Think twice before biting into a chocolate to [sic] loose yourself in its taste – you might actually be chewing a wee bit more then you bargained for.

“It seems to be seriously contaminated during the manufacturing process since the larvae of Plodia Interpun were found,” says Professor Ahn Young-chul at Eulji University.

Reports suggest that worms were found in some chocolates made in Korea as well. But the news about the ‘China Chocolates’ adds to the already-damaged “Made in China” brand.

An array of tainted Chinese products, including toxic toys, toxic toothpaste, inflammable clothes, poisoned pet food and contaminated medicine were discovered across the globe in recent months causing importers and consumers alike to question the quality of goods coming from China.

  1. Les says:

    MMM Protein!

    But now they can charge more the crunch.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Les – MMM Protein!

    Darn… you beat me too it… 😀 Extra bonus! 🙂

  3. Misanthropic Scott says:

    This is why I don’t like healthy food. I want it dead when it gets to my plate.

  4. Phillep says:

    Plodia Interpun

    Indian Meal Moth, in case anyone was wondering.

  5. bill says:

    There are supposed to be worms in it! That is what makes it special!
    Haven’t you seen that guy that eats wierd food on TV?

    In Asia, people eat anything that moves on its own.
    And it tastes good.

  6. Sir Doucheington says:

    I call bullshit on this story.

    Whats next? The bridge collapse in Minnesota was due to tainted Chinese steel?


  7. Balbas says:

    Why have preservatives when you have worms that can eat the moldy parts?

  8. Tanqueray says:

    China has got some executen ta do…..

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – Sir Doucheington – I call bullshit on this story.

    Feel free to grab a bite.

  10. AlanB says:

    #9- “China has got some executen ta do…..”

    ya gotta love that Chinese quality control system!

  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    So do people in Mexico and below.

  12. AdmFubar says:

    Wow! I see the Wizzo Chocolate Factory has moved from england to china..

    Other popular flavors from them
    Crunchy Frog, Anthrax Ripple, Spring Suprise…

  13. Les says:

    #13 I’m sure they have a Minister For Funny Walks, now they need to get a Minister for Things That Wiggle In Food.
    Of course, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

  14. gquaglia says:

    Is there anything that comes out of that country that isn’t shit.

  15. nightstar says:

    #16 the shorts your wearing. Wait… forget it.

  16. nightstar says:


    Pedro only you could dream up a comment so totally devoid of reason.

    How is it that you time and again fail to communicate your inane remarks in anything resembling an intelligible sentence?

    Do you have to try to be so stupid or does it come naturally to you?

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    #7, 9, 11, 16
    “China has got some executen ta do…..”

    “ya gotta love that Chinese quality control system!”

    “Is there anything that comes out of that country that isn’t shit.”

    What do I have to say to this? BULLSHIT!

    If you happened to acually listen to what she said those chocolates are COUNTERFIETS, pirated copies of a well known brand. They are illegally made.

    And the US actually came out and accused China of rigging the news! HA! BULLSHIT! The US does it in reverse.


  18. TIHZ_HO says:

    hhopper fair go huh? The headline ought to say:

    “Live Worms Found in pirated Chinese Chocolates”



  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    pedro, your comment there made perfect sense to me… (for a change) 🙂

    Ya, nightstar. I know, I know. Everyone in the world is exactly the same as everyone else – every society and culture is exactly as honest, or diligent, or greedy as every other one. So if filth appears in food imported from China, then American food is exactly as contaminated, except racist Americans claim that American food is superior, which we all know is impossible, since no group of people can possibly, for any reason on Earth, do anything differently than some other group.

    You can’t wait to run down your own God-damned country in your mad rush to deny that there’re ANY qualitative differences between cultures.

    I bet you were your multi-culti, diversity-brainwashed teacher’s favorite, weren’t you? 😉

    Take over, pedro. I’ve got a Feist album to listen to.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #21/#22 – TIHZ_HO

    Are you aiming for the Dvorakoholic of the Month prize or something? Get some sleep man. 😉


    The short conclusion of this story is… You get what you pay for. It’s like buying pirated software at Silk Alley in Beijing… you get it dirt cheap, but you don’t know what extra payload you’re going to get.

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    #16 What about…

    “Federal health officials warned consumers Wednesday to throw away 10-ounce cans of Castleberry’s, Austex and Kroger brands of hot dog chili sauce after the product was linked to botulism that has sent four people to the hospital.”

    …that was not pirated…

    I am the first one to warn people coming to China to watch out for pirated goods like bottled water, beer on tap, questionable street food and even recycled feminine hygiene products (YUK!). Add these chocolates as well.

    OK, I made my point… 😀


  22. nightstar says:

    #23 Lauren

    Give your head a shake.

    “You can’t wait to run down your own God-damned country in your mad rush to deny that there’re ANY qualitative differences between cultures.”

    You are one pissed off knee-jerk reactionary American patriot aren’t you?

    I pointed out that tainted food is normal and then linked you to the FDA DAL handbook.

    Don’t get all angry just because your shit stinks too buddy.

  23. nightstar says:

    # 20 Pedro, you are one twisted bitter little man.

    Not only did I not defend the maker of Pirated Chinese chocolates. I also did not “attempt to right a wrong by showing other wrongs”.

