diamond skull

This work by Damien Hirst, titled “For the Love of God,” is made of diamonds, human teeth and the platinum-plated skull of a 35-year-old European male from the 1700s rumored to be a monk or minor saint (hence the name).

The diamond-encrusted skull sold for 50 million pounds ($101 million) on Wednesday. In fairness to Hirst, the skull did cost him $20 million to produce.

    Original post is here.

    From Crave.

  1. edwinrogers says:

    I’ve seen sillier things in people’s china cabinets.

  2. hhopper says:

    What do you do with a $101M skull? The insurance alone would cost a fortune. Maybe he’s gonna charge admission to see it.

  3. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Damn, I was outbid.

  4. Adrian says:

    Nappy, you should’ve used auction sniper.

  5. DavidtheDuke says:

    Talk about about a Don’t-Drop-This imbalance ratio

  6. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I had my max bid at $100,000,000.00. I got beat by a paltry $1M. This would have looked so good in the back window of my Cadillac.

  7. hmeyers says:

    Next week:

    A descendant sues to get the head back 🙂

  8. nightstar says:

    #2 What do you do with a $101M skull?

    Hang it from a chain around your neck. Now thats bling!

  9. OmarTheAlien says:

    The thing does seem to be smiling.

  10. Hugh G. Rection says:

    Great hood ornament!

  11. Improbus says:

    Well, at least it is aptly named.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    The inside was done to resemble the actual inside of Bushes skull. Same density, same texture, same contents, … But it sparkles on the outside.

  13. JIgga man says:

    How ’bout some grillz for those teeth?

  14. Cinaedh says:

    Rich People Thoughts:

    “So, I had a hundred million dollars laying around and I couldn’t think of one, single useful thing to do with it —– and then I saw this skull!”



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