Behold! I AM the Head Dork!

Apple Inc’s iPhone outsold all smartphones in the United States in July, its first full month on sale, accounting for 1.8 percent of all U.S. mobile handset sales, said research group iSuppli.

ISuppli reiterated its forecast that Apple would sell 4.5 million iPhones this year, rising to more than 30 million in 2011.

The two models of the iPhone on the market sold more than Research in Motion’s Blackberry series, the entire Palm portfolio and any individual smartphone model from Motorola, Nokia or Samsung.

“While iSuppli has not collected historical information on this topic, it’s likely that the speed of the iPhone’s rise to competitive dominance in its segment is unprecedented in the history of the mobile-handset market,” iSuppli said.

I haven’t any particular interest in SmartPhones. But, in that portion of my business career that was dedicated to marketing and sales, I remember what it was like to have the hot product. Which is what the iPhone certainly is – in its segment – right now.

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    That wasn’t very smart…its good for China! 😉


  2. James Hill says:

    I think the real question here is how well the device does between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Will people be more likely to purchase the next generation iPods (that are coming out tomorrow) as gifts, or a $600 phone? While a fan of the iPhone, I have my doubts.

    Likewise, in Q1 of next year, will business give in and start buying and supporting these devices, or force their employees to stick with Blackberry’s (as many are currently doing). Software may be the tipping point on this issue.

  3. Improbus says:

    This just goes to prove that people have more money than sense.

  4. mrmigu says:

    iphones are smartphones?

  5. MikeN says:

    Wow 1.8%!

  6. Ben Waymark says:

    I still think the iPhone has nothing on the Motorola F3 ( ) which, as well as having such features as it rings when someone phones you and you can make outgoing calls, you can also send text messages. The best thing is if you drive over it, break it, go swimming with it, get it wet, or bash it with a hammer, it only costs £9 ($20) so easy enough to replace ….

  7. ECA says:

    There are a GREAT selection of fancy phones out there.
    For alot less money.
    If they had the money to advert as much as Apple did…HOw many would they sell?

    But what feature do you WANT in a cellphone?

    I would rather 3-4 devices that do the NEEDED things I want.
    Carrying around a iphone that SHOWS MOVIES, when Im driving, in a theater, when Im shopping, is ALOT of waste.
    If You loose it…insted of 1 device that gets Phone calls(that would be cheap) you have lost a MAJOR piece of electronics, with ALOT more info and ram and movies on it,,,,THAT you didnt WANT to loose.

  8. James Hill says:

    Just because you guys are poor is no reason to get pissy.

  9. Billabong says:

    My Tracfone Nokia has a flashlight and cost 14.99. That makes me a smart geek not pissy.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Just because you guys are poor is no reason to get pissy.

    Not poor, just sensible.

  11. RW says:

    Maybe Microsoft’s new phone will be cheaper.
    see it here

  12. GregA says:

    Hahahah. My prediction.

    Tomorrow Apple is going to release a phone-less iPhone, and the iPhone its self will be quitely discontinued by Christmas.

    I don’t know how iSuppli generated this prediction, but NPD analysts have been saying the iPhone has been facing extra weak and falling demand, and ATT stores have all pulled the iPhone displays from their stores.

    The criticisms of the iPhone remain the same… As much as the touch screen is a feature for the iPod like functions, it is a liability for the phone like functions. The iPhone has poor text and email support, and software fixes are not likely to fix the problem… Because the keyboard on the iPhone SUCKS (scientific usability testing, not apple fanboy anecdotes)

    The predictions is this article are reminicent of the launch weekend predictions that turned out to be almost all wrong. While my launch weekend predictions (which you guys criticized me for) turned out to be exactly right.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    All Hail Head Dork!

  14. bill says:

    I want an iPhone without the phone part… Maybe tomorrow we’ll see something like that.

    My present cell-phone does everything I want out of a cell-phone.
    The iPhone is missing some stuff. LIke integration to my Mercedes.

    So, anybody know what will be announced tomorrow from Apple?
    My guess… is iPhone without the phone part.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    PC is better than Macintosh, Ford is better than Mercedes, IE is better than Firefox…

    #3 – Improbus – This just goes to prove that people have more money than sense.

    Here are a couple of more things on that subject (old and new):

    Nike Air Jordan Shoes
    Pokemon & Digimon
    Hockey cards
    Huge flat screen TVs

  16. rick salsman says:

    I still don’t get people who worry about what other people do. All this “THOSE people are stupid and waste their money” is just a lot of wasted breath. Who cares what someone else uses for a phone/smartphone/bla/whatever? Do you guys all go around pointing at the guy who wears expensive suits, drives the expensive car, and eats in fancy restaurants all the time? Boy, he’s an idiot, huh? Who cares? It really brings down the tone of this forum every time the Peecee/Mac people start slapping at each other. It is just plain boring.

  17. GregA says:


    Well its more than that. It is becoming apparant that apple is using viral marketing techniques to manipulate their stock price. In that case, it is not only unethical, but it is also against the law.

