1. johns says:

    Didn’t Letterman do the same thing with Drew Barrymore onetime?

  2. jlm says:

    that is letterman, not Japanese TV, get it right Dvorak

  3. OvenMaster says:

    *hands jlm some glasses and reminds him that Letterman’s set looks nothing like the one shown in the video, and that this host has more hair than Dave*

  4. Ralph the School Bus Driver says:

    Rush Limbaugh’s new pilot.

  5. Cinaedh says:

    That’s the really weird sh*t right there, man!

  6. Rich says:

    I shall refrain from making comparisons between short people of Asian heritage and chimpanzees because that would be wrong.

  7. hhopper says:

    Damn it Jim, that’s a chimp, not Letterman.

    Wait… maybe…. Nah.

  8. Mike Voice says:

    Ah, yes.

    Fond memories of “Lancelot Link and the Evolution Revolution”


  9. OmarTheAlien says:

    Stop the use of apes in entertainment? Be lot of actors/comedians out of work.

  10. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #10 – Omar,

    I sit corrected. Stop the use of non-human apes. Sorry. Of course we are apes too.

  11. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Wasn’t that Al Sharpton?

  12. OmarTheAlien says:

    # 11: You attribute way too much seriousness to my comment. My meaning was directed towards the ape-like behavior of many of our entertainers.

  13. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #13 – Omar,

    I got that. I was just pointing out that all human behavior is ape behavior by definition. Humans are apes. So, there’s nothing ape-like about it. Blogging is an ape behavior too.


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