Gotta do something to pull the Republicans out of the election tank.

Interestingly, while searching for a photo for this post, I stumbled on this article from almost a year ago.

Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran

THE Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians’ military capability in three days, according to a national security expert.

Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for “pinprick strikes” against Iran’s nuclear facilities. “They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military,” he said.

Debat was speaking at a meeting organised by The National Interest, a conservative foreign policy journal. He told The Sunday Times that the US military had concluded: “Whether you go for pinprick strikes or all-out military action, the reaction from the Iranians will be the same.” It was, he added, a “very legitimate strategic calculus”.

President George Bush intensified the rhetoric against Iran last week, accusing Tehran of putting the Middle East “under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust”. He warned that the US and its allies would confront Iran “before it is too late”.

  1. Elvis Presley says:

    As an expired US citizen – I am totally against this action.

  2. jlm says:

    “President George Bush intensified the rhetoric against Iran last week, accusing Tehran of putting the Middle East “under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust”.”

    Bush is so delusional, its HIM that is putting the entire world under the threat of nuclear holocaust.

  3. ArianeB says:

    So the Republicans want to start World War III to win more elections?

    An Aerial assault on Iran, will lead to war with the entire Shainghai Cooperation Organization made up of Iran and 9 other countries, 8 of which have Nuclear Weapons. Russia and China especially rely on Iranian Oil, and our act of agression will not go unanswered.

    Iran will no doubt retaliate by bombing oil tankers coming out of Kuwait or Saudi Arabia, setting the entire Persian Gulf on fire where we have three carrier groups stationed. Do you want $10 a gallon gas?

    The Iranian army could invade Iraq, and the Shiites and Kurds will let them unopposed, and seige the green zone where 200,000 troops and contractors live.

    All in the name of winning elections (Which they will overwhelmingly lose, if elections are even held) and appeasing Israeli lobbyist groups. The Fox News propaganda machine is using the exact same lies about Iran that they were about Iraq.

    Iran poses no real threat to the US mainland or to Iraq, or even Israel. There is no evidence that they are actually working on Nuclear “weapons” as their nuclear program is all about creating fuel for nuclear power stations that we built for them.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Let Israel do it. This way our hands are clean and can deny the whole thing.
    And #3 if you don’t think Iran is working on nuclear weapons then you are really naive. Do I think now is the time to strike Iran, NO.

  5. RTaylor says:

    You can smell the Saudi Royal family behind any such incursion. Follow the money and who has the most to loose from a nuclear fundamentalist Islamic state. Another reason is to strike before the Israelis, which really would screw things up beyond hope. There’s a lot of politics in play with any such move.

  6. Improbus says:

    Why can’t anyone stop Bush from doing this? Has this country gone totally mad? This is INSANE! The Joint Chiefs should all resign before letting this happen.

  7. Pmitchell says:

    Good I hope they do it and prove all you tree hugging, hand holding kumbyeah singing hippies wrong , remember north Korea, negotiations worked real good stopping their nuke program didnt it (they got em now and we sat on our asses and talked to them and begged them to play nice, all the while they laughed and built them) now what do we do about a nuclear korea and nutcase dictator who can destroy large city in a single blast

    I guess all you liberal idiots want to keep talking to the insane lunatic Iran all the while he is building nukes and parts for nukes. The responsibility first nuclear terrorist attack on a western city lies directly in your ignorant laps

    Its time the big boy on the block lays down the rules the rest of the people will play by, and enforce those rules strictly

  8. Improbus says:

    That’s a little wordy … how about this:

    Peace through superior firepower.

    BTW, I don’t think North Korea has demonstrated a working nuclear device. Their one test was a dud. As for Iran, their “president” is riling up America for internal domestic reasons and I think he has over played his hand because he just might get what he was asking for … America attacks Iran and the Iranian people unite behind him … sound familiar? … 9/11.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, gq,

    Let Israel do it.

    A just as bad scenario. It would destabilize the entire region, it wouldn’t fool too many people and only make Israel that much more of a target.

    Right now the only friend Israel has is the US. The rest of the world is mostly ambivalent towards them but something like this would sure push them into the unfriendly camp.

    If Iran is attacked, than it wouldn’t be $10 gas, there wouldn’t be gas.

  10. natefrog says:

    Scary. Why not just call it a “blitzkrieg”?

  11. mark says:

    8. Hows your campaign going chickenhawk?

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Paul,

    Good I hope they do it and prove all you tree hugging, hand holding kumbyeah singing hippies wrong ,

    Paul, would you happen to know the words to kumbyeah ? If you share the words, I think most of us will hold your hand as we sit around the tree singing. Gee, SN can bring some of his rocking tunes, Uncle Dave could bring the beer, OFTLO and Lauren can bring some “herbs”, Hopper could even bring some of his funnier videos, MM could bring some of his women friends, joshua can give rides in his Prius, Edheird could bring some what grows on the cactus around his ranch, Angel Wong can bring a bear, …


  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Comment by Pmitchell

    Hey! Paul Mitchell! Kewl. My wife loves your hair products!

  14. OvenMaster says:

    Before Iraq, the U.S. never invaded first (to my knowledge). The U.S. didn’t “do” pre-emptive strikes. Now that we’ve broken that tradition with the invasion of Iraq, the whole world hates us, and tensions are higher than ever.

