Some days it’s better to stay in bed.

Unregistered driver says he held pet in car with gun in pocket; both were imprisoned

A disabled Newington dog lover and former physical therapist arrested last week on weapons charges after a motor vehicle stop represented himself in Superior Court on Thursday at a surprise hearing to get his guns back.

“It started as a motor-vehicle stop,” he said outside the courtroom. “The car wouldn’t start. It was unregistered. I had my 7-month-old Jack Russell terrier puppy with me.”

Police were quoted as saying Procko resisted arrest and would not show his hands when asked.

“I was holding the dog!” he said.

The arresting officer asked if he had anything on him he should worry about in a search. Procko said he told the officer there was a gun in his pocket.

Immediately, “He threw me against the car. The dog went flying,” Procko said.
Procko went to the Hartford Correctional Center, where he was held until Tuesday.

Because of what police called a computer error, neither a bondsman nor family members could bail him out for an entire day.

And then things started to go wrong for him.

  1. Improbus says:

    Frak’n cops. I hate them.

  2. Rob R says:

    Another example of:
    “If you’re stupid, you lose.”

    #1, keep that thought next time your house gets robbed.

  3. Improbus says:

    Cops don’t care about solving robberies. Hell they barely care about homicides. The only reason to contact them for a robbery is to have a police report for the insurance company. The cops as a whole are fucking useless.

    Firemen and EMTs, on the other hand, do something useful.

  4. MacBandit says:

    Cops only do what the elected officials (you elect) tell them to do. So if you have a problem with cops don’t just say you hate cops vote for someone that will make a change or run for office yourself. It’s true however that cops have for the most part become tax collectors.

  5. JimR says:

    Why does it always have to be all or nothing. SOME cops are macho, pea-brained dickheads and others are friendly, intelligent and sensible.

  6. Yet another example of the socialized police forces in al-Usa.

    U know, like their socialized fire departments and their socialized libraries.

    These socialized police departments, fire departments and libraries are universally in place throughout all of al-Usa.

    If a burglar is breaking into your home, U don’t need a ‘ policecare ‘ policy, U simply place a phone call to the socialized police department. They respond with no qualifications about your ‘ policecare ‘ deductible or your pre-existing requests for assistance.

    Then there’s healthcare, where a like mannered plan is referred to as ‘ socialized medicine ‘.

    Socialized police and fire departments and libraries – ­­¡ Y E S !.

    Socialized medicine – ¡ N E V E R !.

    You see, socialized medicine is not healthy for the seven figure incomes of al-Usa’s doctors or the income of their attendant lobbyists.

    Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo®

  7. Nelson says:

    Cop arrests a two-bit dirt bag and the cop is the bad guy.
    The police are need, there are always some people who cannot control themselves and obey simple social rules.

    Cops are not perfect but there are the only thing we have.
    If you have a problem with the police maybe your just a crook!

  8. Improbus says:

    JimR, I have never met a cop that wasn’t a dick. I have yet to meet a “friendly, intelligent and sensible” one that wouldn’t knock you upside the head if you look at him wrong.

  9. Phillep says:

    This guy brings his troubles down on himself. The reporter is an idiot.

  10. nightstar says:

    The police are the biggest baddest street gang going. It’s an armed fraternity participating in extortion, racketeering, theft, assault and murder.

    Don’t get me wrong I have friends who are cops, but then again I have freinds who are gangsters too. Some of them are both.

    The cop that threw Procko against his car was using excessive force. How was the disabled man holding his dog a threat requiring use of violence. By admitting he had a gun in his pocket it seems Procko was cooperating.

    That said Procko got his just due regarding the cocaine and the sword-cain.

    Driving an unregistered vehicle while carrying a concealed weapon with a cocaine charge on record isn’t the most clever idea. WTF was he thinking anyway.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Improbus,

    I have never met a cop that wasn’t a dick. I have yet to meet a “friendly, intelligent and sensible” one that wouldn’t knock you upside the head if you look at him wrong.

    Aahh, the voice of unreason. I guess you don’t get out much. You probably hang with a bad crowd too. But then, I have yet to meet someone with that kind of an attitude that wasn’t already an asshole.

    Most cops are doing a great job. We want them there to protect us from the bad guys. We want them there when crap happens like a natural disaster. We want them there to pull the drunks off the road. We want them to find the guy that molested your sister. We want them to slow down the traffic as the fire department pulls some teenager out of a wrecked car. We want them there to eat all the extra donuts so they don’t go to waste.

    Yes, some cops step over the line. All professional cops though want the armpits of the world off the force.

  12. nightstar says:

    #11 Mr Fusion

    I agree that one can’t generalize the police as unintelligent dicks, and yet…

    It never fails that when I need the police they don’t give two shits about what I require.

    When a motorist knocked me off my bicycle one day, fled the scene and later gave bogus insurance info to the police(I got his plate). The police were unwilling to pursue the fraudulent insurance info.

    When my car was broken into the officer dispatched dutifully filled out a report. Thats the last I ever heard about the situation.

    But every time I go 10kph over the speed limit theres a fat 12 donut eating narc concealed in the bushes with a laser gun ready to fine me.

    I sincerely hope my experiences are anomalous, but I doubt it.

  13. JMB says:

    This guy was having problems with the law long before this happened. I don’t feel sorry for his ass one bit… I do feel bad for the poor dog though.

    Many cops are dicks, many are not.

