Is it an MP3 player? A robot? Both?
Here’s a site that Sony put up about it.
Video: WTF is this new Sony Rolly Thingy???
By hhopper Saturday September 1, 2007
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I think it’s some sort of a ‘dancing’ robot
Since Sony is already screwing up their customers I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be a dildo.
Sony is apparently bringing back disco.
Can I have 1 more disco plegemaster!
Does it come with a rootkit?
@ Janky-o
Didn’t you get the memo, rootkits come standard and free of charge with all sony products as of last July.
WeeBoo is back
My money is on a wireless controller for one of their game systems to play games like guitar hero or exercise.
MP3 Haro?
Just try to get the damn thing on a plane. you’ll definitely be dancing when they give you the full cavity search.
Spare me! Just makes you wonder WTF has happened to Sony.
Is Sony even relevant any more? What have they done in the last ten, fifteen years that was astounding or groundbreaking?
On the rolly-show web page, there’s a countdown thingy; has anyone done the calculations? According to my stopwatch and calculator, it’ll take about 93 years before we find out what it’s all about….
Seems that the video may not be authentic after all….
Well, go figure – at least I already look forwards to seeing this little buddy communicating with my PS3 in action!
[Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]
I have been boycotting Sony for years and I have no plans to change.
Aw, c’mon guyz. Sony’s management really does include some incredibly stupid and stubborn people, moreso than any other I can think of offhand – but their R&D is still killer. I don’t agree with some of the things those same idiots in mgmt decide to lay on the public, and I also suspect they’re sitting on some pretty sweet stuff we may never see…
But put the blame where it belongs. Sony TVs have been among the very best since the beginning, Beta was always superior to VHS, Blu-Ray is superior to HD-DVD – it’s not the engineers’ fault that the marketing people and execs keep fucking things up.
Walkman, Discman, 3.5″ microfloppy, CD, SACD, those people don’t just stick a nameplate on somebody else’s tech, they actually innovate, even if it doesn’t always pan out.
I just got back from Europe and Eastern Europe for the first time and this kind of music is playing everywhere. This music is popular over there still. Quite annoying I found.
#18 For once I totally agree with you Mr. named-after-a-phonetic-paradox…
In time, Joào, everyone eventually says that. 😉
Hey, even a stopped clock is right two times a day… 😉
Anyway, my name is written with a tilde: João
#23 Ah, you’ve been here haven’t you Pedro?
I gather you’re Spanish speaking, and that qualifies you to understand Portuguese. But I’m afraid that Continental Portuguese is rather harsh on the hear as opposed to Brazilian…
Just to end this Linguistic/phonetic interlude, the right way to say my name should be something like “Zhou aoom” and the tilde is there to change the A vowel from open to nasal sound. A bit tricky…
[/portuguese 101]
My comprehension of Portuguese is nonexistent, but thankfully that’s never prevented me from appreciating the sublime beauty of how Astrud Gilberto and Lani Hall use it…
I knew about the tilde, I just used the wrong key combo… João. 🙂
I don’t believe the brass at Sony have any more idea what the Rolly-thingie is than anyone else… I suspect it has no actual purpose, it’s just something R&D people were playing with in-house and it somehow caught some exec’s eye.
They’ll just let the public make of it what they choose – if they choose, that is. If it disappears without a trace, don’t be surprised.
The Sony Reader is pretty slick. I enjoy mine immensely. I can carry around 80 books around with me including photos and music.
And my 40″ Sony LCD HDTV is spectacular.
I guess other than that they suck.
I hate to do it, but I’m gonna have to give those jokers my money in order to get an XBR3 and a 1080p Blu-Ray player…
Standing on principle is a fine virtue for the most part, but cutting off my nose to spite my face would do me more harm than my refusing to buy their products would do them.
#18 – Sony has innovated, and they do make great TV’s. Beta was better than VHS. So what? Sony forces their proprietary formats and DRM nonsense on us, and THAT’S why Beta failed, and why Minidisc failed in the US, and why UMD’s failed. That’s why no one uses memory sticks but them. That’s why I hope Blu-ray fails.
Also – they stole the technology for the XSRD rear projectors from JVC. JVC made projectors with the technology for years, then Sony forms a partnership with them, then they break off the partnership then Surprise! Sony suddenly now has DILA – except it’s not called something else. So they’re not always innovators.
And they are foolishly squandering the brilliance of the PSP by not allowing people to hack it and write their own movies onto UMD’s. It’s a great device. Too bad someone else with more sense didn’t make it.
The PS3 is the final straw. Late, without support, overpriced, and forcing their BluRay agenda on everyone.
Most of the problems I’ve ever had with any of the uncountable Sony products I’ve owned can be chalked up to decisions made in the executive suite, not the R&D lab.
– Beta failed because they were anal about keeping a monopoly on it and refused to license it, so Matsushita and JVC ate their lunch.
– One major reason Minidisc failed was because it was 12-BIT.
Unfortunately, in some areas they’re still the only game in town if you have to have SOTA, and aren’t willing to suffer lower performance. I’m not willing to settle for less picture than I know I could have… The long-term benefit I’ll get from owning and using those pieces far outweighs any damage done them by my boycotting them.
Rolly is a digital audio player without a display: