Found via The Peoples Cube

  1. Jeff says:

    That all depends, we had the chance to get Bin Laden already and took our eyes off the prize, so obviously he probably is not that high on W’s list. And being that congress refuses to impeach W, or Chenny, it doesn’t look like he is that high on their list either…

  2. Kafka says:

    Sheesh Dvorak….. have a little care with who you give posting rights to! What’s next? Links to Fox News and Drudge?


  3. BillM says:

    Sheesh Dvorak….. have a little care with who you give posting rights to! What’s next? Links to Fox News and Drudge?

    Oh my god….a view from the other side. Can’t tolerate that, can we.

  4. dubyah says:

    That’s not the real ‘W’ list, it’s :

    Kill more innocent Iraq’s that Saddam =(genocide ghetto style)
    More profit$ for my pals
    Arrange for a National Threat so I can be dictator for life

    progress? you bet

  5. Improbus says:

    How could they forget Darth Cheney?

  6. ECA says:

    I dont want EITHER…
    I want someone, at LEAST, one of the states has to offer…
    Im tired of these 2 groups, NOT affiliated with Anything except money, wanting to run this country.

  7. hmeyers says:

    I think a fair portion of, for a lack of a better word, Democrats are as nutballs about Bush as some of the Republicans were about Clinton.

    Name calling, finger pointing, exaggeration are annoying regardless of who is doing is.

    Terrorism isn’t about catching Bin Laden. Only someone who eats paint chip sandwiches thinks catching Bin Laden would change anything in this world. Catching Saddam didn’t make Iraq a safer place.

  8. moss says:

    Those are the marketing priorities. In either case, the priorities are:

    1. Get elected

    2. Get re-elected

    3. Build patronage and power

    The only difference in the past 10-15 years is that the Republikans have carried corruption and payoffs back to the good old days before and after WW1. But, then, that’s what reactionaries are all about.

  9. kafka says:


    A view from the other side, if it actually has anything to say and is a reasoned argument, is perfectly fine with me. That little graphic was nothing but the same old “but…but…but…but… 9/11!!!!!!!” trash that right wingers have been spouting for years in vain attempts to cover their gross incompetence. It has grown tiresome.

    I was simply suggesting that this site have a bit more repect for the intelligence of it’s readers.


  10. Tanqueray says:

    You mean republicans list are as follows, Get the Gays, Get the Abortionists, Get the Scientists, Get the little boys, get the stem cell researchers, priorities give me a break, if getting bin ladin was a priority then we would have at least some soldiers in Pakistan. So the democrats want to stop the corruption of our government, ya know the stuff we have been raving before democrats took office, now that they are doing something about, providing a little oversight if you will, they have their priorities wrong. Gimme a break.

  11. Awake says:

    Consider the source and relax guys.
    The Peoples Cube is the equivalent to “the Onion”, full of utterly ridiculous stuff presented to make it plausible.
    The above poster would have felt right at home printed in the “World Weekly News” next to “Batboy declared future Chief of Staff by Hillary”

    When you see really ridiculous nonsense it is either a joke or the product of such complete ignorance that you can’t help but laugh either way.


    ‘ I truly am not that concerned about him.’ – bush,
    March, 2002 press conference, responding to a question about bin Laden

    Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo®

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>When you see really ridiculous nonsense it is either a joke or
    >>the product of such complete ignorance that you can’t help
    >>but laugh either way.

    Only when you consider the source is it humorous. I’ve seen plenty of grim, angry, gray-faced, liver-lipped, right-wing political cartoonists who publish stuff like that (or even MORE extreme) with a straight face. And the DittoHeads lap it right up.

    If P.T. Barnum were alive today, he’d modify his statement to “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the neocons”.

  14. Gasparrini says:

    #2, poor little ‘kafka’ was offended by my post. Didn’t it occur to you that both policy agendas might be wrong?

  15. mark says:

    Maybe we have already killed or captured Bin Laden. We will probably never know, BUSHCO needs a boogeyman and if it was revealed that the boogeyman is dead, more people would turn against the war. We couldnt have that now could we? Maybe he will be (or is being) replaced by Ahmadinejaad?

  16. James Hill says:

    Silly liberals. Just because you’re getting owned after you won the last election cycle is no reason to get pissy.

