If you haven’t seen this ad before, you will have no clue about the product it’s trying to sell. What the hell are these people thinking?

  1. Mike Berta says:

    Well, the chocolate looks delicious but I’m not sure about the Gorilla flavor.

  2. redattack34 says:

    I’m guessing they’re trying to capture the viewers attention with sheer wierdness before the actual ad at the end.

  3. uberalex says:

    In the UK and Ireland, many consumers would recognise the “Glass and a Half” and the white-on-purple screen as Cadbury’s Chocolate; it’s a very well established brand identity.

  4. Gasbag says:

    What the FUCK?

  5. jlm says:

    proof that drummers dont have to be very smart to be good, I’ve been saying this for years

  6. William says:

    I knew that it was a Cadbury’s ad straight off – as uberalex said most british people recognise it straight off – and it’s not really meant to sell you chocolate – the ad sticks with you and of course it’s viral because your doing them a favour by placing it here. The ad is suppose to make you think.

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    #3 Add to that – Australians and Indonesians would also have recognised the “Glass and a Half” (of milk in every bar) and the white on purple.

    In Indonesia Sampoerna clove cigarettes with the distinctive “A” logo have similar esoteric ads also similar to the old Guinness “I like to Watch” ads

    Perhaps this Ad and others like it are too cerebral for Americans to get…(see #4) You need to be a bit more obvious! 😉

    Am I correct there Gasparrini? 😉


  8. Petrov says:

    You ever wonder why gorillas have such big nostrils…

    …fat fingers.

  9. Randall Lind says:

    Phill Collins really look different since he retired. ROFL

  10. saface says:

    #3 + #7 Add to that – South Africans would also have recognised the “Glass and a Half” (of milk in every bar) and the white on purple.

    Really not that bad an add at all.

    Awsome Chocolet

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    #8 LOL – Add to that

    Why do Americans talk so loud?

    …so they can be heard over their clothes!


  12. Gasparrini says:

    #7, I’m not from the U.S. nor am I currently located in the States. I posted the ad here since most of our readers are from the states. However, it’s always nice to see the international reach that this site has.
    By the way, if you guys want to see something weird, try this ad with Arnold Schwarzenegger from Japan, crazy stuff.

  13. Cinaedh says:

    It’s an absolute crime to use music like that to try and sell crap.

    Phil Collins should be ashamed of himself for his overwhelming greed.

  14. Ian says:

    yep first thing I thought of was why is that strange ad using the cadburys half glass logo? then when I saw the purple…. I was like shit, what does a gorilla have to do with anything?

    so yep as a UK’er that ad worked for me, which I guess is all that really matters.

    I make a rule of watching as few adverts as I possibly can.. if I wanted to be bombarded with psycho analysis 24/7 I could sign myself up as a guinea pig and be paid for it!

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #13 – Cinaedh

    “It’s an absolute crime to use music like that to try and sell crap.

    Phil Collins should be ashamed of himself for his overwhelming greed.”

    Well, it isn’t like this is the first time – Anheuser-Busch also paid him a ton to use the same song in Michelob commericals years back.

    I say Peter Gabriel wouldn’t be caught dead doing this…

  16. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #7 – T_H

    “Perhaps this Ad and others like it are too cerebral for Americans to get… You need to be a bit more obvious! ”

    Yep. Being expected to think – or use one’s own imagination – is to too many of my countrymen, a intolerable burden. 😉

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    #16 “Yep. Being expected to think – or use one’s own imagination – is to too many of my countrymen, a intolerable burden. ;)”

    Well said, and explains a lot of others things as well.

    On another post about KFC smells in the office BubbaRay commented that his Grandma knows how to make real fried chicken. I thought of my Grandma’s cooking – even her eggs somehow were better, she came from a different era when cooking was cooking. Today cooking (if you can call it that) is all shortcuts, zapping in the microwave and just adding water so your comment extends over to this as well. 😀

    BTW Cadbury’s Chocolate is divine…it is the UK’s answer to US Hershey’s Chocolate. Too roit!


  18. Gasparrini says:

    #17, yes, cadbury chocolate is quite good, as long as you get a batch without salmonella. 😉

  19. TIHZ_HO says:

    #12 That’s for a energy drink – I bet Arnold had a real laugh doing that – though now its maybe cringe time…

    There are many ads like that not only Japan. In Indonesia they have similar ads for “Extra Joss” though the ads found on YouTube are rather tame.


  20. phiend says:

    all i got to say is where can i get some of that

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    #18 – The UK’s answer to the Hershey’s Squirts! 😀


  22. Cinaedh says:

    #15 – Lauren the Ghoti

    “Well, it isn’t like this is the first time – Anheuser-Busch also paid him a ton to use the same song in Michelob commericals years back.”

    I hope you’re not espousing the “since I’m no longer a virgin, I might as well f*uck everybody” argument? Nah, I can see you’re not.

    I actually heard a song from the Pink Floyd “The Dark Side of the Moon” album being used to flog something or other and I almost fainted, then I almost puked.

    It just didn’t seem possible.

  23. KVolk says:

    The ad is to long to be played in the US.

  24. Raff says:

    Theres 45 seconds I’ll never get back…

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    That’s what Phil Collins looks like, after the hair-transplant procedures.

  26. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #22 – Cinaedh

    “I actually heard a song from the Pink Floyd “The Dark Side of the Moon” album being used to flog something or other and I almost fainted, then I almost puked.”

    That doesn’t sound good – but I retain my faith in the lads. Since all of them had a hand in the music, I’m sure they had to come to mutual agreement to license it, and I’m just as sure that whatever is being promoted is something they all approve of…

    I’d hate to be wrong on that. ;(

  27. cbu says:


    “dumb, dumber, drummer…”
    that’s what my music teacher always said while teaching solfège

  28. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #5, 27

    …like so many stereotypes, that tends to be based on the truth. Of course, that”s how stereotypes come into existence…

  29. joshua says:

    Sorry guys….but in the states Cadbury’s is nothing more than a bargin chocolate, sold for cheap at drug stores and Wal-Mart. Even when I’m in the UK, most people there that I know buy Belgian chocolates. I have never seen a Brit eat Cadbury’s. Hersheys is I imagine the largest seller in the US….but compared to chocolates from some other countries and top of the line here, it’s also a cheap knock off.
    THIZ_HO…that ad, as far as I know has never run in the states, or at least in the western ones. Claiming that Europeans have some advantage when it comes to picking up subtle clues of t.v. adverts is a bit silly…..there are clueless people everywhere. In this case it’s like expecting almost 300 million people to pick up the clues to something they aren’t aware of to begin with is a bit foolish, don’t you think?

  30. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    joshua – it’s never been a secret, the differing levels of cultural literacy in the US and the UK. The whole gamut from obvious to obscure exists in both cultures, but Americans have problems with the sort of subtleties that are far more common in the UK – in fact, in most of Western Europe.

    Culturally speaking, Americans have always been the boorish, boobish cretins of the English-speaking world, and it doesn’t take a PhD in cultural anthropology to figure it out. Who the fuck else would elect a mouth-breathing illiterate like Bush, but people who put a low value on literacy?

    You’re also a pawn of the marketing people, in that you fail to realize how you’re defining the quality of a product based solely on the price point that the US distributors chose to position it at and where it’s sold. Lindt and Toblerone are also sold in drugstores, next to the cheap Chinese imports, so they’re no better, right? Sony TVs are sold at Wal-Mart – so they’re shit now?

    You need to work to overcome that brainwashing. If they doubled the price of Cadbury’s and sold it only at gourmet food stores, you’d swear it was as good as Godiva…


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