One of my favorite John C. Dvorak-cranky-fits is over stereotypical magazine list articles: like, “The 10 Best Left-Handed Wingnuts”.

Well, the Guardian Unlimited does frequent bad-science articles and here’s one even more unscientific than three editors sitting around on a coffee break inventing a “List”.

Jessica Alba has the perfect wiggle, study says. You have to respect a paper like the Telegraph, especially when they report important science news like this, especially when it’s accompanied by a photograph of some hot totty. “The film actress has the ultimate sexy strut, according to Cambridge mathematicians.”

I was delighted to see it reported. I discussed the possibility of prostituting my good reputation for this same piece of guff with the PR company.

Clarion Communications do a survey, but they’ve decided what the result is. Then they bring in Cambridge. Then they put out a release headlined: “Jessica Alba voted sexiest walk: with the figures to prove it.” Nice. Who did the survey? It was an internal email sent around the company.

They offered Ben Goldacre £500 to invent the math to prove the results of their “survey” – which they hadn’t done, yet!

The PR company said the work was by Professor Richard Weber.

He [Weber] then said: “The Clarion press release was not approved by me and is factually incorrect and misleading in suggesting there has been any serious attempt to do serious mathematics here.” He simply analysed survey data.

The survey data the PR boffins probably invented on their own.

I’d guess most of the folks who wander through here wouldn’t be taken in by such intellectual Jello. But, I’ll bet each of us knows dozens who would.

  1. Axtell says:

    It’s no different from the vast ‘sexiest person alive’ titles that countless magazines throw out during the year – all of which are nothing more than the efforts of their publicists more than anything they’ve done.

  2. nightstar says:

    #1 To be fair the difference here is that it’s being sold as mathematically proven. But that’s the only difference I see.

  3. Greymoon says:

    This just in – “Study Shows that 8 out of 10 men would spend the evening with Jessica Alba.”

    Sponsored by The Greymoon Center for Hot Babes a recent study proves Jessica Alba has what it takes for 8 out of 10 men worldwide. A spokesman for the center explained “We make obvious shit up and wrap it in a concise scientific study that proves our hypothesis.”

    Asked why only 8 out of ten men would desire such a thing the spokesman continued “We figure that some men are gay and would want nothing to do with her, not that there is anything wrong with that, and thus tempered our made up bullshit with reality as we see it.”

    Asked for further references to back up the scientific nature of the study the spokesman responded ” Just look at her.”

    Jessica was unavailable for comment.

  4. AlanB says:

    It doesn’t take 2+2 to figure this out.

  5. Stu Mulne says:


    Who cares….

    She’s cute.

    The “survey” or whatever is silly.

    She’s cute….


  6. Les says:

    First, I am still waiting for Jessica to return my calls, though I will see her soon because I have to goto court about it. Just think, I finally get to date her!


    I would like to know whatever happened to fact checking or studying the survey before the author of the article ripped them a new one.


    What’s that? Jessica is on the line?!

  7. BubbaRay says:

    Eideard, when I first saw the picture, I was certain it was an SN article. Nice find! Darn, I’m researching the wrong “stars”.

    Is that the “new math” that everyone was touting in the 80’s? 🙂

  8. Glenn E says:

    Why don’t these rags exploit hotties’ looks to promote getting a secondary education, rather than exploiting college’s mathematicians to promote some hottie’s looks? I guess it’s a case of, “we all got our jounalism degrees, so screw you dumb bastards.” Alternately. They all just got back from summer vacations, and this is the best research they can come up with. Aren’t you glad you don’t pay a subscription fee for their rag?

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Is that the “new math” that everyone was touting in the 80’s

    Hey, Mr. Ray, I was exposed to “New Math” in the sixties!

  10. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    #9, Mr. Mustard, it’s that “old math” that messes with me. I thought understanding general relativity was cool, then along comes string theory. I’ll never understand all of that. Darned kids — get off my lawn!!

    I guess I’d rather participate in a mathematical analysis of that babe’s “walk.” 🙂

  11. Cinaedh says:

    Mathematics, my ass!

    They still can’t measure “attitude” and that’s what happens to be at issue here.

  12. hhopper says:

    I’m wondering if SN is gonna be pissed when he finds out Eideard stole one of his hottie photos.

  13. Eideard says:

    Tee hee. Actually, I think I used it first, last March.

  14. Glenn E says:

    And Jessica Alba having a new movie just comming out in the theaters, didn’t have anything to do with the timing of this study. Yeah, right!


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