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Poor MS… but that was pretty funny!
And just where is their phone?player/PC/whatchamacallit?
I thought Bill liked stuff like that?
Pretty much sums up what a M$ phone would be like. Piece of Shit, just like Windows.
Considering you can buy discounted iPhones ($100 discount on ebay, and even more if they are used), and Apple is even selling reconditioned iPhones now, I guess petty childish barbs are all the iPhone fanboys have left…
Love the Flashing 12:00
I liked the retro dialing feature. I reminded me a bit of slide to unlock that all the iphone users complain about:)
#3 The funny thing is its the Addle Macs lagged behind Windows PC technology all these years until finally giving in and signing up with Intel!
And Addle charges for service packs too. LOL I could hear the noise now if MS charged money for service packs and called them animal names…but I guess Addle Mac users are too blinded by the ‘rapture’ of the one true faith. Thats funny!
By the way having an old pay phone dialer would be really cool – the retro look! I would love to have an old pay phone.
The funny thing is.. my legit XP installs don’t work aswell as my pirated copies..
Thanx Bill.. or punjabi or whatever.. mexican? chinese?
oh right.. this is an apple thread…
Apple is crap.. avoid at all costs
#7 Macs lagged behind Windows PC technology all these years
Thanks, that was a quite funny. 🙂
#7 – “Macs lagged behind Windows PC technology all these years”
Hey, cmon … Macs now come with 2 mouse buttons and I think for $50 you can even get one with a scroll wheel.
That bitches that runs mac onflyp sites are “cool”
#10 That’s amazing, and a wheel too huh? LOL!
Bet you still have to press a shit load of keys at the same time to make it work…but hey, it looks good though! Maybe Addle ought to add a keyboard for the toes – there are only so many keys you can press at one time with your fingers…unless you’re expected to get a yoga thing going on… 😉
Funny as well – what’s this with the iPod head phones? Everyone knows the headset that comes with iPods is better off in the trash…WTF, all that money and the headphones are crap? That is so wrong! Yeah, keep on swapping the $ for S in Microsoft, Addle is not money grubbing at all. 😉
#9 Mike Voice – You have some very nice photos on your site!
In late breaking suckagness for Apple fanboys, NBC and dumped iTunes in favor of XBox for downloads of their tv shows.
So, um, was that supposed to be funny or what??
The Science Behind Cell Phones Thanx Bill.. or punjabi or whatever.. mexican? chinese?
I saw Xbox and Xvid go by me in a car today..
#4 As was predicted… How does that song go “You’re true colours” or something like that. Maybe now people are thinking… Pretty or Useful?
#8 “The funny thing is.. my legit XP installs don’t work as well as my pirated copies..”
What version of XP for your legit copy and for your pirated copy? Home, Professional sp1,2? Compare Apples to Apples – opps that’s funny! LOL!
#16 Gephone WTF? Science behind cell phones thanxs Bill – Chinese ??? What did I miss?
#15 To which “funny” do you refer to? There are so many here! LOL!
#19 LOL Mac-tel! That’s good!
Add to this OS X was not developed by Apple. When Jobs was fired from Apple he started NeXT STEP (Processor independent)…as this is the ‘next step’ from Apple…? So Apple is in the shit and buys NeXT from Jobs, hires back Jobs as a consultant, moves in the NeXT crew displacing the Apple crew and Presto! OS X!
Gee I thought only Microsoft buys other’s software then calls it their own! LOL!!! Pot meet kettle!
Too funny!
Aaaahhh…. yawn. Boring.
The “comments” are a pretty good commentary in and of themselves.
As someone who recently “switched” my whole office over to OS X on the basis of trial and test, I get to look back into the Windoze swamp at laggards who – as a parallel – probably voted for George W. the 2nd time because it’s too scary to change horses in mid-stream, blah, blah.
Pretty funny video…..
……but Im pretty sure that my Windows phone actually has some actual, functual features, and does not just consist of a flashy interface.
Wow, can you tell us how you went about that? Like did you just one day switch all your computers over to osx and all your employees were magically productive from the word go, or did you go the gradual migration route?
It is my experience that radical abrupt changes in even a small office with 10-20 computers cause massive headaches, downtime and loss of productivity. Usually there is some involved migration plan. Please do tell us how you accomplished this. OMG, that is brave!!
Also, did you swap enterprise software at the same time? If you did, please please tell me what you are using, because I have wildly outgrown my ERP/CRM package and I need something enterprise worthy that I can impliment in a couple of weeks time. Ive spent months agonizing over the decision!
Your move would seem to defy the CW in it that “There are old IT guys and there are bold IT guys, but there are no old bold IT guys”. Good job on actually pulling that off!
#25 – if you’re actually in IT and not some o’erweening gamer – just read the trades, dude. Not only NBD – it happens every day.
No tidal wave. Of course not. Not with typical IT managers and even more typical beancounters. I’m in charge of both.
But, the math was easy. The result was as expected – after my own prototyping and testing. And happy employees really are more productive than grumpolas.
Oh yeah – would have been just as funny a vid if it was Sony – or the RNC proprietary iPhone.
So you do both IT and bean counting? Who ever answers the phones?
OTOH as someone who switched to PC (not particularly windows, note) because was finding Apple’s offerings too much of Design Nazi one choice, toned down, smoothed edges, fluffy cushioned, plain old lying to people (remember when Jobs touted the G5 twice as fast as pentiums, and suddenly intel macs are twice as fast as G5 macs).
I didn’t vote for bush ;-), and don’t use smartphones (by the way the Apple iPhone is NOT a smatphone. It’s a new category of beefed up personal comunication and media hub. A consumer product).
I hope OSX don’t succeed too much in this glorified consumer media products company that Apple is rapidly becoming, because it utterly stinks. QT is dawg gone slow, and not even with a dual 3Ghz P4 can I playback QT h264 HD trailers. Something that my old AMD1200 can do with the same trailers re-compressed with x264 onto AVI or MKV containers. Easy.
Apple is for Joe and Jane consumer.
I’m too nerd/geek/dork to use Apple.
They did leave one thing out in the video. A true M$ phone would have a credit card reader built into the side, so you could pay tribute to M$ evertime you wanted to make a call.
#25 Don’t get too excited It was at Apple Corporate Headquarters.
#32 Unlike Apple where you PAY for Service packs – but they aren’t service packs ’cause they got animal names…see?
I service a number of windows phones that have actual credit card terminals on the side. We use them to process POS orders at trade shows.
I have only heard rumors, but it is my understanding that Apple sales reps use the exact same model we do in their corporate sales offices.