    I still think the old way was better: tell other countries that they can do as they wish. But fire one single bullet on us or any of our allies and we will turn your country into a parking lot.

  15. bac says:

    #8 Pmitchell will be the first one drafted if Iran is attacked. Iran has more land area to control than Iraq so there will have to be a draft if the USA does not want Iran run by evil people.

    If the USA can not control Iraq, how will it control Iran? Stupid is as stupid does.

  16. chuck says:

    I expect the Iranian people will greet the missiles and bombs as liberators.

  17. jlm says:

    “I expect the Iranian people will greet the missiles and bombs as liberators. ”

    People that watch FOX news will probably share that perspective

  18. Uncle Dave says:

    #16: I guess it depends on your definition of “preemptive strike.” We’ve gone into plenty of places with CIA and similar to kill leaders, topple governments and such who didn’t follow our line. Just a different kind of first strike.

    And, Gary (#10), you know as well as I do that in Big Brother Bush-speak, peace(ful uses) means war.

  19. Pmitchell says:

    I didnt say invade simply remove there ability to wage war. We can own the sky’s their country and bomb what we can see and then if they hid anything they still have to bring it out in the open it to use and we go after that.
    I am not calling for an invasion simply a real good bitch slap so that they learn their place in the world again

  20. Itzak says:

    Israel has many nukes and its demented leaders are crazy enough to use them as the thankfully dead Sharon once said he would. So why shouldn’t other nations in the Middle East have nukes to deter detonation by a sick, racist and fascist state?

  21. Gary Marks says:

    #21 Uncle Dave says “And, Gary (#10), you know as well as I do that in Big Brother Bush-speak, peace(ful uses) means war.”

    Although I might be flattered, I think Mark (the actual #10 commenter) might take exception with your mixup of our identities.

    I just stopped in to see if Pmitchell had eaten his second bowl of “Crazy Flakes” yet. Mmmmm, now that’s a good, hearty breakfast 😉

  22. Uncle Dave says:

    #24: Oops! Guess I ate too many Crazy Flakes.

  23. nightstar says:

    “Israel has many nukes and its demented leaders are crazy enough to use them as the thankfully dead Sharon once said he would. So why shouldn’t other nations in the Middle East have nukes to deter detonation by a sick, racist and fascist state?”

    Here here.

    Who’s the only nation in obvious violation of the nuclear non proliferation treaty? Thats right, Israel.

    Who exercises their UN security council veto to prevent the rest of the world from giving Israel “a real good bitch slap”? If you gessed the USA your absolutely correct.

    So the USA threatens military action against Iran for the same violations Israel is flagrantly guilty of, hmmm…

    American hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>as the thankfully dead Sharon

    Uh….he’s not dead. He’s in long-term care at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan (Tel Aviv district).

  25. JoaoPT says:

    Ok, first of all neither the US of A nor Israel will attack Iran. No one is that crazy. The new 800 pound Gorilla nowadays is China, and they are not in the mood for yet another oil crisis and subsequent economical cooling. And they are heavily in need of Iranian oil.
    But saber rattling must be done to allow for some “face-saving”. And to justify the heavy (economic) burden of the military. This way they attract eye-balls of Iraq, while they continue the settling in…

    … or maybe not… I’m no political analyst…

  26. doug says:

    #22. “I am not calling for an invasion simply a real good bitch slap so that they learn their place in the world again”

    Bombardment from the air will not destroy Iran’s capacity to wage war, just as it did not destroy Nazi Germany’s or North Vietnam’s. And just as it is now not inhibiting the Taliban at all.

    Bombardment from the air will not stop the Iranians from flooding Iraq with suicide bombers just as it did not cut the Ho Chi Mihn Trail.

    Bombardment from the air will not teach the Iranians “their place in the world,” but rather it will rally the Iranian populace around the mullahs and their crazy president.

    #8 “The responsibility first nuclear terrorist attack on a western city lies directly in your ignorant laps”

    Actually, it will likely lay in the laps of the people who decided that speedy processing of imports on behalf of their corporate masters was more important than inspecting the contents of container ships.

  27. Mike Voice says:

    #29 Dammit Doug, I wanted to say some of that. 🙂

    Ho Chi Mihn trail was a good one. I wouldn’t have thought to go back that far.

    I was thinking along the lines of how we owned the airspace over Iraq, and yet they supposedly moved all those WMDs into Syria before we could find them in Iraq.

    Or the way we have controlled the air in Iraq for a few years, now, and foreign fighters are still pouring in, along with Iranian-made IEDs.

    “I don’t want to invade with troops, I just want to bomb them…”

    That’s it? That’s your plan?

    Cripes, when Clinton tried that shit they accused him of just trying to distract attention away from the Monica scandal.

  28. doug says:

    #30. Oh, I just took Dubya’s Vietnam analogy to heart 😉

    The advocates of air power are constantly overstating its effectiveness, to an eager audience who wants to believe that the US can impose its will on the world without any risk to ourselves or our armed forces.

    By invading Iraq, ironically enough, the Bush Administration has made any attack on Iran (which actually has WMD and is working on more) infinitely more perilous by giving the Iranians a big fat target to shoot at in response.


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