupported videos to /unsupported/ folder as well.
    Play all the playable files by anyway you want.
    It also comes with a program to manage the database which is located right on the device but doesn’t work with us/english XP. Took me a while to change the language to english when I first got it.

  5. GregA says:


    That sounds cool, but I prefer my LG phones music buying interface. I buy music on my phone, and it shows up on my computer, no sync.

  6. Mike Voice says:

    #13 I don’t know how iSuppli generated this prediction,…

    Because you didn’t read the last sentence of the linked story.

    “ISuppli gathered its data through a consumer survey of 2 million participants in the United States that it carries out online once a month.”

  7. Mike Voice says:

    #1 That wasn’t very smart…its good for China! 😉

    Well, they were due for some good press… after all the product recalls. 🙂

  8. TIHZ_HO says:

    #21 24 – Dui!


  9. TIHZ_HO says:

    #33 That’s from the constant pressing of the key board and mouse at the same time to do even simple shit. 😛


  10. Johnson says:

    Absoluty It is Bushs fault. We have all become wealthy enough to buy these things because of his wise leadership .;>)

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    #42 You know the ironic thing is many Chinese who visit the US get the impression Americans are poor and the US is old AND poor! *LOL* That’s funny!!

    This goes to prove that ONE, you don’t really know DICK unless you go and see for yourself and TWO, you still don’t know DICK unless you stay there a while. 😉

    I wish people would think about that when the claim to “know” everything about everything and then “solve” all the problems..


  12. Smartalix says:

    I think those who are complaining have never used an iPhone beyond pecking at it in a store display. Whenever someone looks at mine I just hand it to them without telling them how to use it, and they enjoy playing with it so much they don’t give it back until I ask for it. I have NEVER encountered a phone so intuitive and easy to use all functionality.

    I’ve always been a pocket computer/smartphone user (from the Atari Portfolio through the Kyocera 7150 to the 300/600/650 Palms) and clunky design and awkward user interfaces. I know a lot of people who have phones with extended functionality that they don’t use due to a shitty interface.

    Apple is the Bose of computing. Their stuff has killer engineering (Apple employs more design engineers in the USA than anyone) and their products work just as advertised with easy-to-use interfaces and form factors. They’re just overpriced. But if you have a great product you can get away with it.

  13. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Everyone has their priorities wrong. What a phone needs to do in order of importance:
    1. Allow you to make upload your own custom ringers for free. Charging for ringers is immoral and one of the greatest crimes ever perpetrated against humanity. Genocide and wars pale by comparison.
    2. Take low res but convenient pictures.
    3. Tell you exactly what time it is – not drift like some non-network synced watch.
    4. Make and receive calls
    5. Everything else.

  14. iGlobalWarmer says:

    [Fixed – Ed.]

  15. Smartalix says:


    I get calls on my iPhone when it’s in its dock. (the one that came with it – any dock used has to be iPhone compatible so any older iPod dock or associated third-party products won’t work properly.) I mostly use the USB cable by itself without the dock since I keep my iPhone in a crystal case which makes it too big for the socket. On the cable it works just fine, and I don’t even unplug it to take calls.

  16. TIHZ_HO says:

    #44 Because People who own Bose don’t rub your nose into it and then try to belittle you to the One True Faith.

    If Bose did come out with an “iPhone” it would have been completely different situation – admiration!

    Anyway that’s my take.


  17. James Hill says:

    It’s just too easy to provoke morons like Pedro and ECA around here. The fun is officially gone from this blog.

  18. Smartalix says:


    Once upon a time inthe 80’s when Bose was pushing hard into the mainstream their adherents sounded just like Mac fanboys.

  19. TIHZ_HO says:

    Ok…I stand corrected.


  20. Gregory says:

    So much FUD about the iPhone…

    I have one – I like it, it’s the best phone I’ve used (much better than comparable Treo’s… god I hated them), and I don’t regret buying it.

    Yet most of the people that I see complaining about the iPhone try to paint me as a deluded Apple Fan who can’t understand why my purchase sucks because I’m warped by Steve Job’s intense charisma….

    Rubbish – I like the iPhone because it’s so nice to use. Period. User experience sells this phone. UI is a feature – something too many companies forget.

    Do I wish it did more? Yes, so I used iBrickr to let 3rd party applications run on it (took 3mins, and kept all my settings and files). Now I can download and install 3rd party apps on the go using I have RSS, eBooks, and much more.

    Still no copy and paste though…

  21. GregA says:

    Wow, so far my prediction earlier in this thread has been exactly right on. Apple released a phoneless iPhone.

  22. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Personally, I’m waiting for the price of the Helio Ocean to come down.

    I’ll take a dual slider over a touchscreen any day.

  23. GregA says:


    Ouch, make sure you try out the Helio before you buy it. OMG buyer beware.

  24. James Hill says:

    Looks like my primary question was answered: Apple dropped the price on the phone by $200 for the holidays.

    Smart move.

    Pedro, you’ve been owned. Look at how you obsess over me and the iPhone. Your worship is noted.

  25. Mike Voice says:

    55 Wow, so far my prediction earlier in this thread has been exactly right on. Apple released a phoneless iPhone.

    13 Hahahah. My prediction.

    Tomorrow Apple is going to release a phone-less iPhone, and the iPhone its self will be quitely discontinued by Christmas.

    Yep – so far – your prediction is 100% accurate.

    Amazing how you were able to predict the “phone-less iPod”… less than 24hrs before its official introduction.

    Since Apple has royally PO’d the early adopters who payed full price – by slashing the price by $200 – it would be a real Home Run for them to discontinue the iPhone by Christmas.

  26. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #44 – Alix

    Please. Don’t insult Apple like that. If the ratio of net production cost to MSRP for Macs was anything like most Bose products, a Mac Mini would go for $4000.

  27. C0D3R says:

    It’s not possible to retain an ounce of masculinity or fiduciary responsibility when carrying an iPod. It’s made for girls. And they love it and so it should be. I’ve yet to meet a guy with an iPhone that had a job.

  28. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    If other people’s perception of your masculinity concerns you so, consider carrying a club. With spikes. That oughta do it.

  29. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Well pedro, at least I can deduce who didn’t steal GregA’s antipsychotic meds… 😉

  30. GregA says:


    Except that I was right and you were wrong. If it wasn’t for that little tid bit, you might be onto something.

    Or are you one of the people claiming that Apple lowered their price on heavy product demand?


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