-OH, so someone finally cracked the iPhone. Is it for real? How Google will screw the newspapers.

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  1. jlm says:

    good thing that kid cashed in his iPhone hardware hack before this came out, his more expensive solution is already obsolete

  2. jason says:

    So when the unlocking software becomes FOSS, will it be GPLv3? :p

  3. B. Dog says:

    The kid got what looks like a shabby sports car in the deal:


  4. B. Dog says:

    Correction: that’s somebody else’s car in the picture. Sorry.

  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    I wonder when the iPhone will be sold in China as all mobile phones in China are unlocked. Like the DVD players – no region codes.


  6. prophet says:

    #5 – TIHZ_HO – Doesn’t China already have a very similar product that is actually getting better reviews?

    You know…cause the Chinese know how to cut and paste…

  7. Glenn E says:

    Not so easy for a Dialup person to wait to listen to all these media clips. So I’m judicious about what I click on. Why did it take 31 seconds to even get to the “Tech 5” segment? That’s pretty sloppy editing. It’s not like the prefixed audio was a commercial. Was it?

  8. Glenn E says:

    I believe that the new iPod design will be “round”. That way when you drop it, it will into the street and get crushed by a car.

    But seriously, I suspect that it will have the iPhone’s touch screen technology replacing the mechanical wheel. And give us a larger LCD screen for watching videos, as well. Now, if they would just BlueTooth the sound to quality RFed earbuds, and eliminate the wiring altogether, I’d buy one. But for some reason, earbud wiring is sacret cow. Do we really have to wait until the Star Trek era, to see earpiece wiring no more?

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    pedro, you know someonee who listens to compressed audio on their ‘Pod? I certainly don’t. 🙂

    And my Sennheiser phones are more than good enough to make up for their wires…

  10. Glenn E says:

    Bluetoothing the earbuds. Just a suggestion. Maybe a better RF link exists. I’m not up on the specs. But I know that they’ve been selling FMed headphones for some years now. And nobody bitched that the quality sucked with them. So it’s possible to do it right. But can it be done smaller, is the question? For decent quality earbuds as well as earphones. I got a pair of fantastic earbuds with my Samsung Digital Audio Player. They sound as good as one of my pricier headphones. I don’t know what Apple supplies with the iPod. I can only assume that they’re pretty good quality. Why would Apple screw that up?!

    And compression isn’t the audio demon that it’s being made out to be of late. That’s just music industry FUD. Compression reduces the mathematica redundancies in a sound file (WAV). Not the sound, itself. It’s much like Zip file compression. The codec restores most of what wrung out. Only severe compression parms reduce the sound to an intolerable mess. So… don’t make MP3s below 128kbps. And you’ll never hear the difference compared to the original WAV. Even 96kbps is pretty decent. And vocal podcasts as low as 16kbps sound fine, depending on the codec used to compress them. Cachefly.com does a great job shrinking the TWiT podcasts down to size. But I’ve used LAME MP3 to reduce some of the older shows to 32kbps Mono. Ok, so it’s not Beethoven’s 5th. It’s just Leo and Dvorak. How much fidelity do they need?


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