“I have taxpayers who will buy me any bridge I want”
Russian police have detained a 45-year-old municipal worker for stealing a bridge.
The 5-meter span metal bridge disappeared from a river crossing in the Ryazan region, east of Moscow. Police said they tracked it down to the man, who had used his work truck to remove it and then chopped it up and sold it for scrap.
The local police chief said it was “the bulkiest theft of the year.”
Shh. Don’t tell anyone. I sold it to him!
Again my “people will steal anything” theory is bolstered.
I watched a country being stolen in 2001.
The USA has that problem too. Copper theft is a huge issue in many areas, and businesses have to surround their property with barbwire to keep people from stealing their cabling, air conditioning units, and even structural sheetmetal to sell for scrap.
One funny/sad story about the Bush Regime is that they were blaming iraqis for killing electric power generation in iraq because scavengers were cutting up power lines to sell for scrap. The pentagon of course forgot to report that it was the American pilots that bombed the electric power towers to the ground in the first place, making the cables accessible. At that point the iraqis weren’t getting electricity anyway since we committed war crimes by bombing civilian infrastructure.