  17. mark says:

    18. James, did you just make that up?

  18. Misanthropic Scott says:

    This is silly. No one has bin Laden on their list. Bush had the chance and deliberately let him get away. He’s in the Saudi royal family. The Saudis are our friends.

  19. Rabble Rouser says:

    It’s not to the Republicans’ advantage to get bin Laden. With bin Laden caught, there’s no more bogeyman left to scare us, and they can’t play the fear card as much.

    Personally, I think that bin Laden is on the ranch in Crawford, “cuttin’ brush.”

  20. kafka says:

    Come now Gasparrini… I never said I was offended by your post. I just found it pointless and juvenile and wondered if it was the best you could do. Apparently it is.


  21. Proud Alien says:


  22. mxpwr03 says:

    I’m not sure what to degrade, the loony website that qualifies under Mr. Dvorak’s “black letter’s on a red background with animated .gifs,” the lack of understanding as to whom constitutes major terrorist as seen in that list (ever hear of Mullah Dadullah who’s last view was looking upward and seeing a JDAM), or the plethora of people who actually believe, or put weight in the notion of other people believing, that dialysis-bag-tooten Osama is a “boogeyman.”

  23. Gasparrini says:

    #22, Why so sensitive about this post?

    Did I touch a nerve?


  24. tikiloungelizard says:

    Al Zarqawi and Al Zawahiri wouldn’t even have been on our radar (or anyone’s, for that matter) if BushCo. hadn’t taken our soldiers and tax dollars to dump into the Iraqi sandbox. As for Bin Laden, to quote Bush, “I don’t know where he is. I — I’ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him”. So much for him being on Bush’s “to get” list. As was stated earlier, the only “to get” for BushCo is moolah for his friends.

  25. mxpwr03 says:

    Actually Tikiloungelizard, Zarqawi was a known and wanted terrorist because of his anti-U.S. & Northern Alliance actions during the U.S. lead invasion of Afghanistan, where he received a complementary leg wound from a m-4. As far as Zawahiri, he has been a known sponsor of terrorism and on the U.S. watch list since his days in the Muslim Brotherhood, but his current fame started in the 1990’s. Nice try though.

  26. Axtell says:

    What’s even funnier is that neither one of those lists represents those parties main goals. If Bin Laden was actually on that list, why in the hell didn’t we stay in Afghanistan to capture/kill him?

  27. bobbo says:

    My initial reaction was here we go with another “false dichotomy.”–No reason both parties can’t do both. But Jeff at Post #1 pre-empted that and then Post #9 by moss finished the subject.

    How long a list can any of us make about the needs of the GOUSA that need to be addressed by our Government – – – but aren’t? I got 10 in a rush of disgust.

    Could a pod of Orca’s be any smarter than this group of meat eaters?

  28. mxpwr03 says:

    Just to plug “Ghost Wars” by Steve Coll a lil’ bit, which everyone should read,…
    “In addition to the submarine order Clinton signed a Top Secret “Memorandum of Notification” within days of the embassy bombings to authorize the CIA or its agents to use lethal force if necessary in an attempt to capture bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and several other top lieutenants” (Coll 423 if you have the paper back). The author goes on further to detail the attention that President Clinton paid towards the Egyptian doctor, mainly his roots in the Muslim Brotherhood, and later actions.

  29. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #20 – Clinton had bin Laden handed to him and threw him back also – so you’re right, no one has him on the list.

    The Real lists:

    Democrats – Fill my pockets at the expense of the voters.
    Republicans – Fill my pockets at the expense of the voters.

  30. bobbo says:

    31–The neocons/repugnicks really have been a plague on our national security. They lambasted Clinton for the steps he took to secure GOUSA and came into office with no intention of doing anything except Grab Money. They ignored the very threats they criticized Clinton for taking action on until 911- – – then 180 change in direction but with the same ham fisted grab money orientation they stole into office with.

    No border security, jobs outsourced, christian banality still at the heart of foreign intelligence collection, trade deficits, trade deals with our major competitors in this world–IE–China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan too although thats more complicated. It all goes to politicians being more interested in pandering to the people rather than actually doing whats needed. Since they all do it, must be “our” fault. and to a large degree, it is.


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