    I hope for your sake you intentionally mischaracterized my sentiments. I’d hate to think that you really are that stupid.

    Roll your eyes all you want. Your attempts to misrepresent my comments will only fool the fools

  24. TIHZ_HO says:

    #24 Jag -thanks! I did get my normal allotment and I am back at work.

    I have DU on my laptop sitting next to my desktop while I work… I do actually manage to get some work done!

    And you are correct – you get what you pay for. Wouldn’t now be the time for the ‘made in the US’ manufactures to step up to the plate? Naw…


  25. Jägermeister says:

    #28 – TIHZ_HO – I have DU on my laptop sitting next to my desktop while I work…

    Unfortunately my boss would not be too happy about that, so I only do it on my own time… 😉

    Wouldn’t now be the time for the ‘made in the US’ manufactures to step up to the plate?

    Nah, just make another “employee rebate” discount drive… it worked in the past… 😉 The worst idiots are the car manufacturers… they got the resources to stay ahead… but do they? Nope… mediocre is good enough… 😛

    Time for me to take a couple of hours of sleep. 🙂


  26. Glenn E says:

    All they have to do is put “May contain live worms or parts of worms” on the back of the wrapper. And they’re covered!! This story reminds me of Monty Python’s “Crunchy Frog” and “Lark’s Vomit” candies skit?

    I’m not sure I believe this report 100%. They say it was “counterfiet” candy. But maybe that was after it turned out to be wormy. If it were Ok, it might have been good trade commerce as usual. The reporter lady said, “But many fear that the infested Chinese chocolates, will add to the already damaged ‘made in china’ brand”. Who are these generic “many”? And why would they be fearful about that?! Might they mainly be Walwart execs? And do they constitute a “many”? Throw in the White House and Congress, and I guess they do. But why weren’t the so-called “many” identified? Very “close to the belt” reporting there.

    BTW, that appears to be the Roche Chocolates brand being knocked off. But not necessarily labeled as such. The problem with Chinese goods isn’t just the quality (sometimes) is bad. But that this country knocks off everything it can, more than any other. But the rest of the world’s businesses tolerates this, because the labor in China is so cheap. They stand to make more in their retail profits, from out sourced manufacturing, than they lose from the knock-offs sales.

  27. JMB says:

    We should have stopped trading with China a long time ago. Not simply because of the poor quality but also because of the fact they exploit people to do it. Child slave labor all to save a couple bucks on low quality products? Sorry I can’t see the justification.

    Would cutting off trade with China hurt the economy in the short run? You bet you ass it would, but in the long run it would be better for the world in sooooo many different ways.

    What’s wrong with this picture?
    They employ what amounts to child slave labor throughout their country.
    These children provide low cost products to countries all over the world.
    They manipulate the value of their currency to further lower costs.
    These products arrive on the shelves with very little inspection.
    These products often contain poisonous or otherwise unhealthy materials, or have potentially lethal manufacturing defects.
    China exports far more than they import.
    The money they make feeds into their government.
    China is country who is not exactly one of our allies and is spending a large portion of their money on building up their army.
    All of this in hopes that they will embrace democracy and capitalism and give up their evil communist ways…

    I think it is far more likely that once they have built up their military enough and screwed up the economy of the world enough, they will engage in mass poisoning of their enemies through well established trade lines just before they swoop in and take over the world. How’s that for a conspiracy theory?

  28. Ian says:

    I’m concerned…

    Its a well known fact that China has been selling us shit for years. It has now got to the stage that the west almost relies on china for all manufacturing that we arent prepared to do ourselves due to pollution etc.

    YEARS ago in the UK there was a big kickup about Chinese toys coming into the UK at Christmas, and strict regulations were formed to prevent things like teddybears with giant metal spikes in their necks… for years the UKs knitting and clothes industry has went through the floor because it has all been outsourced to China, pathetic quality, sleek brand names, child labour.

    What I would like to ask though is why now?
    Look at the list from the link below… the news coming out of Chinas exports has exponentionaly increased over the last year or so. Lead paint, toxic toys….

  29. TIHZ_HO says:

    #32 “Its a well known fact that China has been selling us shit for years.”

    Can’t sell shit without a buyer.

    Read my comment #33 and my one and only post on my pitiful blog.


  30. Steve Savage says:

    BS! The chinese haven’t abandoned communism at all!

    Americans foolishly confuse capitalism with democracy. The Chinese have found out that yes…you can have your old guard totalitarian communist leadership with all its wonders combined with capitalist market values. Worst of both worlds!

    So the next time an American fool says “china is more democratic than canada”, tell them this—–> YOU ARE AN UTTER MORON, tricked by american big business interests.

    The chinese are destroying America, not with weapons but with cheap crappy tainted goods, and we want it that way because we want to pay $1.00 for a pack of inferior lead-impregnated underwear compared to $2.00 for better quality underwear.

    Thats just the way we are. The Chinese also own nearly all our debt, so the next time we get into a shooting war with them they will just cash in all the bonds and America goes down without firing a shot.

    Thank Nixon for all this BTW. If he had left well enough alone, Communism would be dead in China by now.


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