The Bush administration can proceed with a plan to open the U.S. border to long haul Mexican trucks as early as this week after an appeals court rejected a bid by labor, consumer and environmental interests to block the initiative.

The administration plans to start the program on September 6. Transportation Department officials hope to receive final clearance early next week from the department’s inspector general’s office, which is reviewing its safety aspects, and finalize details with Mexican authorities.

Reviewing safety aspects essentially is a joke. Anyone regularly traveling the border states with Mexico has already witnessed how the Bush Administration reviews safety. Currently, US inspectors check 1% of Mexican trucks entering the country. About 35% fail!

Trucks from Canada have no operating restrictions in the United States.

And there’s no need. Canadian standards are as high – or higher – than US requirements.

Folks on the highway with Mexican long haul trucking companies should get ready to discover one more example of what our government is willing to give away to make corporate lobbyists happy.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    #64 – TIHZ_HO – I have never been to Quebec…

    You haven’t missed much. Sure, it’s cute and French, but once you start to learn more about Quebecers, you’ll soon realize that they’re more talk than doing.

    Problem is that’s difficult or even impossible to do – the US is too diverse same as Europe and Asia.

    What brings Americans together is the Flag, the language and the spirituality (“One Nation Under God”). Europe is still divided into countries, each having their own first language, flag and spirituality is on the decline.

    Is Quebec more European? What are the qualities (other than French) that distinguishes Quebec as being distinct from Canada as a whole?

    If you say that Quebec is more French (as in France) than the rest of Canada… sure. But saying it’s more European… Yes, France is in Europe, but they’re still not representative for all parts of Europe. And if we’re going to twist this further… where does most European immigrants settle in Canada?.. Doesn’t this dilution of Canadians in Ontario make Ontario more “European”? After all, all immigrants bring some of their customs with them. 😉

  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    #69 “What brings Americans together is the Flag, the language and the spirituality (”One Nation Under God”).”

    Jag – I can see the point about the flag – Religion? Well…its like a Baskin Robbins, 33 flavours with plenty of nuts of course.

    I would not count language as defining and distinct as English is not just the official language of the US, you have Britain (of course), Australia, New Zealand, HK (was), Singapore, Canada and so on and English is the international business language – no English no International trade.

    This leaves us the Flag…do you mean patriotic? I can see that and would add not shy in talking to strangers.

    And large…if it is bigger than its better. If there are a group of really overweight people in say China, they automatically get labelled as Americans.

    “Europe is still divided into countries, each having their own first language, flag and spirituality is on the decline.”

    Well there is no patriots following the EU flag, language is as I said is not what I was think of as defining, however the EU is not all the different than the US…a union of independent states.

    Europeans generally do not strike up conversations with strangers – that’s American.

    And you are correct about immigrants bring some of their customs with them…that’s how the US got the Mafia.

    Ahh too late for me…off to bed…

    Ok, Quebec is not European, Ontario is… 😉


  3. Jägermeister says:

    #70 TIHZ_HO – 33 flavours with plenty of nuts of course.

    *LOL* I’ll have to remember that one! 😀

    I would not count language as defining and distinct as English is not just the official language of the US…

    But what sets the US apart is that you’ve got one language (with accents) throughout the country. Okay, Spanish is making its inroads, but English is still the official language, whereas in Europe Union, you got 23 official languages. Language brings people together. French people are the perfect example of this.

    …not shy in talking to strangers.
    Europeans generally do not strike up conversations with strangers – that’s American.

    Very true… I missed that one. Europeans are more reserved.

    If there are a group of really overweight people in say China, they automatically get labelled as Americans.

    Or if they’re showing up in Hawaii shirts… 😉

    …the EU is not all the different than the US…a union of independent states.

    With the huge difference that the European countries have been their countries for several 100s of years longer than any state in the USA. There’s a difference in age here… the EU is a new concept and still a work in progress.

    …immigrants bring some of their customs with them…that’s how the US got the Mafia.


    Take care bud… Hopefully you got some hours of sleep. 🙂

  4. TIHZ_HO says:

    #65 “IMHO Europeans tend to be less prudish and have a different measure of quality of life. To distill that further I’d say Québécois have a certain joie de vivre that is lacking in English Canada and the USA but is prevalent in various European countries; for instance Italy, Switzerland, Spain and yes… France.”

    Well said, that’s a point! There is that…distinction. Americans are more…loud…and if it is not from the US…its not worth shit – “back home we have tomatoes bigger than the cars here”.

    Also many Americans watching European TV for the first time… “Did I just see some boobs?…There they are again…naked boobs!!”

    Ok I am really going to bed now…

    Quebec is European, and Ontario…is what….