    Let me give you cop haters a hint though, cops hate cop haters.
    So if you are giving a cop attitude, don’t wonder why when the following week something happens to you and overworked Officer Miller might just decides that he’ll pursue other cases on his workload.(just pray you don’t get officer Bruno who would give a good woopin’ for that attitude)

    My experience is if you are friendly and courteous you get the same in return. And that is not just when you need something, they will remember you if you give em attitude.

    The funny thing is that in any real job, a professional is expected to be friendly and courteous to anyone you have dealings with. People that can communicate and get along with others go far in life… those that can’t bitch and complain about the cop that busted them for selling weed last week.

  14. nightstar says:

    #13 “in any real job, a professional is expected to be friendly and courteous to anyone you have dealings with.”

    Except for cops who don’t rely on good will from repeat customers for their continued profitability. Hence they can be dicks without consequence.

  15. JMB says:

    #14 Yes and No.

    Just like anyone else you can work in a job and be a dick, but generally only a professional succeeds in his/her career.

    Yes some cops are dicks, but you can bet that the cops that don’t have the communication skills to deal with people aren’t gonna climb the ladder too fast either. Unfortunately for us that means the dicks stay on the streets while the good cops get promoted.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, nightstar,

    Hey man, I understand your frustration. Something to remember is we can’t expect miracles when we report something. A few years ago I walked up to my parked car in D/T Toronto and the side window was broken. A Cop was writing tickets just two cars down from me. Nope, I had to call it in to report it.

    When a car ran my motorcycle into a streetcar track I wrecked the bike. Yup, the cop charged him with leaving the scene and he was culpable for my bike.

    Another time I had some camera equipment stolen. I gave the police the serial numbers. Almost a year later they let me know they had found some of it. After I picked up the one camera I found out that it had been pawned. I went to the Pawn Shop and he told me that both cameras had been turned over to the police. A couple of years later there was a big scandal about Toronto police selling and keeping recovered items. Now we know.

    But on the whole, I have to say most of my experiences with cops have been very positive.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, nightstar,

    Oh ya, I hope you get your bike taken care of.

  18. TIHZ_HO says:

    LOL I cannot believe how stupid this is!!

    Another proof that Americans have to find someone or something else to blame for their own stupidity! LOL! Poor baby, its not your fault.

    Here is an idea, why not read the details about this ‘poor victim’ of the police!!

    He has prior arrests and charges all of which are still open: charged with drug possession, illegal weapons, DUI and a slew of other offences which took place in the past year and a half.

    “He is still facing cocaine charges from a 2006 arrest, when he was charged with possession of narcotics, use of drug paraphernalia, possession of narcotics, having an illegal weapon in a motor vehicle, violation of restricted substances and failure to drive in the proper lane. They seized from him scissors, tweezers, some tubes, a syringe, lighters, a samurai sword, a cane sword, a hammer-style handle, a switchblade, OxyContin, a half-ounce of cocaine and Tylenol PM pills.”

    READ the damn article first before you make dopey comments blaming the police.

    Maybe this guy should play a CW song backwards… 😀

    I can just imagine how this played out if it was on COPS! HAHAHAHA!

    What a loser…


  19. TIHZ_HO says:

    #19 You are correct I do have many of those items (except a syringe) however what I do lack is an arrest sheet for illegal drugs and weapons and although I was not a witness to this event I could only surmise there was an element of ‘attitude’ which may not have worked out for this fellow.

    Where there is smoke there is fire – I know this is an assumption but I refer back to Cheech and Chong’s immortal “Looks like dog shit, smells like dogshit, tastes like dogshit…must be dogshit….(good thing we didn’t step in it!”)

    There comes a point of damned if you do and damned if you don’t – a catch-22. We expect the police to do their job – we have never done their job – but we know how they are supposed to do their job.

    Long long ago during my college years I worked for a nightclub and after a short time I could spot the arseholes 95% of the time – the ones that were going to be a problem. I didn’t do anything until they did – so the 5% had nothing to worry about getting thrown out the door.

    I can sympathise with the police trying to do their job. I know some police are arseholes but most are not but they all get labelled by the ones who are arseholes.

    We are all guilty of this, you, them, me all do this. I might have a rant about Americans – I really don’t mean ALL Americans – just the group of Americans I am ranting about. 😉

    If you drink with a buddy and 90% of the time he throws up – so what are you going to do…have a bucket ready and definitely not give him a ride in your car – right? He would not even had to throw up 90% of the time either – only a couple of times would have been enough!! It would be for me! 😉

    You nor I witnessed this event with our hapless camper so it is impossible to conclude if there was any “Police Brutality” at all. As I pointed out earlier is is reasonable to surmise that our Hapless camper may have not been the innocent victim owing to his previous record which unfortunately defines him.

    Everyone thinks of themselves as “A” but who and what we are is “B” because “B” is what we do so and that defines us. If we want to be “A” then we must stop doing “B”. Actions are what we are and it is what defines who we are and not just who we think we are. 😉


  20. TIHZ_HO says:

    #19 “Cops is about the worst piece of police propaganda I’ve ever seen. Do you actually watch that show? Do you believe it is at all representative of reality?”

    I only watched Cops on occasion – too irritating to watch. Of course I know that every night is not like that and yes, there would be editing – however some are just that stupid. The COPS DVDs are available in China – the TOO HOT for US TV (but for Europe). Chinese people think all of the US is like COPS…same to how many Americans think how China is and dare I say…Iran as well.



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