Germany’s interior minister on Friday defended a proposal to use “Trojan horse” software to search potential suspects’ hard drives without their knowledge, calling it a tough but necessary measure against terrorism.

Wolfgang Schaeuble defended the tactic in an interview with n-tv television, calling the ongoing debate “completely exaggerated,” underlining that judicial approval would be required before the measures could be used. “It’s about a few isolated cases,” he said.

In the past weeks, German troops and others working in Afghanistan have been targeted by Islamic radicals. The heightened threat level only makes the matter more urgent, Schaeuble’s spokesman said, insisting: “Any delay can mean a security risk.”

Reactionaries always agree that protecting liberty and democracy – requires scrapping liberty and democracy.

  1. jlm says:

    they should just keep it secret like the US.
    Considering the Carnivore program was in place in the late 90s and we knew about it theres no telling what is in place now that we dont know about

  2. Jägermeister says:

    So, perhaps it wasn’t the Chinese who hacked Merkel’s computer, but the German Gestapo?

  3. julieb says:

    I bet their trojans don’t work on Linux.

  4. paddler says:

    Advice to terrorists in Germany: Dump Windows and switch to a Mac

  5. JimR says:

    “… use “Trojan horse” software to search potential suspects’ hard drives”

    I’m not a hacker geek, so can a trojan horse target a specific persons computer?

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    Hmmm. I’m not sure what the big problem here is. Assuming there really is “judicial oversight” (unlike Dumbya’s secret, illegal snooping), wtf liberty or democracy does this violate?

    Everybody knows that Secret Agent Man employs high-tech spying technology. As long as it doesn’t go haywire like it did with our self-appointed Little King and his band of bungling dipshits, what’s so bad about sneaking around to find out what the terrorists are up to?

  7. Milo says:

    If we pulled out of all Muslim countries they could get back to killing each other.

  8. Cinaedh says:

    I am absolutely convinced neither Micro$oft nor Apple would dare to include back doors into their operating systems for use by the NSA and others to fight terrorism, crime and to save the children.

    Surely the major operating systems aren’t just great big trojan horses themselves!

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #10 – Cinaedh – I am absolutely convinced neither Micro$oft nor Apple would dare to include back doors into their operating systems for use by the NSA and others to fight terrorism, crime and to save the children.

    Yeah, right… 😉

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – Milo – If we pulled out of all Muslim countries they could get back to killing each other.

    I don’t think it’s that simple… There’s a lot of hatred towards the Americans for the whole Iraq War part II thing… and then you’ve got Israel, who’s backed by the good ol’ U.S.A. and the Jews haven’t shown any signs of moving out of the region anytime soon.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So, no proposals (I don’t count the pull form the middle
    >>east and it will end as a valid proposal) and all yapping,
    >>what else is new?

    Could you translate that for us Earthlings, please?

  12. nightstar says:

    #8 The problem I perceive is who determines who the “terrorists” are.

    #11 I believe Cinaedh was attempting sarcasm with his comment.

    #9 What has this to do with “Muslim countries”. Your comment is wrong on so many levels.

  13. nightstar says:

    #13 Pedro, I propose that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Meaning if it’s criminal for me to do so it is for you or my government. Simple solution, the end.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>#14 read post #1

    Inasmuch as your post #13 was completely unintelligible on its own, you should have included a link to the post #1 so that we could have translated it into Earth-talk.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    >>#8 The problem I perceive is who determines who
    >>the “terrorists” are.

    Right. Hence my qualification that there be “judicial oversight”.

    Can’t have the thing metastasizing into some kind of Dumbya/ Gonzalez/ NSA “let’s just snoop on anybody we fucking feel like snooping on” nightmare.

    If they’re going to snoop on legitimate terror suspects, I don’t see any big problem with using this trojan horse technique. At least not until Dumbya/ Micro$oft start using it on ME. Otherwise, it doesn’t seem that much different from phone taps, X-ray glasses, or those “Big Ear” things they used to sell in the back of comic books.

  16. nightstar says:

    Since supreme court judges being political appointees have mandates that differ from the general populace I am concerned that they may not best represent the interests of the people in these matters.

    Better that what is permissible in a society be clearly stated up front as opposed to determined on a case by case basis by those with political alliances.

  17. nightstar says:

    #18 go easy on Pedro, his bum is probably still sore from the last spanking I gave him 😉

  18. Milo says:

    Jägermeister: I don’t care if Muslims hate us, I care if they leave us alone. Pulling our people out will allow them their natural inclination, killing and vandalizing, without the inconvenience of having to travel far. The Iran/Iraq war proved that.

    nightstar: Muslim countries are where the terrorists come from, as well as a bunch of other problems.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Muslim countries are where the terrorists come from.

    There, and the USA, predominantly from the radical right Christians. Whom to deal with first…..?

  20. nightstar says:

    #22 “nightstar: Muslim countries are where the terrorists come from”

    Wtong, the terrorists come from the school of the Americas at Fort Benning in Columbus Georgia.

  21. nightstar says:

    #24 Pedro, I thought I was clear. I proposed a solution. One cannot justify the violation of rights and freedoms of individuals or societies in the name of protecting the rights and freedoms of said individuals and societies.

    You seek to preempt terrorism. Well then befriend the enemy.

    Western nations are now reaping what they have sown for hundreds of years. It’s an unfortunate situation and one that could have been avoided by showing respect and tolerance for the priorities of dissimilar peoples.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>the post at hand is about Germany, not the US. Indeed,
    >>you seem to have comprehension problems.

    wtf?? Did I say anything that would lead you to conclude that I thought otherwise?

    “Indeed”, you seem to have problems not only in comprehension, but in expression as well. Yes indeedie.

  23. nightstar says:

    #27 Mister Mustard

    Clearly you did it in the study with a candlestick(your rank is colonel right).

    Pedro says they don’t sell X-ray specs in German comics, not sea monkeys. He doesn’t want you to use any American cultural references.

    I can divine his intentions as I have studied both mental illness and syllogism.

  24. nightstar says:


  25. nightstar says:


    Pedro your stinging rebukes wound me through excessive belly laughs.

    I’ll assume you don’t understand my suggestion.

    It’s interesting that I can make sense of your ramblings despite your inability to express them in a intelligible manner.

    You need not feel pity for me Pedro. I’m tickled by your lack of comprehension.

  26. Glenn E says:

    Simple. War begets war. Peace begets peace. Trust begets trust. Distrust begets….


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