    ….something not the same but a little different than the US but not enough for other foreigners to be able to tell the difference so they get pissed off being called Americans so then the foreigners learn really quickly if they don’t sound kind of British – listen for the “ehh” and how ‘about’ is pronounced – so anyway be sure to ask if they are Canadians first as Americans don’t give a shit anyway as they are the rulers of the universe and will bomb the shit out of you if you disagree.

    Good Night 😀

  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    Jägermeister, Thanks! I will! 😀

    Cheers and Good night

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #72 – TIHZ_HO – Quebec is European, and Ontario…

    And Moroccans are Asian because they share a cultural heritage with the people in Saudi Arabia, who are Asians. 😉

    Good night, sir! 🙂

  7. Wightout says:

    France is about as European as Mexico is North American…

  8. ECA says:

    When have the rest of the states had any power to decide what happens here?
    Those 13 states have the more people, and the most power, and the most money.
    Even the electoral, has more power because of it.
    Almost ALL the other states were setup as farming states. Where MORE ground is used for farming then for Votes.
    When the NEXT presidents want money, where do they go FIRST?
    Even tho the west coast is the major harbor for imports, MOST of the corps are on the east coast.
    Yes, I know the past…But Im talking about what I see NOW.

  9. TIHZ_HO says:

    #76 “Yes, I know the past…But Im talking about what I see NOW.”

    The federal government was intended to be the unifying servant of independent states by the founding fathers of the the union – that has been obviously been trampled on and reversed so now the states serve the federal government. That is what you see now.

    You have some interesting stretches of logic. Yes there were concessions given E.G. to Rhode Island. Is this your point?

    ALL 13 original British colonies were farming – there was very little industry outside of a subsistence level and this was a major stumbling block to get all the colonies to agree to form a union.

    After the formation of the US and the break from Britain the new US had to quickly develop industries to manufacture goods which previously came from Britain. So this was in the east…and?

    Did you expect they to set up industries in undeveloped areas? Expansion could only be in the only direction possible – to the west. What was the US to do with these territories then if it was not to be farming? Manufacture cheap toys and products to ship back to the east?! *LOL* No wait, until China…

    As the populations grew and the territory developed they petitioned for statehood. True population plays a part in elections – is this a surprise?

    You seem to want to forget about California.


  10. Steve Savage says:

    Its strange that Americans are more than happy to hand over their nation to godless communists rather than negotiate proper trade deals with Mexico, a democratic christian nation.

    Like it or not, “Jose” is American, and the USA and Mexico are inexorably linked economically and historically.

    If you really want to solve the illegal immigration issue, quit buying communist goods and tell big business to screw themselves. Take every job we give to pajama wearing Marxists and give it to mexico. Mexicans stay home, have jobs, and they buy our stuff cuz they have money. Simple.

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    #78 “godless communists??? *LOL*

    While it is true that China has no official state religion a great many Chinese practising Buddhists. There aren’t so many Christians but there are a few churches around some new especially where there are many foreigners. There are a lot of Muslims out west and I have seen a few in Shanghai.

    The one thing that completely agree with is that certain ‘missionary’ religions are restricted – not repressed – only restricted.

    Mormons, for example, are restricted to no more than 7 people in religious meetings – and there no missionary activities allowed – period.

    Conventional NON missionary religions are free to do as they like – as long as they don’t shift into missionary gear and try to save everyone whether they want saving or not. This is a fact.

    This policy prevents any “Kansas School Board” like issues from ever happening in China. I am sure the Chinese have seen what happens in the US if you let that stuff get out of control. If people want to believe in creation, or from a back of giant turtle or whatever, go ahead but keep it to yourself.

    So China is not so Godless after all, and certainly not communistic as private businesses would be impossible in China as it tried to explain so many times. (Sigh)


  12. TIHZ_HO says:

    Hey Pedro when did you visit China?

    Was I correct in guessing the 90’s

    Just wondering.

    You have some very interesting comments about Mexico. I have a business trip coming up this year to our Mexican distributor in Mexico City. I am going to ask them about the points you brought up – this is good to know as I haven’t been to Mexico for quite a few years. .)


  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    #74 Jägermeister – Really? I dod not know that!

    I do know that Iranians aren’t Arabs they are Assyrian – and get pissed off if you call them Arabs.

    So where are all the Arabs then? Egypt, I am rather certain of – the Bedouin. Ok where are my Nat Geos…? 🙂

    Seems the term Arabs is a incorrect catch all phrase like Asians as Indians are well know Asians and as you pointed out as well.


  14. TIHZ_HO says:

    #83 Yes I kind of remember that – Thanks for refreshing me.

    If you ever make it back to China let me know…


  15. Jerry Bowen says:

    I have no problem with mexican trucks as long as they have to abide by the same standard as we american truckers have to and not get a tax break or safety break only about 1% of all trucks get a safety check from the D>O>T> which is a joke any way I just hope the same stnadard applies to mexico


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