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  1. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #61 – MM,

    Any of these sound like Somali? If anything, on that site they’d just be listed as African. How about Kosher Vegetarian Indian restaurants? I can point to an area with 3 within a few blocks of each other.

    Yes, it’s overkill. But, food is good. Thank you food for dying so we could eat.

    Food is a big part of New York’s zeitgeist. Many new yorkers, while walking home from a restaurant, will continue to look for other new restaurants the whole way home. And, it is really nice to just be able to go out to eat without picking a place first and just take a walk until you find someplace that looks good and give it a try, could be 10 blocks, could be 100. Usually, when I walk 100 blocks, I do have a destination in mind, but not necessarily, or maybe just a neighborhood.


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