

Ana Garcia was mowing her lawn last Friday when her sister, Emily, saw something odd on Garcia’s fence in her backyard. “She said, ‘Ana, you’ve got to come over here,'” Garcia said. “‘What do you see?'” Garcia replied, “Oh my God, that’s Jesus!”

It may be said that Jesus is in the eye of the beholder. Some may swear it’s a likeness of the Son of God on her fence on South Hutchins Street, while others will think it’s just her imagination. “It’s bizarre, it’s a mystery, but I’m a true believer that he’s around us,” Garcia said.

But Jesus doesn’t seem to have a nose… No word yet on whether the fence will be sliced up and sold on e-Bay.

  1. flyingelvis says:


  2. BubbaRay says:

    If I skywrite Jesus’ face with an aerobatic plane near some cumulus clouds and have it photographed from the ground from various angles, could I sell the prints to suckers on eBay?

    Oh boy, a new use for some paraffin oil!

  3. John Hattan says:

    At least now we know what Jesus was doing while everyone was praying for those miners to be rescued.

  4. Elvis Presley says:

    That is one ugly man in the Nike t-shirt.

  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    Shame no one really knows what Jesus looks like. For all we know Osama bin Laden could be a dead ringer for Jesus! Wouldn’t that be a kick in the head! LOL


  6. Don Knots says:

    Knock not knot
    Who’s there?
    Knot Jesus
    Knot Jesus, who?
    It’s Knot Jesus you knot head

  7. undissembled says:

    Over-religious Mexicanos.

  8. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    This particular Jesus appears to have a Unibrow.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>But Jesus doesn’t seem to have a nose…

    Of course he does, you idolator! That’s a Breathe-Right strip adhered to his nose, so you can’t see it in the knot.

  10. RBG says:

    Ah, does Jesus look like Homer Simpson to anyone else?


  11. KVolk says:

    This is a knotty issue in my o-pine-ion.

  12. Daniel T says:

    Unbelievable funny comments. Put a religious icon in the news, and geeks really know how to satire it. I love it!

  13. cheese says:

    Is there any evidence to the contrary that HE does not actually look like Homer Simpson?

  14. Rabble Rouser says:

    What happened to the turd that was in the shape of Jesus?

  15. Al Z says:

    We see symbols in objects based upon our beliefs and experiences. If you want to believe that is Jesus, you will. I think it looks more like someone wearing a do-rag on their head.

  16. will says:

    Jesus also has a visual prosthesus ( a la jordi la forge)

  17. Peter Rodwell says:

    #5: Shame no one really knows what Jesus looks like.

    Wrong! After Jesus overturned the moneychangers’ tables in the Temple, the Romans issued their equivalent of a “Wanted” poster for him, a copy of which still exists and contains a physical description of him: sparse hair and beard, very short, long thin face with long, prominent nose, eyebrows that meet in the middle and hunchbacked.

    All these crazies who think they’re seeing Jesus’s face everywhere are simply imagining their idea of a much later Romantic interpretation of what a European might have looked like had he journeyed to the Middle East around 100 BCE to 100 CE.

  18. Mike says:

    Looks more like “Macho Man” Randy Savage to me. Snap into a Slim Jim!

  19. bill says:

    Could it be that ‘other guy’?

  20. RBG says:

    Great. Now I’m seeing the face of Wallace (of Wallace & Gromit) in the lady’s fingers. Somebody stop me.


  21. julieb says:

    It’s Richard Dawkins

  22. meetsy says:

    I was in a restroom at the airport….and after this huge dump, I looked back, and saw in the bowl, and half digested corn that was arranged ina way that there was a very clear Jesus’ face and next to him was the Virgin Mary…holy sh*t….said I. A FAMILY PORTRAIT! Before I could fish it out……the automatic flush mechanism wisked it away.
    Damn, I thought, for sure, I’d make a bundle on ebay.

  23. NappyHeadedHo says:

    It’s a biker!

  24. tallwookie says:

    I see Chewbacca – does that mean i’m evil?

  25. ben says:

    It’s clearly an oldschool Cylon with mullet disguise pack No. 4

  26. Glenn E says:

    I can’t see Jesus appearing in a noseless mugshot (in profile), only from the chin up, on a weather-beaten wooden fence. The “knot” has probably been there since the fence went up. It was only just notice recently, by someone kinda looking for Jesus to appear. If you look closely at it, you’ll see that the image’s hair is thinning on top. Does Jesus need a rug? And what’s that hovering just off his forehead? A bug screen? Pry the board away to see if he’s riding a motorbike. A “Terminator” Jesus?!


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