  18. JoaoPT says:

    What was the thread already… Ah! IPhone outsells other smartphones on the first month it’s introduced after the biggest hyped word of mouth campaign ever. Really!? Whew, who’da thunk it?

    I would like Mr. Stephen Jobs would show us some numbers tomorrow about the iPhone career. And disclose also who the European carriers will be (in my country, a small peripheral economy, my guess is that the only carrier to pick it up will be the one connected to the state’s telecom…and that’s a bummer.)
    As for iPods, I usually demeaned them as pieces of fashion…until a friend gave me his original nano. I now can say with first hand experience that i find the click wheel not better an interface as the tiny joystick I had on the cheap Chinese player I used to use. I had really bad issues with reliability of the usb connection, and the sound quality is not bad, but not better than the cheap one I had.
    NO F***ing way I would shell out the amount of $$$ for a newer iPod once this one dies. Nope. I’m searching alternatives…the problem is, the competition blows also…

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – TIHZ_HO – That wasn’t very smart…its good for China!

    Zhong Guo Ren Ai Wal-Mart… 😉

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – >>Just because you guys are poor is no reason to get pissy.

    Not poor, just sensible.

    Comment by Mister Mustard — 9/4/2007 @ 12:54 pm

    I am sensible, yes… But I’m, also poor.

    While I may be pissed off about it, I don’t blame the iPhone or hold iPhone owners accountable for it.

    This is all Bush’s fault 🙂

  21. GregA says:


    This “research firm” also predicted that the Apple TV would be a run away success. So, yeah Im sticking with my research sources that say the iPhone, other than the launch has otherwise been another Apple failure. It is really about time for the SEC to step in and figure out who is manipulating Apples stock price. It is way to easy to make money betting on Apple hype (stock manipulation).

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #21 – Or more suitable for the story… Zhong Guo Ai iPhone…

  23. ECA says:

    there are phones out there that are CHEAPER that can do alnmost Everything the iphone can do, for about 1/2 or LESS…
    25% of the price is a payback to Apple, mostly to pay off the adverts.

    I would rather carry a few devices then to LOOSE 1 and loose them ALL.

    I also tell EVERYONE with a cellphone or computer…
    Want to keep what you got?
    MAKE 3 copies…
    NEVEr depend on 1 device…
    ASK, any long time computer user…BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP…
    If you leave your call list and contact info for EVERYONE in 1 spot…IT WILL BE LOST.
    copy on the phone, copy on the computer, and HARD copy or CD burn…. PERIOD.

    AND WOW, when do you get to watch 3″ movies? when you ARENT the driver in the car. I REALLy dont think you will sit at HOME and watch movies on it.

    then lets look at COST.
    Want to send a pic LARGE enough to DO SOMETHING WITH?? more money. at LEAST a 3mp pic, PLEASE.
    wireless internet…?? MORE money. AND what, you want to read a 3″ screen to check prices at BEST BUY?? They wont match it…
    Want to SMS? MORE money…

    I think using ALL the services, is about $100+ per month, by what I heard. And that dont count much USE out of the unit.
    And there are phones that get BETTER PRICES for the same services.

    YES I AM…AND FRUGGLE…. Find the best device to do the job, and MAKE it work.

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Whoever stole GregA’s Thorazine – please have mercy on the rest of us and bring it back.

  25. gquaglia says:

    Several more GregA clueless posts I see. I’m sure M$ and others wouldn’t mind having produced such a “failure” product.

  26. doug says:

    gotta say my iPhone is my one recent purchase that I do not have any buyer’s remorse about. excellent phone, bitchin’ iPod – watching video podcasts on it beats the heck out of my old video iPod – splendid e-mail device, and, well, workable web device. The camera actually takes better pictures than my dedicated digicam, although shutter speed is slow and I have had more blurry shots than I usually care for.

    Steverino with all his “whole internet” mantra would hate it, but Edge works best with wap pages. good enough for me to get the news, the baseball scores and movie times. the google maps feature is awesome, although it would be simply astounding with assisted GPS.

    in sum – it is the only cell phone I ever bought that I actually like and I have no regrets.

    I am looking forward to games, 3rd Party apps and (hopefully) a voip capacity along the lines of T-Mobile’s. yes, yes – everyone thinks hell will freeze over before the last, but I can see them jumping on the bandwagon – either AT&T itself or some 3rd party.

  27. GaryJ says:

    Anyone who bought one and spends all their free time trying to convince everyone else it’s the best phone ever secretly feels they were foolish to pay $600 for a phone.

  28. doug says:

    #29. Anyone who spends their free time concerning themselves with other peoples’ cell phone purchases needs to get a new hobby.

  29. GaryJ says:

    #30 And a fool responds.

  30. GregA says:

    Lol, that 1.8% number is interesting.

    That means that Apple is going to sell about ~600k phones for the september quarter. Not the million Apple keeps saying they are gonna sell.

    Which is basically proof that, 1. Apple is using its functionaries to drive up its stock prices. 2. The iPhone is not meeting even Apples ususally conservative estimates.

    Its really time for someone to complain to the SEC.


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